A home for your heart

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

If you could ask something from God, what would you ask? David tells us what he would ask for. He longs to live in the house of God. My daughter recently invited a friend to spend the night with her. They did not have classes the next day, so we allowed them to stay up all they wanted.

Postponing the time to go to bed for a couple of seven-year-old girls is like releasing a convict from the death row. They both surpassed me.
I slept in my chair when I woke up, I realized it was almost midnight and they were still awake. "Well, girls," I informed them, "it's better that we go to sleep." They moaned all the time as they changed their clothes, brushed their teeth and went to bed. At that time our little guest asked to call her mom. At first we did not want to, but then his chin trembled, his eyes clouded, and knowing that we were a few moments away from an explosion, we passed him the phone.

I could imagine what was happening on the other side of the line: the phone rings in the dark, a mother, above her husband, fast asleep, takes the receiver.


The little girl did not even say "Hi". "Mommy, I want to go home." With a plush bear in one hand and the phone in the other, he pleaded his case. I was afraid to wake up in a strange room. This was not his house. He wanted his bed, his pillow and, above all, his mother.

I do not blame her When I travel, the hardest part of the trip is going to sleep. The pillow never looks good, the sheets are very ... very stiff. Besides, who knows who slept there last night? The curtains never close as to prevent the neon light from penetrating through the window. I need to get up early, but ... can I trust that the operator will wake me up in time?

After all, that night in Boise nobody woke me up and ... there go my thoughts that cover everything from the visit of Denalyn to the doctor going through the flight of tomorrow, to the tax declaration of the season. I would call home, but it's too late. I would go for a walk, but they might assault me. I could ask for food to be brought to my room, but I already ate. I would go home, but, well, I'm supposed to be an adult. Finally I sit on the bed, turn on the TV and start watching sports until my eyes burn and then after a while, I fall asleep.

I associate it with Sara's friend. When the body rest is reached, there is no house like one's.

I also associate it with the psalmist David. When it comes to soul rest, there is no place like the Great House of God. "What I ask of God, what I most desire," he wrote, "is the privilege to meditate in his Temple, to live in his presence every day of my life, to delight in his incomparable perfections and glory. There I will be when the tribulations come. He will hide me. He will put me on high rock. " (Psalm 27.4-5, the Bible a day).

If you could ask something from God, what would you ask? David tells us what he would ask for. He longs to live in the house of God. I emphasize the word live, because it deserves to be stressed. David does not want to talk. He does not want a cup of coffee in the back corridor. He does not ask for a meal, nor does he want to spend a night in the house of God. He wants to move with Him ... forever. Ask for your own room ... permanent. He does not want to settle in the house of God, he longs to retire there. It does not look for a temporary task, but a residence for a lifetime.

When David says: "In your house, O Lord, I will live forever" (Psalm 23.6, The Daily Bible), simply says that he never wants to take a step away from God. He wants to remain in the environment, in the atmosphere, in the awareness that he is in the house of God, wherever he is.

The Lord's Prayer is the floor plan of the House of God: a step-by-step description of how God meets our needs when we are in Him. This prayer describes everything that happens in a healthy home. Protection, instruction, forgiveness, provision ... everything happens under the roof of God.

"So, why are not there more people who feel protected, forgiven or educated?", You might ask.

My answer is as simple as direct is the question. Most have not learned to live in the house. Oh, we visited it. We come for the day or we arrive for a meal. But, dwell in it? This is the desire of God.

Remember the promise of his Son: "He who loves me heeds my word; and my Father will love him, and my Father and I will come to live with him. " (John 14.23). He wants to be the one in whom "we live, we move and we exist" (Acts 17.28, NIV).

Now I want to finish with an example of how this prayer can be a home for your heart. I still have a long way to go, but I am trying to learn to dwell in the Great House of God. The last seven days I took note of the moments when I took strength from somewhere in the house.

On Monday I was tired, physically exhausted, so I entered the chapel and said: "Yours is the power" and the Father reminded me that it was good to rest.

On Tuesday I had more to do than hours have the day. Instead of giving in to stress, I went into the kitchen and ordered our daily bread. It gave me strength and I managed to do everything.

On Wednesday I was in the kitchen again. I needed some ideas for a children's book. I went to the table and made a request. At the time of going to sleep I had the manuscript in draft.

We had a strategic staff meeting this week. We started with half an hour of prayer and worship during which I entered the observatory and then the chapel. I asked God that I had made the heavens to give me the assurance that the meeting was going well, and he did. I asked the holy God who is above us to guide me and he did it.

On one occasion I was impatient. I entered the corridor to ask God for grace to discover that I had already given it. At another moment I felt tempted, however, at the appropriate time a person with a word with a word of wisdom entered the room, and I remembered the thickness of the walls. Then I felt frustrated by a person's opinion. I did not know what to answer, so I went into the study, opened the Word and 1 Corinthians 13 reminded me: "Love is patient, it is kind".

