STEEMCHURCH: Created to Be Loved

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


How to understand the love that God has for us

The news channel announced that a Hollywood celebrity had died, but the immediate cause of the death was not certain. A few days later it was reported that it had been due to a drug overdose, a possibility that was not denied by his friends.

Those who spoke with the reporters acknowledged that they had been "worried" about that person. One of them even said: "She wanted to give up drugs, but she did not know how to face the problems of her life".

Although the star had relatives and friends who lived in the same building, the young woman was alone at the time of her death. But his life did not have to end that way.

Many times, when we hear news like this about the "rich and famous," we are tempted to think petulantly: This is what happens with people trapped by sin. If she had known Christ, her life would have been different.

The truth is that we are right in saying that the Savior can transform a hopeless life, but knowing the Lord does not give us an excuse to believe that we are righteous and good. It is very easy to forget that there was a time when Christians also went after the sinful. The reason why our lives changed was because we were touched by the eternal and unconditional love of Jesus.

The Bible urges us to remember what we were saved from, and challenges us to have a new attitude that reflects God's eternal love for the lost and the desperate. The apostle Paul wrote: "And he gave you life, when you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you went in another time, following the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now it operates in the children of disobedience, among whom also all of us once lived in the lusts of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of the thoughts, and we were by nature children of wrath, as well as others.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, gave us life together with Christ (by grace you are saved) "(Ephesians 2: 1-5). having been for the love of God, we would have been left alone to face the punishment for our sins, but instead, the Lord makes His wonderful grace accessible to all who come to Him.


God does not save us because of what we achieve, but because he loves us. Actually, the real reason he created us is so that we could be loved by Him. Most of us can remember the times when we experienced abundant blessings and marveled that the almighty God wanted, so lovingly, to make us partakers of Your wonderful kindness

But what happens when life suddenly becomes stormy? An unexpected illness or disappointment takes us unawares, awakening doubts in us. Then we cry: "Lord, why did you allow me to be born?" In those moments we can feel alone, but in reality we are not.

Remember that Satan's evil plans are fruitless in the presence of God, because He is sovereign above all things.

All that is needed is a prayer, a cry for help, and the omnipotent God of the universe will direct His attention to us. The actions of our heavenly Father are motivated by only one thing: His love. Even though we do not understand why He has allowed us to feel ignored, abandoned and forgotten, His love is active.

Suffering may lead us to mistakenly think that we will never become the people He intended us to be, but this does not change the truth of God: difficulties prepare us for the future blessing, and penalties redirect our thoughts so that we can focus only in Christ.

God knew everything about you before creating you; He saw every victory, but also every failure and every suffering. However, he chose you to receive His love. He knew when he would feel discouraged, when he would yield to sin and when he would disobey him. But also when I would adore and glorify him.

You were created, not to live as you please, but to know God and experience His love and compassion without any shame or fear. He accepts us, not for what we have done or what we will do in the future, but only for what His Son did for us at Calvary.

God desires to have fellowship with you. The Lord called Abraham "my friend" (Isaiah 41: 8), and He wants to say the same to you. He created you so that you would experience the fullness of His eternal love every day (Jer 31: 3). The question is: Do you love Him?


Many people have a wrong idea about God's love. They sincerely believe that they can strive to earn it, but it is not so. Others mistakenly assume that they may lose His love. Instead of going to the Lord when problems arise, what they do is run and hide.

This is what Adam and Eve did in the garden. They knew that it was wrong to break the commandment of God, but instead of seeking His forgiveness, they reacted with shame and hid from Him who had created and loved them unconditionally.

Is the heart of God hurt by sin? Of course. But this does not neutralize His love or His ability to forgive.

Sometimes, the consequences of sin can seem serious. But one of the greatest lessons one can learn is that God uses even our worst mistakes to teach us great lessons about His love and forgiveness. Satan will try to make you believe that you have failed, and that God is no longer interested in your life.

The Enemy will attack you with lies to torment your heart, trying to prevent you from becoming grounded in the wonderful love of the Lord, but you do not have to listen to their mockery. Jesus makes it very clear that Satan is a liar, and that there is no truth in him (John 8:44).

He will tempt you, but you do not have to sin. There is a way to be free from all temptations, and it is through a personal relationship with the Son of the living God.

He is our source of strength and hope. The Lord has the ability to heal any wound and restore what sin has ruined and taken away. But first we have to receive His merciful gift of love. Only then will we risk loving and being loved by others, which is what produces a positive change in life.

