in steemchurch •  7 years ago 


While medical advances have created an environment where trusting in doctors can be easier than trusting in God, today’s study centres around the need for Christians to realise that God, who created their bodies, is still the One they should turn to for healing. The Bible clearly teaches about the power of God to heal our bodies through faith in Him.


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(A) Promise Of Divine Healing (Exodus 15:26)

QUESTION: How can sin affect a person's health?

Not all sickness is related to personal sin. While the Bible does list some instances where God directly punished an individual for his or her sin (Numbers 12; Acts 12:19-23), generally it is understood from the Scripture that most illness comes as a result of living in a world where disease is present. A sinful livestyle however, can put a person in greater risk of contracting disease.

For example, sexually transmitted diseases are usually contracted through sexually immoral behaviour.
God made it clear that it is His intention for divine healing to be available to His people; He is "the Lord that healeth thee” (verse 26).

(B) Price Of Divlne Healing (Psalm 103:3; Isaiah 53:4,5; 1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:16,17)

QUESTION: Why is it important that we realise God can heal every disease?

Some sicknesses can cause us to become so alarmed that we might doubt God‘s ability to heal. But God is the Physician for all our diseases. There is no sickness that He cannot heal. It is God's desire to heal His children of all that afflicts and torments them.

Christ would provide salvation and healing through the Atonement (Isaiah 53:4.5). His blood was shed as the stripes were laid on His back when Roman soldiers scourged Him before His crucifixion. Whatever the number of stripes that Christ received. It was and is more than sufficient to provide for divine healing in the lives of believers throughout all generations.

First Peter 2:24 quotes Isaiah 53:5 “By whose stripes ye were healed”. The Bible confirms every disease can be healed, and that all people can be healed. Matthew 8:16 records how Jesus “healed all that were sick”. The healings confirmed what Isaiah said concerning Jesus' ministry. He took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses" (verse 17).


(A) Pray For Healing (James 5:14-16)

QUESTION: How should a person who is desiring to be healed seek healing?

While it ls not to be considered a pre-scription, James 5:14-16 does provide some specific guidelines to assist in both seeking and receiving healing from God. The sick person is to “call for the elders of the church”. The elders are able to call the body to prayer. United prayer offered in faith can bring healing even to the most hopeless cases.

QUESTION: Why are elders commanded to anoint the sick with oil?

While some see the oil as serving a medicinal purpose, others interpret it as a symbol of, or aid to, the faith expressed in healing prayer. James 5:14,15 teaches that we can expect God to respond to the prayer of faith for the sake of the sick person.

QUESTION: Why did James write, “if ye have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him” (5:15)?

There are times when sickness is the result of sin, though this is not always the case. James taught that if sin is the cause of the illness, God would not only meet the physical need but the spiritual need as well. When we confess our sins and seek reconciliation, we will receive both physical and spiritual healing.

(B) Miracle Of Healing (Acts 3:1-16)

Peter and John were on their way to the temple for the afternoon hour of prayer. Many people who were disabled were brought to the gates of the temple to receive aims. At the gate called beautiful, there was a man who was lame from birth asking for alms. When this man saw Peter and John, he asked them for money. Peter responded to the man by asking him to look at them. He then declared that this man was healed “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth” as he took him by the right hand and lifted him up. The man was immediately healed.

QUESTION: What evidence does the Bible give that the man at the gate was healed?

The physician Luke makes note with medical terminology that the man‘s “feet and ankle bones received strength” (verse 7). The man was immediately able to stand, run, and leap (verse 8). It
was “through faith in Jesus name" that the man was healed (verse 16).


No matter the sickness in your body, remember that God created and owns your body. Turn to Him in faith and he will restore you. It is never too late.

cheers, omonosa!

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Hi there

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God is the master healer

Thanks for sharing friend


God is always faithful. there is nothing impossible before him.

Certainly his power and mercy cleans us and heals us, as he mentions many diseases are related to sin and lack of forgiveness.

and he will forever remain our healer,@omonosa

Amen! Sam my friend, Good to see you sir!

God definitely heals. Am a living witness to that

...He sent his word.and it healed my diseases. God i thank you for your healing always. He says it and makes it good. Too faithful to fail is HE. Thank you Jesus.
Thanks for sharing @omonosa.

The word of God brings about healing.