Steemchurch: The power that is in the blood of Jesus

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

"... and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood, he entered the Holy of Holies once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of the goats and the bulls, and the ashes of the heifer sprinkled on those who have become polluted, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more the blood of Christ, which by the eternal Spirit is offered himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience of dead works to serve the living God? .. ". Hebrews 9: 12-14

It is important to know the power of the blood of Jesus, this blood has the power to redeem us and also to be able to enter into the presence of the Lord, but also every bloodshed has a purpose, and today through this study we must deepen it with foundations biblical, but more than all this we must understand, believe and confess about our lives.

I have seen Christians understand the power of Jesus 'sacrifice on the cross because they have overcome this blood, through the blood of the lamb, but I have also known Christians who, because they do not know the power of Jesus' blood, live defeated in all areas of your life, in your finances, marriage, feelings, emotions, ministry and others.

Before delving into the subject I have an anecdote from an archaeologist named Ron Wyatt who was researching the life of Jesus, and was looking for traces of Him.

In a lecture he tells his experience and says he found a sample of the blood of Jesus; he said that when he found the sample, he asked what was the best laboratory in Israel, they took him there, and without saying who the blood was, obviously the dried blood, it is dead blood, you can do tests to pharaohs and they can not get an account of chromosomes. Until then at least you could not and there was no known method, only get DNA with live blood, in short, these laboratories took three days to reconstitute the blood through a process.

When he went to look for the results, they only told him that the blood is human, but he asked for something special, that he put some white cells and put it in a growth medium, and kept it at a body temperature for 48 hours.

They did not want at first because they did not find it because the blood was dead, but in the end they agreed and it was there when they took it out to examine it, the laboratory workers were surprised and they told this archaeologist: Mr. Wyatt this blood only has 24 chromosomes, we usually have 46 chromosomes, 23 from our mother and 23 from our father, you get an X from your mother and a Y from your father, because this blood only had 23 chromosomes that came from the mother and a single sexual chromosome, the chromosomes of the mother determined all its physical features but the sex chromosome determined the sex but it did not come from a human male, and they said that blood is alive, whose blood is that ?, and a little broken he responds: that blood is of his Messiah.

Now, the blood of Jesus is alive, has power, and now we study every time Jesus shed blood.


Luke 22:44 "And being in agony, he prayed more intensely; and it was his sweat like great drops of blood that fell to the ground. "

This time was crucial for Jesus, it was where you would decide whether to do God's will or not, whether to be faithful, obedient or not, maybe you have experienced infidelity, betrayal or maybe you have been unfaithful, or have betrayed, when it happens it is usually as a result of a curse, but when you do that it brings curse in your life, all this is wrapped in a curse that can only be broken through the blood of Jesus and can bring freedom and healing to your life.

Let's deepen, you have not asked yourself why the first bloodshed of Jesus was on Mt. Gethsemane? Why was that blood that breaks with every curse of infidelity and betrayal poured out in that garden? If we go to the origin of creation we know that God created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden.


We know that these sinned with disobedience having eaten the forbidden fruit, this is reported in the book of Genesis, and because of their infidelity and disobedience sin entered the world, because we can see this panorama in a Garden, went unfaithful to God and the door was opened to sin, and in a Garden he prayed not to do my will if not yours this is found in the word of God in Luke 22:42, Jesus chose a garden to seal the redemption of mankind, in this same verse Jesus said to his father in heaven, if you want this cup to pass from me, to what cup did he refer? Then to the cup of curse, the past, present and future treason that contains disobedience, humiliation, adultery , filth, disease etc.


There are wives who have been betrayed by their husband, people who have been betrayed by their children, by friends, among others, and experience that curse that can even go from generation to generation, example: A father who has taught marriage values ​​to do everything in order, can be betrayed by a son who committed adultery in his, if his father taught him to be faithful in marriage, but commits adultery is betraying his parents, the values ​​that have been taught and becomes a curse that is passed from generation to generation.

Their children probably if they do not have a relationship with Jesus they also commit the same sin and so on, it can only be broken by asking for forgiveness for the betrayal of their parents, of their past generation applying the blood that breaks with that curse, the blood that broke out with the sweat on Mt. Gethsemane. We must break the curse of the past betrayal of our generation and be free.

Betrayal not only has to do with this, it also has to do with being radical, when we do not keep His word, when we are forgetful hearers, and we listen to the word of God, but when we leave a meeting in the church we go and we together with wrong people, come on, and we are faithful to our husband or wife, we go and speak with the wrong language, we go and practice filth, it is betrayal of the word of God, with our thoughts we can betray God, and Jesus took that drink for us and if we decide to break with that curse we must apply that blood to be completely free and turn away from sin.



Certainly the sin of Adam and Eve brought consequences; the word of God in Genesis 3:19 says: "With the sweat of your face you will eat the bread until you return to the earth ..." they had to work hard to get the bread and this would pass from generation to generation, and that blood from sweat comes to break precisely that curse that passes from generation to generation.

It is beautiful to do God's will, and if we do not want to see the consequences from generation to generation, we must do this; Remember that God's will is not separation, it is not divorce, it is not infidelity, it is not anger, it is not hatred, it is not misery, much less it wants to pass from generation to generation.


