Sometimes God gives you tests that only true Love can overcome. While it is true that over the years, love ceases to be the euphoria of the first moment, it is also true that it is precisely these moments of growth that make the relationship more solid.
If I spoke human and angelic languages, and I do not have love, I come to be like metal that resonates, or cymbal that retires. And if I had prophecy, and understood all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I had all faith, so that I could move the mountains, (A) and have no love, I am nothing. And if I distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, and I have no love, it is of no use to me. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3
In a world where the separation of marriages is the order of the day, it is difficult to believe that there are still people who not even the passage of time or adversity could separate them and serve as an example for young marriages, these people only have one secret that has held them together ...
There are people who call him his soul mate, others his other part, the really important thing is that they are for each other. It is not that these people are perfect spouses or perfect wives, it is that every day they try to be the best person for their partner.
It is not a waste of time to try, when the person you fight for is worthwhile and is also fighting with you to make everything work. What unites marriages are not children as many believe, because if this were true all marriages would be made after the first or second child.
- Neither the church nor the Bible is an enemy of those who have divorced and remarried in violation of the law of God. It is sin that has produced such deplorable situations and repentance is something very difficult to practice.
In Genesis 1.27 and 2.24 we are directly shown that marriage is the union of a man and a woman for life. In fact, emphasis is placed on the indissolubility of marriage. The concept of "divorce" is not even considered. God says clearly in Malachi 2.14 16 that he repudiates divorce. Breaking the marital relationship is a violation of the original purpose of the marriage.
Jesus appeals to the original purpose of marriage in his confrontations with the Pharisees (Matthew 19, Mark 10) and shows that this relationship is a divine ordinance, and not simply a description of an activity that takes place here on earth. Consequently even Abimelech, a pagan king, was rebuked for taking a woman who did not belong to him (Genesis 20.1 7).
What unites marriages is the conviction of wanting to spend the rest of your life by their side, the children as they arrived and caused great happiness upon arrival, they will also leave because they too will make their own family, and only that wonderful person will remain that was chosen to accompany you on your great journey that is life.

How difficult it seems to be today to keep a couple. Is it because we pretend to demand others to be as we want and we are not able to accept others as they are and fight less? Why do people get tired of being with someone and believe that they will be different with someone else? This shows an excess of optimism. The problem is never the person with whom we relate but the way we have to relate.
Love is suffered, it is benign; love has no envy, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up; 5 does not do anything wrong, does not seek his own, does not get irritated, does not hold a grudge; 6 he does not enjoy injustice, but he enjoys the truth. 7 He suffers everything, he believes everything, he expects everything, he endures everything. 8 Love never stops being; but the prophecies will end, and the tongues will cease, and the science will end. 9 For partly we know, and in part we prophesy; 10 But when the perfect comes, then what is in part will be finished. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-10
Love is not an accidental crush that pierces the heart of
side by side, but it is something that can be learned. It is not about finding the ideal person but about a skill that has to be acquired. Immature young people experience love while mature people learn to love, because affective maturity is characterized by emotional stability.
Love is not an easy feeling because previously it requires a personal development that allows a selfless disposition toward others only for love, with an attitude of humility, confidence and iron will.
Hope and love
Although it is not about giving each other material things only but also giving one's own vitality, what is alive in each one, their joy, their interest, their understanding, their knowledge, their humor, their sadness and all the expressions of each one, really a great love for life...