Slutwalk Begins In Tel Aviv

in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am bringing you this story from the streets of Tel Aviv that was formed in response to a statement made by Police.

Here is one article:


The entire march is in response to this statement made by Police:

SlutWalk rallies began in Toronto in 2011 in response to a local policeman who said that in order to avoid rape, women should not "dress like sluts."

Women who appear in this march wear very revealing clothes. Personally, I get it, I understand the entire concept behind it. EVERYONE is responsible for their own actions and how someone dresses does not exempt someone's actions. If a woman chooses to dress in very revealing clothes, it is in no way "inviting" men. A man is still responsible for their own actions. So I understand the reason behind it.

At the same time, this is exactly the hypocrisy spoken about by the Lord. Grown adults who persue pleasure but yet tell their children it is a sin or evil and tell them they must never do what the parents are doing.

I am NOT speaking about having sex with children, I am speaking about educating children in the truth about pleasure, sensual attire etc. If you want someone well informed and able to make intelligent smart decisions in their lives then you NEED education. This is also the problem with Men who act irresponsibly towards women, they lack the morals, the education etc that should have been provided by their parents or a responsible mentor!

Most children are told that it is a sin, they are made to feel ashamed if they dress a certain way or pursue something that is NATURAL and GOD GIVEN. They are kept in the dark about something that is completely natural. Yet these same parents will let their children watch horror movies, or play games about KILLING other people and they see nothing wrong with that, but God forbid they properly educate the child in the most important and responsible thing in the Universe.... procreation.

The most important responsibility in the Universe is that of raising a new person from childhood to adulthood. Most children do not know anything about sex and thus are forced to learn in the backseat of a car when they are already fertile and thus they forego proper education and you see nowadays teen pregnancies, abortions, poverty that is perpetuated because they were never taught responsibility or the right way of doing things.

Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Perhaps the best person to explain this is the Lord himself.

Given that I know how the New Kingdom will be, I will let you all on secrets that your preachers have kept from you for centuries and forced false teachings upon you.

Matthew 21:31 Which of the two did the will of his father?” “The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.

Yes, PROSTITUTES enter the Kingdom and TAX Collectors enter the New Kingdom before anyone! Why? Tax Collectors are responsible for making sure that EVERYONE pays an equal share in making sure society functions. Prostitutes sacrifice of themselves and their own bodies for the pleasure of others. Our Lord's bride and wife, Mary Magdalene, is a prostitute! Oh, I bet they hid that truth from you as well. I bet you thought the Lord was a prude... but then why would he say that Prostitutes enter the Kingdom first?

In the new Kingdom it will be VERY different from today's corrupt society. Most likely you will see men and women in more... relaxed attire that the coverings from head to toe that you see today. Most people will be very sexual creatures, very open and wearing what they want. There will be no rape because ONLY the righteous and respectable people will be allowed into the Kingdom. So if you think that it is ok to rape cause a woman is wearing a bikini... then you will most likely not make it into the New Kingdom... sorry but the Lord will not allow it.

All of this information is probably a shock to you, but it really should not be since our Lord has said this for a very very long time, thousands of years even. Did you know that the Roman Catholic church and American Preachers keep this information from you so that you will continue to fill their collection plates with your guilt offerings. There is much the world does not know and is not prepared for.

Have a Blessed Day

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It is odd to see the conflicts of logic inherent in a single viewpoint like this. So many dysfunctional societal paradigms lead to rape, and it seems to just be getting worse.

It's all done by design

I somehow missed this story in the news last week!


I almost joined in on this one year.