in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)


We are already of the three -fold satanic agenda:to steal, to kill and to destory-John 10:10.But NO MATTER THE WEIGHT OF EVIL POWER OR ENEMIES AGAINST YOU,one thing is very sure :THERE IS NO POWER BUT OF GOD.

If u resist the devil us a child of God he will flee from you.If you resist the devil ,his ministry of stealing,killing or destruction will be stooped at the doorstep pf your life.To do this you have to submit yourself under the total obedience to God.James 4:7 says 'submit yourselves therefore to God.Resist the devil ,and he will flee from you'

This is crucial because once the devil see any Loophole to attack you,He will maximize it.The devil is a loophole opportunity maximizer,As you are told to resist Him ,Satan is also looking out for the slightest opportunity to resist you.

To resist also means to accuse, your accuser is your resistor.If you think the devil is a joker and you keep "messing" around him ,he will mess you up big time.Someone has said: "Give the devil a mile and he will take two,give him two and he will take four".

What gave Satan such audacity to resist Joshua the high priest?It was the presence of the filthy garment (sin)he was cloth with.Sin attracts the devil around you and repels the presence of God away from you.Sin is a destroyer ,it is a killer ,sin enslaved you and reduces you to a piece of bread.It fascinated and then assassinated.

As we are in the second quarter of 2018 endeavour to live a sin free life.let the spirit of holiness baptize you and let holiness be your watch word again.


A study of Zechariah 3:1-10 ;Where was Satan found?He was seen standing at the right hand side of Joshua, the high priest to resist Him.But why not his left hand?
It is because his "right hand" is a figurative word meaning the seat of power ,favor ,honour,glory,anointing,authority etc of man or woman.
Anytime the devil stand at your right hand nothing seems to work out.

You struggle for nothing and frustration,disappointment, delay,or stagnation becomes the order of the day.Satan standing at your right hand means UNCOMMON DELAY,PAIN UNSEEN PRAYER RESULTS,DEPRESSION ,BECOMING A RIDICAL OBJECT,A CARICATURE OF SUCCESS ,A CENTER FOR FAILURE AND SHAME,etc.Arise today and tell the accursers of the brethren ,Enough is enough, I choose again to walk in purity from today in Jesus name.

Stay bliss and have a nice day !

This is @odsam2 from #teamghana


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This is awesome and true,one of the sure way of resisting the devil is through the word of God,allowing the word to gain mastery over your life,and taking hold of the gospel.

Great Post!

wow great post brother @odsam thanks for sharing with us all.

Thank you for reading

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@odsam thanks for sharing with us all.

Thank you brother @shahabshah