Knock, Knock...

in steemchurch •  5 years ago 

Hello. I'm the stranger at your door. I'm not selling anything; like you, I've been sold----on the goodness, mercies, and constantly-unfurling love and wonders of following Christ Jesus. Please allow me to introduce myself and join your community.

My name is Martia Wilson, and I am new to steemit; having posted under 50 times and mostly in the gardening and traveling topic genres. My posts are there for you to have a look at, if you're so inclined.

But my heart is in sharing this wonderful life with others of Like Precious Faith. That would be you and your community.

Perhaps you will say to me "our community is open to all who wish to post"----and that's wonderful if you do. Still, I didn't want to just show up and start posting with your hashtag without first at least knocking on your door and asking for the courtesy of posting with your hashtag.

I am in my mid-60s; a mother, a grandmother, a musician (aka Contemporary Christian singer/songwriter/artist); a poet who has morphed into a nascent producer of prose; a retired music educator, a Floridian from the Space Coast; a former missionary serving a Native American nation on their reservation----but most importantly: I am one of you. The pieces I will bring to the table will be expository (I hope), existential (not speaking of the school of philosophical thought), experiential (after all, we're all learning to walk in and rule in life in Christ Jesus), and as a natural consequence of saliency--inclusive of (American) culture (because that is where my life is posited for the present). In other words----stuff you're already writing about.

I hope this perfunctory introduction will suffice to break the ice. . .and you'll scoot over and let me join the conversation.

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Add the tag "introduceyourself," Martia. ;-)

Nope. I don't want it to go to that group again. I am interested in joining these Christian communities. Thanks for the advice, though.