in steemchurch •  7 years ago 


 Here is a contrast between the mosiac and Christian dispensation.  Mount  Zion is the emblem of the latter. The apostle show quite unmistakably,the superiority of Zion to Sinai in privilege and in blessings which flow from it.
   The old mosaic dispensation is depicted here as senstious.  The scene was spectacular. It was also obscure. God at Sinai came down" with blackness  and darkness" as his pavilion.  He revealed himself in flame and storm. The picture of Mount Sinai at the descent of the lord was terrible. Flashes of lightning,rolling thunders. Wild blasts characterized Sinai and the people could not do but crouch and cower in terror. It was the ministrations of death of death and condemnation. The old dispensation setup at   temporary,mere provisional and preparatory.  Israel made only one year encampment there at Sinai. It only stood when the anti type,the spiritual mount Zion would come. At Sinai was the exclusive ministry were the Jews were a little flock shut into a little fold with one Shepard. 
    The new dispensation as represented as mount Zion is spiritual . Christianity talks of righteousness not rituals. The scene was solemn but yet sober  yet warm and life giving.  The new covenant is clear . Simple and explicit.  In the spiritual mount Zion. The heavenly Jerusalem.  There is no night there for the sun of righteousness is the light in the city.  While mount Sinai was noted for its terror.  Mount Zion is peculiarly peaceful and attractive.  While mount Sinai was temporal. The heavenly Jerusalem Is "the city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God," a "Kingdom that cannot be Shaken(Hebrew 11:10 12:28). Finally while Sinai presented an exclusive ministry. Where the people stood a far off and only one nation benefited from the covenant.  Zion is all embracing in Zion. Both Jew and Gentile flow together unto the city of the living God and also present are "innumerable company of angels" "God the judge of all...Jesus the mediator of new covenant.
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