in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

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Hi steemians, you'll have to learn how perhaps one can be tempted and how to flee from it.
Temptation is an act of been lured or pressurized to engage in something inappropriate and it can lead to sin.

Examples of people tempted

  • Jesus christ in the Bible was pressurized by Satan to turn stone to bread in(Matthew 4v1-11), after 40days of fasting and praying, the devil told Jesus to turn stones to bread, knowing fully well that Jesus was hungry and needs something to eat at that moment.

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  • Joseph in the Bible also was tempted by his masters wife, to sleep with him been an handsome guy and good to look upon! She deceived him to her bedroom to lie with her, for she knew it was only the two of them in the house.

  • Late president Mandela of South Africa was tempted by their countries government with money, even when he was fighting for the right of his people, the masses, for they believe he will keep shut after offering him the money.

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*Judas Iscariot was tempted by the pharisees in the Bible with money to betray Jesus his master, in order to arrest and persecute Jesus, because they know that he is a covetous person.

  • I was tested and persuaded by my siblings to misbehave and go into conflict, because they believe they are more influential and stronger than myself

  • Even you must have been tempted one way or the other that you will always remember and can share with others anytime, any day.

How temptation comes

  • When you have vowed never to be involved in fornication again, but a beautiful lady is dancing around you daily in your office, that is temptation!

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  • Your salary has not been paid for months, and you are dead broke, meanwhile opportunities to now embezzle and steal money from your office now showface, that is temptation.

  • You always prefer soft drinks, and on outing with your friends, they vowed never to buy you soft drink and you are without cash to buy yourself one, and they still tells you, beer doesn't intoxicated the way you think, that is temptation!

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  • You have decided to expose corrupt practices in your company, and your boss offers you huge sum of money, and also threatens to deal with you if you didn't comply with them, that is temptation!

  • You make resolutions that you won't steal again, and your robbery gang told you that this last operation involves cash you have never seen before in your entire life, and that after that last operation, you can quit, that is temptation!

  • You are due for promoting and even desperate about it, and a colleague introduced you to an herbalist to that will force the authority to consider your promotion, that is temptation!

  • You promised never to cheat your husband in marriage, but your man is broke and a rich man is proposing to you, to be his girlfriend, and that he will pay you handsomely, that is temptation.

  • You use to be very fervent and up and doing in your church, that everyone recognizes you, but suddenly a rich guy came to the same church and not even as active as you are, but you are gradually becoming irrelevant to them, and they begin to sideline you, that is temptation!

  • Your family is very poor, but your rich friends you approached for assistance, tells you to join their cult before they can help, and even promised you more, that is temptation!

You can be tempted in uncountable ways and it's even common to man, because it's what nature brings.

How to overcome temptations

  • Know the conciquencies if fell into temptation
    *Run away from every appearances of temptation
  • Study the word of God, to know what God is saying concerning temptation.
  • Pray never to fall into temptation, and ask for the grace to stand and overcome temptation.
  • Pray for holy spirit to reveal to you when temptation is around the corner, in order to prepare yourself.
  • Avoid the gathering of tempers, who always engage in bad activities.
    I hope you have learn one or two things here on what temptation is, how it comes, and ways to overcome it.
    Temptation will surely come, but you will overcome, as you upvote, re steem, follow and comment to this post @madefax007

Credit :all image sources

I appreciate all my sources of inspiration @bue, @steemchurch, @ibb, @utopian-io, @pharesim, @naijaboost and others i followed and the ones following me @madefax007

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