When the youth of the church are constant the result will be what John wrote years later: "I have written to you, young people, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one". Young man, how strong are you in the things of the Lord?
This title is taken from the name Eutychus, whose Greek root means: "Well nourished, fortunate, with good to come, happy". I have read several preachings about Eutychus, but I must confess that everything that has been said about this singular biblical character is almost always negative. But Eutych can rather represent the young people who seek and love the Lord from the heart, even if they have their personal struggles.
The term that is used to talk about their age is "neannias" that would be someone between twelve and fourteen years old. That age is of someone who is in full development and has a limitation to maintain attention and resist so long. On the other hand, the term "sitting in the window", according to the original text, suggests that he did not take that place for a personal whim, but had been sitting there to hear the word, perhaps because of the crowded of the place.
This raises the fact that this man was put in a situation of high risk. Where are we placing our youth today? Also note that the expression "surrendered from a deep sleep," or "overcome from sleep," suggests that he did not come to the window to sleep.
I came to the window to listen, but I began a great struggle not to fall asleep. The word dream here is "upne" where the word hypnotism comes from. Have you been through those times? Have you had those struggles especially when you know your responsibility? Finally, we see that this was the place when he fell. I was in the house of the Lord. I went there to look for life and I met death.
In this there is something that we must attend urgently when we think of our young people: do not expect them to fail to raise them, let's take care of them now. Why is our youth a great fortune for our church and why should we take care of them?
A Lucky Youth is one who meets with the saints on the Lord's Day
- What a blessing to be in the house of the Lord. Among the group that had met that first day of the week (Sunday) was young Eutychus.
He made the decision to be in the place and on the right day when the people of God met to worship.
Despite his age he chose to be in the meeting of the saints. He decided to be with all of them to celebrate the death, resurrection and second coming of the Lord when the disciples met "to break the bread
This confirms that Eutychus was a consecrated young Christian and with a keen interest in the things of the Lord. Where are some young Christians on the Lord's day? It is known that some prefer to go to the movies, to the beach, to see some game or simply to stay at home sleeping in an indifferent way on the Lord's day.
Young people have been a vital part of the church from the beginning. Keep in mind that those who brought Ananias and Sapphira out of the gathering of the saints were young. That already spoke of the presence of them in the cults of the Lord. The young Christian must make the decision of the psalmist:
"For a day is better in your courts than a thousand outside of them.
I would choose before to be at the door of the house of my God,
That dwell in the abodes of evil. "
Salt. 84:10
The young man who loves the gathering of the saints is counted as a lucky young man. It is a great privilege that we have young "Euticos".
- Gathering makes them strong (1 John 2:24). The presence of Eutychus in the service, listening to Paul's long sermon, indicated that he was a constant young man. Take into account that he fell was in a house of the Lord. He did not fall in the world, where many fall continuously. Observe the phrase "and they took the young man alive, and they were greatly consoled." This statement seems to indicate that this young man went alone to that meeting.
If this was the case, some questions would fit. Who was watching him there in the window when he started nodding sleep? It was already a blessing that he had reunited with the brothers. So bringing Eutico alive was a great comfort to them and of course to their parents. Do you know what it would take to bring the dead son to the parents? It should be noted that Eutico was a young constate and this is what we most desire in today's youth.
When the youth of the church are constant the result will be what John wrote years later: "I have written to you, young people, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one". Young man, how strong are you in the things of the Lord? What prevents you from being constant to serve the Lord in what he asks of you?
A fortunate youth is one who strives to hear the Word of God, even if it is long
- Strive to listen . This verse is very descriptive in this story. There are two different words that show us the effort made by Eutychus to stay awake, but he could not. The first word is "surrendered" and the other is "defeated".
These two words in the Greek have the same root of the word "katafero" which means, bring something down or put it against something. Both words are used when someone is in a previous fight.
That means that this boy struggled, struggled, struggled to the point of not falling asleep despite Pablo's long dissertation. We live in a time where most young people do not fight, nor do they strive for good things like Eutychus.
They want everything easy and that is why today many live their own misfortunes. They want easy and fast money, they want an easy career, they want to get an easy girlfriend, an easy car. And living in such neglect brings as a result that a good group do not want to study, or work and finally do not want to get married.
The young Christian is called to strive. The order is "look I'm sending you to make an effort ..." The effort that the young Christian must make is to listen to the word. But also strive to study and apply it.
- Strive despite fatigue. Consider the following. The place where they were gathered was crowded with people, therefore, the heat had to be unbearable and the amount of lamps would further increase the temperature.
So the heat was simply suffocating and suffocating. Why not suppose that Eutychus was looking for some fresh air coming from the Aegean Sea, since Troas was a maritime city? So despite the inconvenience of the place that young man was in the meeting.