I do not want to leave a false impression. There have been times when I have been worried instead of worshiping, there have been times when I told God what I had to have instead of trusting Him to fill my plate. But every day I learn to live in the Great House of God.

I hope you too. Take Paul's advice and pray "at all times". Make it your purpose never to leave the house of God. When you are overwhelmed by the accounts to be paid, go into God's kitchen. When you feel bad for making a mistake, look to the ceiling. When you visit a new client, pray silently upon entering the office: "Come your kingdom to this place." When you are in a tense meeting, enter mentally in the oven room and pray: "May the peace of heaven sit on the earth" when it is difficult to forgive the wife, take the check of the grace that God has given you.

My prayer for you is the same as Paul's: "Change our ways of thinking" (Romans 12.2). May the Holy Spirit transform your understanding. God allow you to feel so comfortable in your home that you never leave it. When you find yourself in another house, do what Sara's friend did: call home. Tell your Father that you can not rest in another house other than his own. He will not be bothered by the call. He will be waiting by the telephone.

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The house of God, our place of rest. We will never feel better anywhere other than our home. There esatn our aromas, our heat, There rests our heart.


The house that you can build for God is the one that He builds within you with the words that you accept. You can not embrace God, but His Word, living in you, makes House where He can fit. If you want to host God, you must receive his Word. Oh wonder of the Divine Word, that being with the Father and as the Father source of all glory, is also humble and pious, so much so as to come to the heart of man!
It is necessary, then, that you accept the Word with all the strength of its blessing for you, but also with all the strength of its consecration. In fact, the Word of Christ can not inhabit a being without sanctifying it, in the same way that fire can not be alive without heating and burning. There are those who want to be blessed by the Word, in the sense of receiving their goods, but do not long to be consecrated by the Word, in order to become good. They are more interested in enjoying the good than in attaining it, and by this disastrous division they close the keys of mercy, because God stops his gifts when the hands first become negligent, then irresponsible and finally aggressive.

Those who wants Gods blessings must be humble and they must be ready to do what he desires
God has made you with a purpose and it is left for you to give him your life.
The almighty God has made everything according to His power and be has hiven us power to conquar all our enemies and make good use of our lives.
Its good to be with the spirit and work in the parts of the holy spirit
The fruit of the holy spirit has always be with us in we have be doing.
Making right decision is by doing what the lord wants from you and taking your life towards the part of holiness towards doing the right thing at the right time with the love of Christ leading you.
Changing the world and making right descion can be done in fuseing the things you listed with the word of God and making a clear descision of the different between the good and the bad.
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The best house you can ever construct is your own heart, The very best home for yourself that you can create for God, and when His words abides in you, then you have given Him free access to your heart and when your heart is accessible to God, it become the house of God. if you never departed from the word of God, you are always in the house of God because that heart that contains His words is yours and for God

Like you said the holy spirt needs to transform my understanding, as Christians we must learn to pray to ask God for viable things, we should know that the things of the spirit are important in our lives that's why we must ask God to renew his spirit in us everyday and transform our lives, to be a refined believer, we need the fruit of the spirit in our lives we need God's unending mercies, his anoiting and his blessings upon our patched soul

Your character is essentially the sum of your habits; it is how you habitually act. The Bible says, “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness

Making right decision is by doing what the lord wants from you and taking your life towards the part of holiness towards doing the right thing at the right time with the love of Christ leading you.The house that you can work for God is the one that He works inside you with the words that you recognize. You can not get a handle on God, yet rather His Word, living in you, impacts House where He to can fit. If you need God, you ought to get his Word.

The house of the Lord is the best place to have peace and joy for our heart and all our needs met.

It is wise to always dwell in the presence of the Lord where there is all things in abundance.

Making the right decision to always be in God's presence is the best.

Thanks for sharing this.

We most times faced with challenges of making choices that could either make us to draw close to God or be far away from Him. It is wise to always dwell in the presence of God where we have everything in abundance.
David know the important of always be in God's presence that's why he delight in always be in the house of the Lord.

We need the help of the Holy Spirit to keei guiding us to for that which is pleasant to God.

In the excitement of this new relationship, I said to Jesus Christ, "Lord, I want to give you this heart of mine, I want you to locate yourself here and let this be your home, everything I have belongs to you. Let me show you the house."

We often talk about “inviting Christ into your heart,” but it may surprise you to learn that this is the only text in the New Testament that uses that sort of imagery, and it refers to Christ dwelling in the hearts of those who were already believers. It is not an evangelistic verse. In Revelation 3:20, Christ pictures Himself as standing at the door and knocking. He promises to come in and dine with anyone that opens the door. But the text never states that it is the door to your heart. And, He is speaking to those in the church of Laodicea, who already professed to be Christians. We may argue that they were not genuine believers. But in any case, they were associated with the church.

Great post, I strongly support you on this "The Lord's Prayer is the floor plan of the House of God: a step-by-step description of how God meets our needs when we are in Him. This prayer describes everything that happens in a healthy home. Protection, instruction, forgiveness, provision ... everything happens under the roof of God."

