1Samuel 3:10,
"And the LORD came,and stood,and called as at other times,Samuel,Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak;for thy servant heareth."
AIM: To make people understand how to hear from God.
You cannot hear,if there is no call from somebody or somewhere. You only answer the one that calls your name. A call can come from any place,quarter. However,being able to recognize the voice of who is calling you is very important so that you won't end up answering another person
As a child of God,it is very crucial to recognize a person's voice. I pray may God give us a hearing ear,seeing eyes and listening heart in Jesus name.
Proverbs 20:12, "The hearing ear,and the seeing eye,the LORD hath made even both of them."
Discerning between God's voice and Satan's voice is very crucial to a believer of God. When you are not a child of God,the flesh will always be at work and that gives room for the devil to penetrate and start talking to you thinking you are hearing from God.
God has spoken in various ways to His people in the past. Some of the ways God spoke was;
- Through loud voice
This was in the case of Moses, when the angel of God appeared in a
flame of fire in thr midst of the bush. Then God called him with a loud voice(Exodus 3:4)
- Through small/still voice
This was when Jezebel seeks the life of Elijah,wanting to kill him but he ran for his dear life,but the word of the Lord came to him and later God spoke in a still small voice after the wind to the earthquake and from there to a fire before He spoke in that small voice. (1Kings 19:12)
He also speaks through the anointed servants of God, through dreams and visions and through His word.
A believer must grow steadily into maturity to be able to recognize and heed to the voice of God. Obedience to God's voice in little matters enhances the ability of a believer to hear from God.
Also we should know that when we hear any voice,it should be a confirmation to the Scriptures.
Acts 17:11 says
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica,in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,and searched the scriptures daily,whether those things were so.
In our Bible text,we can see that God called Samuel twice,he went to Eli to ask if he was the one calling him. But Eli being a prophet of God,and also knows when God is calling or speaking, told him to go and sleep that if the voice calls again,he should answered by saying,"Speak Lord,for thy servant heareth."
Samuel didn't recognize God's voice but thanks to God for making Prophet Eli to guide him. He wouldn't have known then. Samuel was a child of God that was why God spoke to him.
A sinner can also hear God's voice through His anointed by warning him to repent and change from his sinful ways.
When we hear the voice of God,what are the results we get from it?
Divine guidance:God will guide you in whatever He tells you to do.
There would be prompt answers to prayers
There would be peace and divine assurance
You will have a better relationship with God
There would be boldness to exercise spiritual authority.
God is still in the act of speaking to His children. We only need to hear from Him and obey His voice.
This can only be done when you believe in Him and do His commandments.
Ask for a discerning spirit to differentiate between God's voice and Satan's voice.