in steemchurch •  7 years ago 


 Our duties here must be done with 

eternity in view and with the consciousness that we have but a little time to spend here on earth. This applies more importantly to the implementation of the great commission given to us all. Time as we know is not elastic. " In everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven" (Ecclesiastic 3:1) hence the scripture counsels " whatever thy hand finds to do,do it with thy might;for there is no work, nor device nor knowledge,nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest" (Ecclesiastes 9 :10). Any wonder therefore why our lord Jesus declared " I must work the works of Him that sent me,while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work",
The time we have to spend on earth for the masters service is too short. Whatever we fail to do now cannot be done after we have to stay here. The scriptures declare "he that winneth souls is wise and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever" (proverbs11:30; Daniel12:3) it's what we do for our Lord now that will count in eternity.

Following the example of our lord jesus christ,every Christian must reach out to soul before it's too late, every sinner is in constant danger because the wrath of God abides on him, he would have been lost for ever in hell.if only the lord will give us deeper understanding about the end awaiting the wicked,we will spend tye rest of of our lives rescuing the perishing
We must remember as well that the door of opportunity does not always remain open forever

. Our employment,SBD,contract,tenancy e.t.c in a community does not continue forever,they will someday come to an end . opportunity exist that must be exploited for the propAgation of the gospel, to allow this opportunities to slip from our hands is chargeable with the loss of many precious soul.


The imminent return of our Lord Jesus christ, makes it imperative on us to intensify our efforts in reaching out to the lost before it is too late there is just but short time before the trumpet sounds this is the time we can save some with the fear of pulling them out of the fire!. In these last days it is very easy to lose one's conviction,zeal and love for the lord. Our zeal and passion for souls must not be dampen by difficulties of time nor of trials,problems,oppressions and persecutions that come across our way. To please God and remain effective soul winners. Our consecration and commitment to soul winning, our self denial and sacrifice for the salvation of sinners must tower above every success and achievement of our lives. Remember "the time is short"; it remains that both they have wives be as though they have none. And they that weep, as though they weep not; and they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not.

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