in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)



Jesus Christ passed by where Zacchaeus lived.He was so short he couldn't see Jesus Christ for the crowd surrounded around Him,so he climbed up a tree.Jesus Christ told him to come down because He would eat with Him that day.Jesus Christ told Zacchaeus that He came to seek and save that which was lost.All this happened after Zacchaeus declared His intentions of restoring and giving back whatever he has taken wrongly from people.

Our saviour is a seeking saviour .Nearly 2018 years after his conversion Jesus Christ is still seeking and saving lost sinners.

let us notice that ,there is power in Declaration

The meaning of declaration

  • Acknowledgement
  • Affirmation
  • Attestation
  • Protestation
  • Proclamation

We Shall Consider The Following Three Sub-topic under Declaration.

a) Declare Your Witness

b) Declare His Word

c) Declare war on the Devil

Declare Your Witness


Jesus Christ said His church would be witnesses of Him.Ever since Jesus Christ declared this ,many souls have been declaring about Jesus Christ in so many ways.
In Acts 26 : 28 Paul gave his witness to King Agrippa even though Paul was in chains.The woman of Samaria announced to her city about Jesus Christ. The same way applies to the man whom Jesus Christ casted the devil out of him went to His city and them what Jesus had done for him.
We are to declare our witness,for the lord has done great and greater works in our lives.

Declare His Word

We are ambassadors for Jesus Christ .We are called to share in His suffereing and glory.We are to study His word and grow in grace.We can only declare His word, unless we truly know them.There are a lot out there yearning to the hear the word.As ambassadors let study His word and declare them.

Jesus Christ through @sirknight has given #steemchurch to us to declare His word.What a blessing we have.I therefore pledge us the Lord's knight to serve the course of Jesus and the great works of @sirknight.

We are to live by God's Word for the word of God will not return to Him void.

Declare War On The Devil


The devil is our adversary ,even though not like a lion but roaring like a lion looking for the believer to devour.To stop him ,we need to declare war on Him by ,being a good soldier or knight of Jesus Christ.2 Timothy 2 :3-4.
We are to fight the fight of faith.Put on your armour and wrestle the devil in the Lord's strength.

As members of our Lord Jesus Christ, there is power whatever we have declared in the lord. Let all stand up for Jesus and support the good works of knight commander @sirknight through our Jesus Christ to reach the unbelievers.

It is an honor to declare the Words of Jesus Christ to you....Have a nice day and also stay bless.

This is odsam2 from #steemchurch, #sc-g and #teamghana


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He who takes his cross, work and declare his goodness has never lack anything. This is a very powerful post we have come across today.thanks @Odsam2

Upvoted &Resteemed


Thanks @sc-g

Indeed, God favour is upon us, only if we believe. It is high time we need to declared God's words. When we are in christ, we are a new creature, old things are pass a way behold all things are new. When the enemies tries to way us down, just declared the name of the lord.

We have to declare His Holy name....Thanks for visiting

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

This is outstanding..

I love this part "Jesus Christ through @sirknight has given #steemchurch to us to declare His word

@sirknight is chosen by God to declare his words through out the universe and we must also carry this make this our priority...

We are to help in accomplish His priority

There is power when we declare in the name of Jesus. I love what you shared:
Our saviour is a seeking saviour .Nearly 2018 years after his conversion Jesus Christ is still seeking and saving lost sinners.

Thanks for visiting brother

Indeed, God favour is upon us, only if we believe. It is high time we need to declared God's words. When we are in christ, we are a new creature, old things are pass a way behold all things are new. When the enemies tries to way us down, just declared the name of the lord.

Thanks @yawdsepite

If the word is by you, with you and within your wherever you find yourself you declare his word, that is exactly what our leader is doing. He is a blessing to steemit and #steemchurch. Thanks for the message @Odsam2

We need to keep declaring the word of God and not just study it alone, there is power in our utterances and God always honour His word and back it up with miracles and manifestations.

The Word is alive and active.
good work @odsam2