in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


The birth of Jesus must have been a tragedy for Joseph. When Jose finds out that Maria was pregnant without even having sex with him, it must have been terrible, (I am placing myself in José's room, today) if we imagine that situation, today it would be unbearable for us.

But of course, God spoke to Joseph and explained that he should stay with Maria because she was pregnant; Mary had procreated thanks to the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine that happening to any of us today? How terrible would be our reaction?

I think that in my case, I would believe it immediately, because I believe in God fully.

But can you imagine someone incredulous receiving this information? A common man, today a young man who practically no longer devotes his time to believe in God; Because he is more interested in living the life of today, a lot of relaxation, a lot of disorder, a lot of girls and that's what he's been doing all his life ...

Jesus has received so much news and had to accept and accept it ... But Jesus believed fully in God. It must have been a terrible news that his future wife was pregnant and that it was not his and to accept that it was a reality, and the last straw was to believe that he was a child of God. What an amazing thing José lived. True?

Having to endure that pain and apart believing that the son of his beloved was of God, nothing more and nothing less than the firstborn of God. "MY FIRST-BORN SON" GOD said.

But is that God could procreate? To believe and accept what was happening to him was something impressive and truly incredible, with all the expression of the word: INCREDIBLE, REALLY, IT WAS AN INCREDIBLE FACT.

And why did José accept it? Why did Joseph accept such a spooky news? Joseph really believed in Mary and believed in GOD. José listened to God and he ACCEPTED it. (Today, even if God did not tell me, I would believe in him) but JOSÉ BELIEVED IN GOD and cared for Maria during her pregnancy until the child was born.

The baby Jesus was born in a manger ... Can you imagine such a shortage? Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, after walking so much, They came from Nazareth, and arrive tired, sweaty, hungry and do not find where to stay, where to spend the night.

Maria came on a donkey, they imagine a pregnant woman on a donkey, on moving from one side to another with the uncomfortable step of the donkey, each movement that makes the donkey to take a step feels and the body of Mary moves with each movement. The road was uphill since the Nativity scene was 750 m above sea level, it was much higher than Nazareth. Maria's body had to lean forward to stand firm in the donkey's chair. But remember that you are pregnant. Then Maria's body moves every time the donkey moves a leg and his body had to lean forward, even if he had his belly in between. It is very uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to sit down and more when you are already 8 months old.

Maria was already in those days of care and waiting and to top it off I travel on a donkey about 130 km. From Nazareth to Bethlehem.

No one gave Maria or José posada, even though she was pregnant. I mean, there was already evil. But someone begged them and allowed him to be in a paddock, in A STABLE. The barn is where the donkeys, the cows, the sheep, the goats eat and live.

It is a place built with four trunks and a thatched roof to protect the animals when they eat, a tarantín was made, and there the straw was placed to the animals and they eat it.


Imagine, it was there that Maria and José went to bed after having walked so much, from Nazareth, Galilee to reach Bethlehem, Judea and thanks to a poor shepherd who was the only one who allowed them to stay in their paddock, in their stable.

Do you imagine Mary, so unhappy with her pregnancy, an unwanted pregnancy and apart from that she had to sleep in a manger? Maria knew that she was pregnant thanks to the Holy Spirit, but it was terrible to be going through so many hardships and not knowing where her life was going to end.

If you start to deliberate a bit, you might think that Maria had some doubts at some point and she should have asked herself questions like: How could God have got me pregnant and can not give me a better situation? At least, have comfort, tranquility and well-being. True?

But you must also ask yourself: Why did Mary and Joseph travel from their village to Bethlehem, and in full gestation of Mary? What motivated them to make such a trip in such a delicate moment?

José and María had to sign up for a census that Emperor Caesar Augustus had ordered to be made, so María and José were not the only ones who were traveling. So many people came to the town; That is to say, the town was collapsed.

All the inhabitants of the country had to go to their city of origin to register in the census and Joseph and Mary belonged to the family of King David who belonged to Bethlehem in Judea.

And why did the emperor send the population to census? This census was done because the emperor ordered to perform them in order to control the number of inhabitants of his empire to establish, and direct and indirect taxes, and military purposes, necessary for the control of the population and the nation.

Then you should also ask yourself why Maria and José embark on this trip in such a delicate moment for her? But what made Mary and Joseph believe so faithfully in GOD and in the events that were happening to them?


Would you do something similar ?. Being pregnant would you dare to make a trip so delicate and uncomfortable in the last moments of your pregnancy?

Only the incredible FAITH of the two, led them to perform this feat, to live desperate moments, to suffer hardships and to risk that anything happened to their son. Only to know and believe that GOD was with them and that God had spoken to them and that the first born child in their womb allowed them to take risks, suffer; Only by faith incomparable to GOD.

They knew that everything would turn out well and that the rest would be superfluous. The most important thing was the health of Jesus and Jesus was already protected by the almighty God of the world.

It was the son of GOD who was going to be born and it would be GOD who would protect him, God had announced them and there was no reason to doubt that.



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Timely teaching for this Christmas time sister.

If you were blessed with the BEATITUDES, what would be your expectation?