Today we are witnessing a generation that is most looking for comfort, and yet they are not willing to strive to be in the things of the Lord. On the other hand, consider this detail in the life of Eutychus.
He attended the night service, because apparently everyone worked there and that was the best time. Would Eutico also work? On the other hand, note that the worship was not one or two hours.
We are told that Paul "extended his preaching" until midnight. We all know that the best times to stay awake are in the morning. The night was made for the well-deserved rest. Every night he puts forth a great effort. How far do I strive to be awake in the things of the Lord?
A Lucky Youth is one who values his Second Chance
- It is necessary to feel pain from the one who falls . The word for "alarmed" is thorubeo which means tumult, cause confusion, fuss or cry with great fear. Thus they wept at that time, and thus they mourned for the young Eutychus. The way they cried to this young man reveals to us the character he possessed.
He was someone very loved. We must have a great love for our young people. Let's hold them in very high esteem because all of us who are adults today can remember how important was the support that others gave us in those times.
Nothing has more value in the Christian life than having brothers who appreciate us highly. And if it is our young people, the issue is even greater. The apostle Paul is going to put it this way: "Brethren, if anyone is caught in any fault, you who are spiritual, restore him with a spirit of meekness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted" (Gal. 6). :1).
The pain that the brothers of Troas had for the fall of Eutychus must be the same sorrow of the church for the young man today. In every young Christian there is an incalculable fortune. It is the duty of the church to support them, support them, guide them and ensure they do not fall.
- The value of the new opportunity. Pablo knew that this fall was mortal, but he did not get alarmed like the others. In the best style of his Master when Lazarus died, he descended to resuscitate the dead so that this event would bring more honor and glory to the name of the Lord. If we review all the other cases, Pablo has been the only person who broke the record of resuscitating someone in the shortest time.
Like the prophets of old he threw himself on Eutychus, and instantly the boy was alive. But note that Paul did not dismiss the cult at that time (Acts 20:11). The opportunity was unique. Now everyone is more awake.
Now Eutychus is listening more closely to Paul until dawn. He is a lucky young man. He lived up to his name of "well-fed, fortunate, with good to come, happy".
The resurrection of Eutych shows us the value of the new opportunity. Why was Eutychus resurrected? Because he had not yet fulfilled his purpose for which he was born. Beloved young man, the Lord presents every opportunity for you to fulfill the purpose for which you were saved. Get up today to be of comfort to all. Do not live in indifference.
A lucky young man is one who lives to be consoled to those who love him
The last text of this passage says that the young man was taken alive and all were consoled . This has a lot of meaning. Young people do not always live to be of consolation and blessing for others, especially for their family, parents and siblings.
It is known of parents who live in great frustration due to the continuous disobedience and the bad behavior of their children. Because of the reference we have made about Eutychus' life, he was already a blessing for the church. We imagine him as a young man, ready, attentive and helpful.
The church loved him very much, however, after this experience the church loved him more. When everyone thought that they would no longer count on his presence in their services and would not see him more involved in the activities where he was probably already serving, to have raised him up was to raise him up for greater and greater purposes.
We do not know what happened to Eutychus, but we are convinced that his life, according to the meaning of his name, was an extreme blessing for all those who had to serve and minister. It would not be strange that after that Eutychic experience he consecrated his life totally to Christ and consolidated himself as a worker for his kingdom.
My beloved ones, let's see in each young person who is among us future servants of the Lord. Let's make sure they are well "seated" in the house of the Lord.
The present story told so vividly by Luke, as if it were a witness, was not written to put Eutychus to shame. We have already said that instead of having a negative image for having fallen asleep in the cult, his life presents us with the "fortune" of having been a young believer. So that young man was not indifferent and apathetic to the things of the Lord.
The decision to be in the meeting place, the effort to stay awake and the reactions to his death, proves that he was a young man with a deep love for the Lord.
Are you a young man like Eutychus, consecrated to the Lord, even if you are affected by the circumstances of life such as smoke, heat, fatigue? How can you become a different young man? On the one hand, consider how important the church is to you. This is where you will form and grow spiritually. On the other hand, pay attention to the Word of God.
The psalmist asked himself: "With what will the young man clean his way?" And his answer was: "With keeping your word," but keeping it in one's heart "so as not to sin against you" (Psalm 119: 10, 11).
And, finally, you will become a different young person as long as you leave a positive mark on those around you. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
We dare to say that the life of Eutychus after the resurrection became the greatest fortune for the people who knew him, including his family. Young beloved, you can make a difference in this time.
You are the possessor of an immense fortune. Get up today from where you are. Have your church be pleasantly comforted with your testimony.
Wow,this is really awesome and great,the youth are important in the church and also the society,they play a major role and should not be ignored,1 Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
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