Apostle Paul... Heretic?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why does the brutally honest and angry attitude of Lord RayEl seem to contradict what Christianity teaches?

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The answer is simple. I have said previously (and accurately) that the Catholic and Christian faiths could more accurately be referred to as differing sects of the Cult of Paul.

Most, if not all Christian faiths are either branched off from, or inspired by the Roman Catholic Church, the doctrines and teachings of which are in large part contradictory to those of Christ himself, rendering every true follower of church teachings, followers of an antichrist movement, and perpetuators of that movement.


Anyone who prays to 'Jesus' is committing a form of idol worship, and the same applies where congregants pray to a statue of the Virgin Mary in Roman Catholic churches. Although beloved and highly revered, The mother of Yeshua was not God, not a divine being of any kind.

Anyone who prays to God in the name of 'Jesus' is slightly less misguided than the idol worshippers, but they are taking the Lords name in vain. This phrase means to make use of something ineffectually, and since, as we have continually proven, 'Jesus' is a false name for Christ, there is no guarantee that any prayer invoking that name will be responded to.

Revelation is the book of scripture least exposed to Roman manipulation and white-washing, and so the only one that comes close to encapsulating the vengeful fate that awaits those who oppose the Messiah.

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I never thought of Paul that way and also the Roman Church use that at their advantages.

I've always wondered about Paul myself. For a few years anyway, after I had seen a special on him and his portrayal was very crazy. Although I do see people use some of the things he has written in a positive light, it's pretty obvious to see where he has things wrong.

It is pretty easy to spot Paul as a heretic once you learn that his teachings contradict that of Christ's

There are so many contradictions within Paul's doctrine compared to Yeshua's. Not once in his letters does he quote Yeshua.

I am always glad to know His true name is Lord RayEl.

So many Christians will have a problem with this...But its the truth!

Makes me sick that he would twist the scriptures and force his own philosophy on everyone.

It's his own doing, but people who lack reading comprehension propagate his heresies today.

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