STEEMCHURCH: What if one day Jesus became you?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 


What if Jesus for twenty-four hours got up from his bed, from yours, walked in his shoes, lived in his house, and followed his schedule? His boss would be his boss, his mother would be his mother, his pains would be his? With one exception, nothing in your life changes. Your health does not change. Your circumstances do not change. Your schedule is not altered. Your problems are not solved. Only one change happens.

What if, for a day and a night, Jesus lived his life with his heart? The heart that you have in your chest has the day off and your life is directed by the heart of Christ. His priorities govern his actions. His passions drive his decisions. The love of Christ directs his conduct.

How would it be? Would people notice any change? Your family, would you see something new? Your co-workers, would they perceive any difference? How about the less fortunate? Would you treat them the same way? How are your friends? Would they detect more joy? How about your enemies? Would they receive more mercy from the heart of Christ than from theirs?

And you? How would it feel? What would alter this transplant in your level of tension? In your changes of mood? In his temperamental outbursts? Would I sleep better? Would the sunset look different? Death? The taxes? Would I need less aspirin and sedatives? How about your reaction to delays in transit? (That hurts, right?) Would you still fear what you fear? Better yet, would he still do what he is doing?

Would you do what you have planned for the next twenty-four hours? Stop and think about your schedule. Obligations, appointments, departures, commitments. With Jesus seizing his heart, would he change anything?

Keep working on this for a moment. Adjust the lens of your imagination until you have a clear picture of Jesus guiding your life, then press the shutter and portray the image. What you see is what God wants. He wants you to think and act like Jesus Christ (See Philippians 2.5).

God's plan is nothing less than a new heart. If you were a car, God would want to control your engine. If it were a computer, God would control the programs and the hard drive. If it were an airplane, I would take a seat in the cockpit. But you are a person, so God wants to change your heart.

Paul says: "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man [which is to have a new heart], created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth" (Ephesians 4: 23-24).

God wants you to be like Jesus. He wants me to have a heart like his.

I'm going to take a risk. It is dangerous to summarize grandiose truths in one statement, but I will try. If a sentence or two could capture God's desire for each one of us, I would say the following:

God loves him as he is, but refuses to leave him like that. He wants you to be like Jesus.

God loves you as you are. If you think your love for you would be stronger if your faith were stronger, you're wrong. If you think that your love would be deeper if your thoughts were deeper, you are wrong again. Do not confuse the love of God with the affection of the people. People's affection usually increases with performance and decreases with mistakes. But it is not like that with the love of God. God loves you exactly as you are. I quote my wife's favorite author:

The love of God never ceases. Never. Even when we despise him, we ignore him, we reject him, we despise him, we disobey him, he does not change. Our evil can not diminish his love. Our kindness can not increase it. Our faith does not win it as our foolishness does not hinder it. God does not love us less because we fail or more because we succeed.

The love of God never ceases.
God loves you just as you are, but refuses to leave it at that.

Let's say this example: When a girl about two years old used to take her to a park. One day she was playing on a mound of sand, and an ice cream vendor approached. His father bought him a treat, and when he turned to give it to the girl, he saw that his mouth was full of sand. Where her dad wanted to put something tasty she had put land.

Do I love her with her dirty mouth? Of course. Was she less a daughter because of her mouth full of sand? Of course not. Would her father leave her with the sand in her mouth? Not even in dreams. He loved her exactly as she was, but he refused to leave her as she was. He took her to a water tap and washed her mouth. Why? Because I loved her.

God does the same with us. It takes us to the source. "Spit the earth, honey," our Father urges us. «I have something better for you». This cleanses us of our filth: immorality, dishonesty, prejudice, bitterness, greed. We do not like to be cleaned; Sometimes we prefer the earth instead of the ice cream. "I can eat earth if I feel like it!" We proclaim and get angry. Which is true; we can. But if we do, we lose. God has a better offer. He wants us to be like Jesus.

Is not that good news? You are not stuck with your current personality. He is not condemned to the "grumpy kingdom." You are malleable. Even if you have worked every day of your life, you do not need to worry about the rest of your life. What if he was born an intolerant? It does not have to die being so.

Where do we get the idea that we can not change? Where do they come from such statements as: "It's my nature to worry," or "I've always been pessimistic. That's how I am », or« I have a bad temper. I can not help it »? Who says it? Would we say similar things about our body? "It's my nature to have a broken leg. I can not do anything to avoid it ».

Of course not. If our bodies work badly, we look for help. Should not we do the same with our hearts? Should not we seek help for our sour attitudes? Can not we ask for treatment for our outbursts of selfishness? Of course we can. Jesus can change our hearts. He wants us to have a heart like his.

Can you imagine a better offer?


The heart of Jesus was pure. Thousands worshiped the Savior, however he was happy with a simple life. There were women who cared for him (Luke 8.1-3), but he was never accused of lustful thoughts; his own creation despised him, but he willingly forgave them even before they asked for mercy. Peter, who accompanied Jesus for three and a half years, describes him as "a lamb without spot and without contamination" (1 Peter 1.19). After spending the same time with Jesus, John concluded: "there is no sin in Him" ​​(1 John 3.5).

