STEEMCHURCH FARMS: Food provider, No to malnutrition!

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Hello friends of steemit, and the great family of brothers of the steemchurch community, which grows more and more from the hand of God because of the great desire to help many people in the world. Thanks to the majestic gentleman @sirknight who enlarges this community and for the contribution in Steem will feed the world project.

Because the theme and main objective of this project is important? : Food


Food is the set of processes that allows organisms to use and transform nutrients to stay alive. The feeding will depend to a great extent on the human being leading a healthy life.

An adequate and balanced diet should be distributed as follows:

Carbohydrates 55 to 60%
Protein 12% to 15%
Lipids 25 to 30%.

Food is the habit that most influences health. Both the lack of food and the excess of them is harmful to health, therefore the appropriate amounts for each individual must be consumed.

A poorly balanced diet can cause problems in the preservation of body tissues, growth and development, the functioning of the nervous system and the brain, as well as problems in the muscular and skeletal system.

Food is a universal right, which means that every man, woman, child, has the right to receive food regardless of their status and geographical position in the world.

This point is very important because in many parts of the world there are millions of people who lack the food to maintain a balanced diet due to multiple social, economic, political, scarcity, etc. factors. My country, Venezuela is being affected by this scourge of lack of food due to shortage, lack of production and lack of economic resources to obtain those that are found because the salaries do not allow to cover a single food of the basic food basket. food due to high inflation.

Thanks to the steemit community, and to steemchurch many people in the world can benefit from income to improve their nutrition.

What does our body say


From the clinical point of view, food deficiency manifests itself in different stages, which do not act immediately but progressively. From the quantitative point of view when there is a lack of calories according to the energy expenditure, the lack is reflected in the loss of weight; in the absence of a balance between what is being spent and what is needed, the body loses its reserves to be able to fulfill all its activities.

On the other hand, when the person supplements the consumption of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins, with large amounts of carbohydrates, the first symptom is not the loss of weight; normally the weight is increased by the excessive intake of carbohydrates, but the person, being deficient of the other nutrients, may present some symptoms such as: paleness, anemia, brittle nails, hair loss and dryness, among others.

The secret: combining, the secret to eating well in times of crisis is to learn to combine food. "Before when we had all the resources, we Venezuelans did not know how to feed ourselves correctly either. Now we are obliged to the new alternatives but there are many who still do not adapt to these habits or do not know what they are and how to prepare the substitutes ".

In this time of food crisis, citizens must try to weigh the shortage of food and its high prices, compensating those products that can no longer be purchased, with some at a lower price that have the same effect on the body and possess similar nutrients.

"We have to strengthen our immune system with good nutrition. It is common for the Venezuelan to be with his lower defenses, suffer from affections and feel discouraged; that is the body's response to how we are treating it. In this case creativity is the secret. "

I give you some tips on how to replace some foods:Food in crisis time


Substitute of flour

Not only is precooked flour necessary to make some rich arepas. Experts warn that there are hundreds of recipes that work as a substitute for flour for traditional breakfasts.

-The arepas can be made with vegetables such as ocumo, yucca, auyama. The food is first sancocha, then a puree is made, and with that mass the arepas begin to form; No need to use a mill.

-Also in matters of nutrients, a banana can replace an arepa. Those who are accustomed to consume oats, and can not do it regularly because of its high price in the market, can surf that lack, consuming rice cream and preparing it as an atoll.

Proteins throughout

Although a traditional lunch in Venezuela is comprised of meat or chicken to supplement proteins, pasta and flour to consume carbohydrates, and banana as a complement, in many cases some of the nutrients are missing and a type of food is consumed in large quantities. supply the other; although in terms of food, consumers may be filling but not feeding properly.

In case you do not consume meats in any food, the best supplement would be to eat the carbohydrates combined with grains and cereals, it grants a completely correct substitution; In addition, if you add a bit of white cheese, the quality of the food is improved.

"You do not have to have a huge steak to feed us well, we do well with only a small amount of grains such as rice, an arepa, and as proteins we can consume an egg or grains."

The key is the vegetable

In a dinner you can cook tortillas with vegetables. Among the ingredients are: two eggs, zucchini, eggplant and cauliflower.

Among the most popular and practiced recipes is the roasted meat made of green banana shell, a vegetarian delicacy that ends up having the same appearance of beef protein after cutting the skin of the vegetable in fine threads, cooking in water, stepping with a fork, and cook in a sauce.

Cereals, grains and tubers should be consumed in all meals. Although the most consumed grains are rice, oats, cornmeal and wheat flour, you can also consume corn grains, oatmeal, fororo, split wheat, barley and rye as alternatives.

The point is that just like many of these vegetables that we can include in the diet and grains to supplement the proteins are still expensive in my country so I gave them an initiative that many of them are very easy to grow at home and lower costs.


That can be grown in the home: part 1

In our Venezuelan homes, many of us have patios that allow us to make simple plantings or orchards in our home, many of which can be done very easily and even in pots or porrones without the need of having a lot of land.

Growing plants in pots, containers, cultivation tables or even in sacks in a patio or terrace can be easy with these tips that we provide.

Growing potatoes or potatoes at home:


The potatoes or potatoes, Solanum tuberosum, are one of the most consumed foods in the whole world, it is used in many traditional recipes from all over the world, being very appreciated the properties of the potatoes.