The word of God in John 19: 1 says, "So then Pilate took Jesus, and he scourged him." This was Jesus' second strongest outpouring and represents redemption Isaiah 53: 4-6 says: "It certainly took he our diseases, and he suffered our pains; and we felt him scourged, wounded by God and dejected. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we were healed. We all went astray like sheep, each one went his way; but the Lord has laid on him the sin of us all. "

What a powerful message there is in this verse, what a powerful revelation!

Through the prophet Isaiah God revealed what his son would do many years later, carry our sins, our pains, our sufferings, our rebellions and our illnesses, on his back it would take all this weight to change it for healing and redemption.

With only a drop of this blood we can be redeemed from the adversary's power, we can be free, we were bought at the price of blood, we must stop to think what Jesus did for us and see his sacrifice.

The enemy wants to lash us and have us as slaves, but this blood is so powerful, that it has brought freedom to so many people who have accepted it in their hearts.


The enemy is a strategist who wants to influence your mind so that you doubt, if someone in your life has an illness, you have seen many cases, the enemy attacks your mind with doubt and disbelief, begins to feel the most real illness, and he says and he confesses I can not anymore, I'm going to die.

Enter such a terrible fear, and feel so vulnerable, but from the moment you understand the power of the blood of Jesus that sprang from his wounds, and apply having faith and understanding his power, great things can happen.

I have seen how people have been healed by the power of this blood, I have also seen their power in my life, and I can confess that the blood of Jesus has power!

We must not let a diagnosis mark our life, there are many miracles in the word of God that the disciples did, and it was thanks to the blood of Jesus.

Lame who could walk, paralyzed who stood up, blind who could see, deaf who could hear, mute who could speak and still there are still miracles. It has not stopped or stopped until the Lord Jesus Christ comes, so we must be intelligent and believe in that power of His blood.

Do not hesitate, do not let words of doubt quench your faith.

I heard of a Pastor who became seriously ill with his wife, and she had her in her room, that room was not allowed to enter anyone who had no faith, only he, his daughters, and some they saw that he had faith, They took care to surround themselves with people of faith.

Something that calls my attention to the word of God is when Jesus fasted for 40 days, and Satan comes to tempt Jesus that is in Matthew 4, if you read it, you realize that when Satan began to tempt Jesus he faced him with the word of God, he said "it is written", in each temptation, he confronted it with the word of God so we must be filled with it.

If the devil comes to tempt you, or accuses you defend yourself with the word of God, tell him: it is written that by the blood of Jesus I am redeemed; tell him: it is written that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 1-2). If you are facing any condemnation, any accusation of your past, remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

The word of God teaches us in Isaiah 53 that Jesus canceled the curse.

Let's see this teaching, when Jesus was on the Cross in agony, he had two thieves with him, one on the right and the other on the left, one insulting against Him but the other believed and rebuking the other said:

"... Do you not even fear God, being in the same condemnation? We, indeed, suffer, because we received what our deeds deserved; but this one did no evil. And he said to Jesus: Remember me when you come into your kingdom. Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you that today you will be with me in paradise ... ". (Luke 23: 40-43)

This man understood what Jesus was doing, believed immediately in the redemption, believed that He was the son of God and while he had opportunity gave his life, one did not believe and the other yes, believing is your decision.


You must analyze three things that may be in your heart, it is written: that the curse does not come without a cause, that is why we must analyze because we have a curse in our lives.

Have you allowed Disobedience? (Deuteronomy 28:29)
Have you not served the Lord with joy? It can be an argument for the enemy to touch you.
Have you failed at something?


Examine your heart, repent with all your heart so that the power of the blood of Jesus can enter your life, and remember that you must believe in the word, confess the blood of Jesus and understand the power of the blood of Jesus.

Declare sanity over your life, declare that peace comes over all understanding (Philippians 4: 7), declares that redemption is coming, you are redeemed in all respects (2 Corinthians 5:17).

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins according to the riches of His grace" Ephesians 1: 7

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Without a doubt, the blood of Jesus Christ is the most precious gift that our heavenly Father has given to his church. However, there are few Christians who understand its value and virtue.brothers, today we are in a new covenant with Jesus Christ a pact sealed with his own blood. And in the same way, when his precious blood is sprinkled on our soul, it is with the purpose of having communion as well as purification. It is so that with all boldness you can go easily, without fear of judgment to the presence of God and have communion with him. You are granted access to him, without sin condemning you. You are free to talk to God and enjoy your company!
Upvoted y Resteemed

Today I really am very romantic, but @mildreduh has loved this message has reached the tuetanos and the deepest of the heart, thank you for remembering the sacrifice of my beloved Jesus, for us, when we were lost without hope, he despised and rejected the man of pain, he suffered our ailments and was wounded by our rebellion.

Blood that gives me peace
blood that purifies me
blood that redeems me
Precious blood
the blood of Jesus.

Interesting part "Declare sanity over your life, declare that peace comes over all understanding (Philippians 4: 7), declares that redemption is coming, you are redeemed in all respects (2 Corinthians 5:17).

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins according to the riches of His grace" Ephesians 1: 7"

When we talk about the blood of Christ, we talk about life, we talk about the love that he gives us, that I sacrifice his only son for us. excellent publication Blessings @mildreduh

Lovely post

Great detail of the blood and the power of the blood of Jesus! One of my favorite verses you quoted at the beginning. His blood is able to cleanse our conscience from guilt in regards to sin, so that we can serve God!

Completely forgiven! Paid in full! Access to the Holy of Holies!

Thank you and God bless!
Daddy William

There's power in the blood to save and to deliver....... Thank God for the blood of Jesus