The heart of Jesus was peaceful. The disciples worried about the need to feed thousands, but Jesus did not. He thanked God for the problem. The disciples shouted out of fear of the storm, but Jesus did not. He was sleeping Peter drew his sword to face the soldiers, but Jesus did not. Jesus raised his hand to heal. His heart had peace.

When his disciples left him, did he get angry and go home? When Peter denied it, did Jesus lose his temper? When the soldiers spit in his face, did he spew fire on them? Do not even think about it. I had peace. He forgave them. He refused to let himself be carried away by revenge.

He also refused to let himself be carried away by anything other than his high calling. His heart was full of purposes. Most lives do not project themselves towards something in particular, and they achieve nothing. Jesus was projected towards a single goal: to save humanity from its sins. He was able to sum up his life with a phrase: "The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19.10). Jesus concentrated so much on his task that he knew when he should have said: "My hour has not yet come" (John 2.4) and when: "It is finished" (John 19:30). But he did not focus on his goal to the point of being unpleasant.

Unlike. How pleasant were his thoughts! Children could not get away from Jesus. Jesus could find beauty in the lilies, joy in the adoration and possibilities in the problems. He could spend days with crowds of sick people and still feel compassion for them. He spent more than three decades wades through the mud and quagmire of our sin, and yet he saw enough beauty in us to die for our mistakes.

But the attribute that crowns Christ is this: his heart was spiritual. His thoughts reflected his intimate relationship with the Father. "I am in the Father, and the Father in me," he affirmed (John 14.11). His first recorded sermon begins with the words "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me" (Luke 4:18). He was "carried by the Spirit" (Matthew 4.1) and was "filled with the Holy Spirit" (Luke 4.1). From the desert "he returned in the power of the Spirit" (Luke 4.14).

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To be more and more like Christ is the desire of every believer, and it is encouraging to know that God has the same desire for us. In fact, the Bible says that God "predestined [believers] to be conformed to the image of his Son." (Romans 8:29) Making us like Christ is the work of God, and he will see it fulfilled until the end.
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we have to look more like Jesus every day, imitate him, so that people see Jesus in us

God loves you as you are. If you think your love for you would be stronger if your faith were stronger, you're wrong

God loves us unconditionally regardless of how we live our lives,he wants to live a godly life but he never stops loving us!

El hecho de Amarse y tener fe es el sentimiento mas sutil y sublime de Amar a Dios, como lo hace el con nosotros, somos parte de el, el parte de nosotros...

Thanks for this wonderful charge.

The more we want to be like Jesus, the better our lives become, we will keep on checking ourselves each day and always making corrections where neccessarry which will in turn turn our lives around positively to the glory of God.
God still love us no matter our ugly ways all He want from us is to keep working towards perfection

Indeed we have to be like jesus. Jesus is gentle, great, caring, wonderdul, loving , peace maker and lots more. God want us to show his character of salvation.
Thanks for sharing.

Nice one i love this post. God is faithful to the end life is not always thesame for any one who is in christ Jesus there is always alot of transformation.

Mark 2:1-12
One day Jesus was in the house teaching and many religious leaders and other people were gathered and there was a paralyzed
and couldn’t lift himself.
You may not be physically handicapped but you may be financially incapacitated or challenged in one area or another. Many who are not physically paralysed have been trying desperately to lift themselves for years but without success. Some are paralysed spiritually, some socially, some financially and materially.

  • Whatever condition has been preventing you from lifting yourself shall be removed.
    There were five different people in this man’s life.
    a. His near relatives. His mother carried him expectantly for 9 months with high hopes. When he was delivered, they were relieved, but soon discovered there was a limitation. He could not walk. They must have cried and went on to start pitying him. They were disappointed.
  • Your parents may not tell you but they may be disappointed because you are unable to lift up yourself. They thought you would help them after school. They were patient for a while but it turned out that you cannot lift up yourself. Your brothers and sisters and those close to you may also be disappointed for the same reason.
    b. His neighbours. Some laughed at him. People who laugh at you never do it in your presence. They may be laughing at you for different reasons; maybe because you are not married or because you don’t have money etc. Some may have been indifferent to his plight. They just didn’t care!
    c. Those who prevented him from reaching Jesus; they blocked the entrance. His obstacles - silent enemies. They wanted to preserve him in his state. They did not believe he needed to seek for help. There are people who believe your condition cannot change; they believe you will never be able to lift yourself. God is about to disappoint them

The word of God is excellent powerful. Thanks for sharing

If we have no change in our lives we never truly met Jesus! He will take us in any condition, but He will never ever leave us the same. I heard someone define the life of a Christian the other day and I pondered what they said and compared it with scripture. I found their description was faulty. Then I thought what a better or scriptural definition. Someone whose life is changed by Christ and Christ lives out His life through them. The Christian is the Life of Christ being lived through us. A person who stays in their sin, never met Jesus.
God bless!
Daddy William