1.- The potatoes themselves, although they are not seeds, can be used as if they were and cultivated directly. Cut the organic or organic potatoes (this will improve the appearance of sprouts) and place them on a tray in a cool place (well ventilated) where they receive sunlight. When you see that the buds are 3 centimeters long, we will begin to plant them.


2.- Choose pots, cultivation table, sacks or any container in which you will grow potatoes that have, ideally, 60 cm deep. Make some holes in the base so that the excess water can come out.

3.- Prepare the substrate on which you are going to plant the potatoes: place first, at the base, a layer with some stones of small and medium size. This will facilitate the drainage of the water. Then a thin layer of sand (about 3 centimeters thick) and continue filling the container, pot or bag with earth mixed with earthworm humus, leaving something less than half the empty container. That is, if the pot measures 50 cm, we will put the three layers occupying only 40 cm and the rest will be left unfilled. Make sure that the earth does not have large blocks or clods and that it is loose.

4.- Lightly water the pots the night before sowing.

5.- Make holes about 7 cm deep in the ground and place the potatoes or potatoes cut with the shoots towards. Then, cover it but not compact the earth.

6.- Regularly water the potatoes, but without going through them because they are sensitive to humidity and fungi can appear. If you want to know whether to water or not put your hand in the substrate: if it is wet do not water, if it is dry do it. It is advisable in the first phase of growth to put a mulch or mulch on the surface that will help maintain the necessary moisture to stimulate the growth of the shoots.

7.- As the plants grow, we will be adding layers of earth to cover the stems. We will do it this way until we reach the maximum height of the pot.

8.- Locate the sacks or the cultivation table in an area that receives full sun.

9.- Watch that no pests appear, beetles love potatoes or potatoes and are a common pest in this crop. The aphid and the whitefly are also common pests. Read how to prevent and fight pests in an ecological way.

10.- You can start harvesting the potatoes or potatoes when you see that the flowers begin to appear until the moment you notice them wither and dry. Depending on the growing conditions and the variety of potatoes, they will need more or less time to grow. In general, the harvest is carried out in a period of 3 to 5 months after sowing.

How to grow carrots at home


The good thing about carrots is that they can be sown or cultivated throughout the year and, in addition, they do not usually need excessive care. They grow fast and offer good satisfaction, so it can be, without a doubt, a fun task to share with our children.

1-The first thing we're going to do is take the carrots and cut the top part. It's so simple that, when you go to use a few to cook, just remember to reserve this part of the start of the vegetable instead of throwing it to organic waste.

2-Now, with these five parts of carrots, what we will do is put them in a container with water (see the image above). The idea is that they germinate, and they will do it after a few weeks.

3-Once they have germinated, we can proceed to plant them in our pot.

4-Remember to create an adequate drainage in it, with small gravel stones.

5-Carrots like the sun, so do not be afraid to leave the pot on the balcony all day.

6-You can water them a little, but enough once or twice a week. Remember to include in this water a few drops of liquid fertilizer. In this way, the carrots will grow strong and healthy.

7-For this reason, you will only have to attend the plant itself and wait for it to reach a length of between 5 and 8 cm.
Carrots take about two months to form.

When it comes to growing the carrots, it will be enough to reserve the top part and put it in water to germinate. Later we can plant it in a pot

Grow grains at home


1-The first thing you need is space: either a flowerpot, a gardener or in the garden. Choose your legumes: peas, red, white, black beans, whatever you want.

2-And you sow a grain with a distance of 15 cm between each plant and 60 cm between each row of beans.

3-When the plants are 5 cms or less, it will be advisable to put supports to keep them growing. As you climb the sticks, you should help the plant to stay curled on the stick to make its growth more stable.

4-Make sure the seeds get enough water, if it does not rain, water them once a day.

5-You can harvest when the pods are uniform in size and remember that the more constant you are to harvest, the more pods leave the plant.

There is a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and vegetables that can be grown in the home that I will give you the steps in other post.

Now an important point in this post is to describe that we can buy with 1 steem in my country, here I show some of the foods that can be purchased with 1 steem.

To conclude in these times of crisis we pray for all those who have no food at their table, for all the hungry children so that God will provide them with food.

Genesis 1:29 says, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every plant that gives seed, which is on all the earth, and every tree in which there is fruit and which gives seed, YOU WILL BE TO EAT".

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Very educative, and thanks for teaching us how to grow carrots in our various home and fight against poverty....... changes has to start from us,we can set back relax,waiting for the government to fix all our problem.


Food And Resource Management Systems ( @FARMS)

Thanks for teaching us how to grow vegetation in our homestead, marialara.
With FARMS,We shall be victorious in the Crusade against Poverty.

It is necessary that the Church of Jesuscript contribute to counteract hunger in the world, and this must be accompanied by the initiatory to train those who cry out for need of knowledge of the truth, teaching them skills and trades that allow them to sustain themselves, from That way is good and useful to society. good post.

very important, very necessary information, it should be a priority to combat hunger in the world, having a planet to which we can devote full attention to the use of the maximum of its resources

Farming is not just vita because they provide food and meat but also improves the economy which in turn boasts the standard of living

Excellent initiative, blessing for many, the word that God is the happy father, and this is what this great Lord @ SirKnight and @steechurch are a blessing to the world.
This is a great project! realized by @sirknight manager @abiye let's support all together !!! Glory to GodV
Farming is the hope of healthy living and a stabilize economy, thus this project shall bring an end to poverty and unhealthy living.
The Food And Resource Management System as a commercial agricultural operation will go a long way in affecting lives through employment and wealth generation.