in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


It was the apostle Paul who gave this advice in the letter to the congregation in Ephesus: "If you are angry, do not make it worse by remaining implacable, do not let the sun go down without your forgiveness." (Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 26) . For many generations, this recommendation became a proverb. Now, researchers at Beijing Pedagogical University have shown that biblical stimulation also makes sense neurologically.

How the brain works

While we sleep, our brain orders memories and places them in long-term memory. This is nice with positive experiences, but also negative things can be anchored in us by the dream. According to scientists, it is very difficult to get rid of unwanted memories.

For one study, subjects showed images showing people with severe facial expressions, crying babies and corpses. The study participants had slept immediately after, they could no longer displace the negative image well. The brain scans revealed the reason: half an hour after the test, the hippocampus was active, an area of ​​the brain responsible for short-term memory and memory formation. The next morning, several regions of the cerebral cortex worked, for example, to feel and consciousness, called long-term memory.

But how can you apply these findings in a practical way?

To deal with anger and anger

Anger is a normal human reaction. But if you can not handle it, it will hurt you more. The problem: most people believe they are entitled to these negative feelings and stick to it. You feel attacked, hurt, not respected.

Unfortunately, anger does not help at all. Keep in mind: I do not like the situation or the words of the other person. But when I get angry, it does not improve. The driver of the car in front of you will not drive faster, your children will not be cleaner, your colleagues will not be diligent. On the contrary, if you get angry, you still suffer for the other's mistakes. Learn to deal with your feelings. Go outdoors for a moment, proclaim your feelings to God. Give him everything that moves you. And then you realize that God sees you, loves you and cares for you.

Reconcile before going to bed

It is poisonous for relationships to postpone reconciliation the next day. That does not mean that one accepts differences of opinion and silences. It means rather: I separated my feelings from the problems. I renounce my right to offend myself, to get angry. I decide to forgive the other and find a common path.

Sleep well and with a little distance you can tackle the difficulties the next day and see how to resolve the discrepancies. But with reconciliation you should not wait long. This not only recommends science but also the Bible, which is our book of life and behavior par excellence.

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Beautiful reflection, sister Lorennys, we often neglect that order of the Lord in the Bible. Prolonged anger causes a lot of damage.

Certainly, anger does not produce the righteous life that God wants; therefore, the Bible continually teaches about forgiveness. Good teaching dear Lorennys