5 Quick Guides To Living A Healthy Christian Life Today

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

To live a successful Christian life has never been a very easy undertaking. However as Christians we have to understand that there will always be challenges but what makes us truly successfully In the race is our ability to understand that God is able to exceedingly fight all of our battles. We might go through several challenges but our abilities to count it all joy and face them is
something unique about a true soldier of Christ.

However today, I want to quickly talk about the topic "5 Quick Guide To Living A Healthy Christian Life Today" I hope you learn something from them.

5 Quick Guide To Living A Healthy Christian Life Today

The Christian life is like a race where you have to
continuously endure till the finish end. However the following five quick guides will help you. See them below;

Firstly, be consistent in studying God's word. Trust me, God's word is power, it's direction, life, it's comforting, it's inspiration, it's ever nourishing and more. If you want to to live a successful and healthy Christian life you have to have a word for every situation. The Bible says in 2Corinthians 2 Vs 11 that;

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Once we continually study the word of God, the devil will not even attempt to fight us because we are completely armed to the teeth. Therefore read His word day and night and meditate on it.

Secondly, if you want to live a healthy and successful Christian life, you've got to learn how to pray. Praying has to come from the heart and there are certain steps to take when praying if you want to prevail. I have done great justice on this topic as can be found in the link below. Try to read it through.

Highly Recommended:-How To Pray And Prevail

Thirdly, If you want to live a healthy Christian life, you also have to consider relying totally on the Holy Spirit. The truth is that if you want to fight your battles yourself, you may end up giving up and losing the battle. The word of God said in Exodus 14 Vs 14 that;

The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Therefore, you have to completely rely on the Holy Spirit and when troubles come, you will be confident that you will win.

Fourthly, if you want to live a healthy Christian life, then you also have to consider fellowship. The truth of the matter is that there are some other people or brethrens who must have gone through similar situations before and can advice you as well as encourage you on how to go about a particular situation. This can make you learn and build on your faith. Learn to fellowship with other brethrens especially here @steemchurch.

Lastly, never contradict your personality and learn to show love as well as pay total obedience to the word of God. What I mean by "don't contradict" is that you should not live a righteous life outside and be doing other wise inside. Keep a light personality that shines and want to draw men to God. Love is another important tip to living a healthy Christian life. When you are at peace with everybody, you heart will be at peace and all you will see is always the good in people. Total obedience to God's word is vital because you have to listen to his directions and leading for your own good.

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That's all I can take on the topic "5 Quick Guides To Living A Healthy Christian Life Today".
Thanks for reading

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I picked something out of the list which i like so much because a healthy Christian life is enveloped in it and it about love.it is called the ultimate law if you can love more than tou hate ir castigate believe me tou are living a very healthy Christian life.thanks any way for that i will try so hard to start living that life.

I am glad you liked the content

Apostle righteous!
Continually feeding us with truth!

Thanks @ced
It what we have to do anytime we have the privilege

excellent message, are the most fundamental elements to live a successful Christian life, to this same I added to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control ...

Thanks as always @emiliocabrera

What a great article and advice. I'll have to check out that book when I get through the couple of books I'm currently reading.

Thanks for dropping by sir

On Christ alone we stand, I pray he gives us the grace to continually abide by his words. Thanks for the message .

Welcome to steemit Damn vinci
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