The three levels of Christian life

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)



"... And it came to pass, as Jesus was by the lake of Genesareth, that the multitude gathered upon him to hear the word of God. 2 And he saw two boats that were near the shore of the lake; and the fishermen, having descended from them, washed their nets ... "Verss. 1-2

*On the shore he preached to the people (only the listeners are seen). On the shore is the foam but regularly goes very fast.
*On the shore there were many people listening (only hear)
*On the shore people are looking for a miracle (they are expectant)
*There is not much commitment


"... And entering one of those boats, which belonged to Simon, he begged him to remove it from the ground a little; and sitting down, he taught the crowd from the boat ... "Vers. 3

He told Pedro to take him a little further away

He began to teach (disciples are needed)
They washed the nets (SIG, we already do something for God)
The frustrated disciples (the Igl. It can have many activities but without fruits)



"... When he finished speaking, he said to Simon," Boga out to sea, and cast your nets to fish. 5 Simon answered and said to him, "Master, we have been working all night, and we have caught nothing. but in your word I will cast the net ... "Verss. 4-5

*God asks you for action (to practice in depth what we learned)
*God challenges you (he challenged Peter because he had not caught anything) only God challenges you on the third level
*God gives you a commandment (cast the net) Obey
*It's not if I want to, if I feel or not
*God gives you a specific word (In your word I'll throw the net)
*When finances say no, God says yes
*When the doctor says no, God says yes
*Obedience is seen at this level
*Pedro obeyed his word
*God supports you when we obey
Abundant fruit (for obedience)

"... And having done so, they enclosed a large quantity of fish, and their net was broken. 7 Then they signaled to the companions who were in the other boat, to come and help them; and they came, and they filled both boats, so that they sank ... "Verss. 6-7


God gives us abundant fruit to share (he called other boats)

A change of focus
Just look at Jesus
He does not care about fish, miracles, blessings
Only the love of Jesus
Fear fell on them (respect)

"... Seeing this Simon Peter fell on his knees before Jesus, saying: Get away from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man. 9 For because of the fishing they had done, fear had overtaken him, and all who were with him, 10 and also of James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's companions. But Jesus said to Simon, "Do not fear; from now on you will be a fisher of men. 11 And when they brought the boats to land, leaving everything, they followed him ... "Verss. 8-11

This happens when we see the holiness of God
We see God as we never saw him
We do not want to talk about what we used to talk about (out of respect for Him)
I do not want to go where I was before (out of respect for Him)
I just want to walk near Him


God gives you another direction in your life. "... But Jesus said to Simon: Do not fear; from now on you will be a fisher of men ... "

Pedro left the nets, left the boat, and began to walk closer to Jesus. Listen to the direction that Jesus gives you for your life, leave everything aside, and begin to walk with Him.

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It is good to reflect on what level we are on the shore of the boat in the boat or in the sea, where God wants us to be in full action bearing fruit. Thanks for sharing

thanks greetings brother

If we walk with the Lord, our path will be safe, we will be able to defeat any obstacle that comes our way and He will be our defender and protector in our journey.

amen blessed-girl

God knows what is benefitial to mankind,but we normally take our way.

amen, grettings