With regard to Jesus Christ dwelling in our hearts, the first part of that duty applies to us: we need to make Christ feel at home in our hearts, invite him to stay so we can have peace!!

The house that you can work for God is the one that He works inside you with the words that you acknowledge. You can not grasp God, but rather His Word, living in you, influences House where He to can fit. In the event that you need to have God, you should get his Word.

One afternoon I invited Jesus Christ to my heart. Something happened at the center of my life. He came to the darkness of my heart and turned on the light. He lit a fire and put away the cold. He lit music where there was silence, and filled the void with his beautiful and loving friendship. I have never regretted having opened the door to Christ, nor will I ever regret it.
In the excitement of this new relationship, I said to Jesus Christ, "Lord, I want to give you this heart of mine, I want you to locate yourself here and let this be your home, everything I have belongs to you. Let me show you the house."

When ww are overwhelmed by the accounts to be paid, go into God's kitchen. When you feel bad for making a mistake, look to the ceiling. When you visit a new client, pray silently upon entering the office: "Come your kingdom to this place." When you are in a tense meeting, enter mentally in the oven room and pray: "May the peace of heaven sit on the earth" when it is difficult to forgive the wife, take the check of the grace that God has given you.

What better home can 1 ask for other than having his creator as his beloved father, in the house of peace, love and joy in its fullness.

I went out on excursion with my course mates one day, we lodged into a large hotel, I must say way better than my house, yet I couldn't sleep for more than 3hours I woke up, I just wasn't comfortable, unlike me that my parents usually beg to get up from sleep. Hmmm irrespective of the good conducive environment my body wasn't comfortable.

That's how we should be in the absence of our father.


With regard to Jesus Christ dwelling in our hearts, the first part of that duty applies to us: we need to make Christ feel at home in our hearts. The second part does not apply to Christ, because He does not come into our hearts as a guest, but as the rightful owner. He bought us with His blood. When He comes to dwell in our hearts, He is taking possession of that which is rightfully His.

We often talk about “inviting Christ into your heart,” but it may surprise you to learn that this is the only text in the New Testament that uses that sort of imagery, and it refers to Christ dwelling in the hearts of those who were already believers. It is not an evangelistic verse. In Revelation 3:20, Christ pictures Himself as standing at the door and knocking. He promises to come in and dine with anyone that opens the door. But the text never states that it is the door to your heart. And, He is speaking to those in the church of Laodicea, who already professed to be Christians. We may argue that they were not genuine believers. But in any case, they were associated with the church.

With regard to Jesus Christ dwelling in our hearts, the first part of that duty applies to us: we need to make Christ feel at home in our hearts. The second part does not apply to Christ, because He does not come into our hearts as a guest, but as the rightful owner. He bought us with His blood. When He comes to dwell in our hearts, He is taking possession of that which is rightfully His.

We often talk about “inviting Christ into your heart,” but it may surprise you to learn that this is the only text in the New Testament that uses that sort of imagery, and it refers to Christ dwelling in the hearts of those who were already believers. It is not an evangelistic verse. In Revelation 3:20, Christ pictures Himself as standing at the door and knocking. He promises to come in and dine with anyone that opens the door. But the text never states that it is the door to your heart. And, He is speaking to those in the church of Laodicea, who already professed to be Christians. We may argue that they were not genuine believers. But in any case, they were associated with the church.

We should not be content with the knowledge of God alone but we should insist on experiencing his presence.

With respect to Jesus Christ abiding in our souls, the initial segment of that obligation applies to us: we have to influence Christ to feel at home in our souls. The second part does not have any significant bearing to Christ, since He doesn't come into our souls as a visitor, however as the legitimate proprietor. He got us with His blood. When He comes to stay in our souls, He is claiming what is legitimately His.

The house that you can work for God is the one that He works inside you with the words that you acknowledge. You can not grasp God, but rather His Word, living in you, influences House where He to can fit. In the event that you need to have God, you should get his Word. Gracious ponder of the Divine Word, that being with the Father and as the Father wellspring of all grandness, is likewise modest and devout, to such an extent as to go to the core of man!

It is fundamental, at that point, that you acknowledge the Word with all the quality of its approval for you, yet in addition with all the quality of its sanctification. Indeed, the Word of Christ can not possess a being without blessing it, similarly that fire can not be alive without warming and consuming. There are the individuals who need to be honored by the Word, in the feeling of getting their merchandise, however don't long to be sanctified by the Word, with a specific end goal to wind up great. They are more keen on getting a charge out of the great than in achieving it, and by this sad division they close the keys of leniency, since God stops his endowments when the hands initially wind up careless, at that point untrustworthy lastly forceful.

The house that you can work for God is the one that He works inside you with the words that you recognize. You can not get a handle on God, yet rather His Word, living in you, impacts House where He to can fit. If you need God, you ought to get his Word.

Your character is basically the total of your propensities; it is the means by which you constantly act. The Bible says, "Put on the better and brighter self, made to resemble God in evident nobility and blessedness