The author of Proverbs wrote: "Love will cover all faults" (10:12). God, motivated by His infinite love, was the one who covered the sin and nakedness of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21). He thus demonstrated His love without measure, and continues to do so today. It is amazing how people live their lives locked in three things: me, me and me.

They never take time to observe the subtle expressions of grace and compassion on God's part. They are alone in the midst of the noise and the rapid pace of a world that is spinning wildly out of control.

And then they wonder why they feel empty. There are also people who know that God loves them, but they are not able to take the time necessary for that love to touch them and transform them.

Sometimes, what is needed is a change of focus. Think of the account of John 8: 3-11, about the woman caught in adultery, and who was used by the Pharisees to lay a trap for Jesus.

However, their plan quickly fell to the bottom when our Savior challenged them by saying, "He who is without sin among you must be the first to throw the stone at her" (verse 7). Nobody threw stones that day. One after another were left because all the people who were there needed a Savior, since they had all sinned.

The crowd had already dispersed when Jesus turned to the woman, who was lying at his feet, and asked, "Where are those who accused you? No one condemned you?"

Are you able to imagine the fear and shame that beset this woman? There is something wonderful about the presence of God, which transforms even the most sinful person. She replied: "None, Lord." That single word makes all the difference in our lives: Adonai. Mr. The one who saves! "Neither do I condemn you," said the Lord. "Go, and sin no more" (v. 11). Her message to her was: "I love you."

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Jesus Christ, when he came to earth as God in the flesh, left us the perfect example of God's love. The day before his painful flogging and death on the cross, Christ described the greatest love a human can express by saying: "No one has greater love than this, that one lay down his life for his friends"
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The love of God has been revealed to us and now He is at the door and knocks. It is up to each individual to seek a personal relationship with God, or to reject it outright. The only barrier between us and the love of God is our free will and Jesus Christ is the door.

Certainly we were created by God only to be loved by him and it is wonderful to know that he loves us in a great way despite being as we are.

In reality, God cherish is from everlasting to everlasting. We don't endeavor to procure it. Will should simply to spurn our wrongdoings and ask God pardoning.

The love of God as revealed unto us through His only begotten son(Jesus Christ) is unconditional.
When we are yet sinners, Christ died for us" If God can give us His best even when we are still in sin, He is capable of accepting us even if we fall short of His glory and we realise that and return back to Him.
We just have to keep walking in love for God and to others.

In fact, God adore is from everlasting to everlasting. We don't endeavor to procure it. Will should simply to neglect our wrongdoings and ask God absolution.

Indeed, God love is from everlasting to everlasting. We do not work hard to earn it. All will need to do is to forsake our sins and ask God forgiveness.
Thanks for this lovely post about God love.

This is a great message. The truth is that we are right in saying that the Savior can transform a hopeless life, but knowing the Lord does not give us an excuse to believe that we are righteous and good. It is very easy to forget that there was a time when Christians also went after the sinful. The reason why our lives changed was because we were touched by the eternal and unconditional love of Jesus. Sometimes, the consequences of sin can seem serious. But one of the greatest lessons one can learn is that God uses even our worst mistakes to teach us great lessons about His love and forgiveness. Satan will try to make you believe that you have failed, and that God is no longer interested in your life. He is our source of strength and hope. The Lord has the ability to heal any wound and restore what sin has ruined and taken away. But first we have to receive His merciful gift of love. Only then will we risk loving and being loved by others, which is what produces a positive change in life. Thanks for sharing

Wow, wow, wow, WOW! Created to be loved! This truly touched my heart my beloved sister. Created because of His LOVE. A plan to redeem us because of His LOVE. A love that cannot be earned. His love proceeding from Him. An old hymn, not sure if you all have heard in the beloved Venezuela. “l love to tell the story. Will be my theme in glory, to tell the old old story. Of Jesus and His LOVE! 💕
Amen my dear sister! A thousand Amen! Benediciones!

Understanding his love is a necessity, for his thoughts towards are only thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us an expected end. For its he whom he loves he chastise

God loves us eternally nothing compares to his love is infinity

Understanding his love is a necessity, for his thoughts towards are only thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us an expected end. For its he whom he loves he chastise

The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, e to give you an f expected end."
God has loved us before we were even born, that why sent us his only Son to Die for our sin .
thanks @milagros

God cherish is from everlasting to everlasting. this genuinely touched my heart my adored sister. Made in view of His love. An arrangement to reclaim us in view of His affection. An affection that can't be earned. His affection continuing from Him. An old song, not certain in the event that all of you have heard in the dearest Venezuela. "l love to recount the story. Will be my topic in radiance, to recount the old story. Of Jesus and His affection

So be it my dear sister! A thousand Amen! bendiciones.