How To Have A Steadfast Hope In A Shaky World

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Hello fellow parishioners of this great church;

Peace Be Unto You

Today, I will quickly talk about the topic "How To Have A Steadfast Hope In A Shaky World". The truth remains that the world we are in RightNow is filled with many ups and downs that makes us wonder at times . However irrespective of this , we are supposed to keep a very immoveable and steadfast hope because as believers we are supposed to build our hope on Christ who never fails.

The promises of God are numerous and uncountable and it contains that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will never leave us stranded provided we remain steadfast to His commands. The book of 2Thesselonians chapter 1 vs 7 says that;

and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.

Therefore according to the passage above, we have been encouraged that our hearts be not troubled. Of course I will agree totally with you if you say the times we found ourselves currently are evil times , oh yea, evil is thriving like by the hour, people are making up their minds to particularly be planning on how to perpetuate evil. However , this is not for the believers. The word of God says in Look chapter 10 vs 19 that;

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

We may see all these evils happening but they shall not come near us. This is the promise of God. Therefore if I you the question "How Do you remain Steadfast even In A Shaky World?", What will be your reply?

Mine will be that you should hold on to immoveable and unshakable word of God which promises many wondrous and good things for us. God's thought for us are those of Good and not of evil but to bring to us an expected end. The hope we have is not in the very many technological advancements we see everyday but in the fact that when Christ returns , He is going to take us home.

Therefore , this is not the time to listen to doctrines that are not inscribed in the word of God. Stay true to God, be a source of encouragement to other Christian's and win more souls for the kingdom of God. Afterall, this is our primary focus and Target in life. Let's do the best we can do and God will complement it for us.

There is absolutely need to understand that God has a plan for His children and it is for us to prosper. Once we understand that there is nothing that comes out way that we cant handle. Likewise IRRESPECTIVE of what we do or the plans we have , we should never forget to fix our gaze on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our supreme goal is making heaven. Hope to see of all you there!!

Thanks for reading

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Thanks brother OS for sharing with us today

We are glad you could remind us of our major goal of making heaven

Thanks for sharing




Hebrews 6:13–18 is that God has gone the extra mile in seeing to it that we have strong encouragement to hold fast to our hope in him. He wants us to have encouragement and the encouragement he wants us to have is the assurance that all his promises will come true for us and that our future is firmly in his hand for our good

Am speechless.....this is well writing and encouraging...
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Thanks for high quality contest
Warm regard@ owoblow

One of the best ways to have a steadfast hope In a shaky world is to build a solid foundation with the word of God.
The word can be use to tackle the world. Life is not always rosy the way we expect it to be, we are likely to face many challenges that might want to shift our attention from our vision and goal, it is in God that our confidence can be built by daily meditating and acting on the word of God.

The word of God is the light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet

Thanks for sharing this, OS the spiritual.

There are many things in this world that is capable of making us to lose hope.
life is full of challenges that is capable of shifting our attention from God and give us another direction in our life's journey. It takes someone that is fully rooted in the word of God to really stand strong when things are not going on smooth as it ought to be.
In this world, we might face tribulations, but in Christ we will sing song of victories. All what we need to face the shaky world is in the word

As you rightly said, this world is full of ups and downs. As Christians, the only thing we have to do is to hold on to God.
What we must remember is that when the storms of life begins to rage and our boats seems to fill with water and the wind and rain cease to rage, we MUST hold on to God's unchanging hands.

This is continually going to be high points and low points on the planet we are in yet everything is in the event that we need to devour ourselves in them or have expectation and confidence in God.

You have a method for inspiring a discouraged soul Apostle. Faithfulness even in a bad position isn't simple, however such support that you relegate, can put a grin on a diminishing soul.

It takes a solid foundation in the word of God to really run the race of this world successfully.
We are living in a world where Devil is looking for all means to win people to his kingdom, he sometimes attack us with some challenges that will want to make us to doubt our faith in God, he sometimes come close to us with the things of this world that seems good in the sight but that will lead to destruction.
We might want to loose hope even when things are not working out as plan but it takes the help of God through His word to really build our hope and face the shaky world.

The bible says in Isaiah 49:15 "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. [16] Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me."
The Word of God is True and Powerful, in Shaky World Your hope should be Built on Jesus Christ, the Son of God..
By that the Shaky world will be Smooth for you .
Also know that obedience to his word is very important..
Thanks @owoblow-steemit

You have a way of uplifting a depressed spirit Apostle. Steadfastness even in times of trouble is not easy, but such encouragement that you dish out, can put a smile on a dying soul.

One of my favourite Christian song goes like this *The steadfast love of the Lord never ceaseth, His faithfulness never comes to an end, cos they're new every morning... *
God is always there for us, all we need to do is to remain faithful and have hope in Him and we will always conquer every situation.

As you properly stated, this world is loaded with high points and low points. As Christians, the main thing we need to do is to clutch God.

What we should recollect is that when the tempests of life starts to seethe and our pontoons appears to load with water and the breeze and rain stop to seethe, we MUST clutch God's perpetual hands.

Awesome write up...

There is absolutely need to understand that God has a plan for His children and it is for us to prosper.

That alone is totally enough to boost our faith in God. Thanks for the wonderful post.

Please read my post on the power of our word:

What a great topic!
Our world is really shaky...
But as believers, we can only stay steadfast by getting ourselves soaked in Gof'sword.

Act 20:32 says:

"And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.*

Thanks for sharing OS.
Kind regards.

Thanks for this post. Indeed this world is evil. The only person we need now is God. God is the only one that can see us through.
Thanks for this wonderdul post.

we truly accept; in my nation Venezuela, horrible things are being lived more regrettable than numerous poor nations despite the fact that our country has been honored by God, in its characteristic wealth yet its populace endures and bites the dust of craving and ailments, in this scene of obscurity, numerous who have said be steadfast Christians and adherents of the guarantees have fled in fear on account of the circumstance ... I regard their choices however I ponder, where is the confidence they lectured? In the event that the congregation goes where the general population of God are accountable for intervening with the goal that the Father may show leniency, pardon the offenses and recuperate our earth, maybe God isn't the same as in classical times? , in this way not all will be affirmed.The expression of God is the light unto our way and a light unto our feet

This is always going to be ups and downs in the world we are in but everything is in if we want to consume ourselves in them or have hope and faith in God. Thanks for sharing

Amen, the wise man builds his life on the solid rock of God’s Word. Meaning not just hear, but doing what the Word says. In this world we will have trouble. This is guaranteed! But be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world. Abiding in Christ! He is our shelter, our present help in time of need. Better know Him when things are good, so when trials come, we are already close to the Living Word..JESUS!
Daddy William

I agree with you sir, my take is that is world is filled with shadows, things without meaning, but those that don't know tend to take things of this word to be too important to them,
Do away from uncertain riches (money)as the book of Timothy puts it, rather hope and chase after that which rats and insects cannot touch, hope and chase after riches that will last forever.
You might be faced with tough situations now, don't let it way you down, for it is uncertain, someday it will go away,

You might have all the good things now but know that those things are uncertain too, eternal life is certain, BE STEADFAST, AND RUN THE RACE that leads to ETERNAL LIFE.

Yes ooooh
We should fix our gaze to the Lord's coming...
Lord did not promise us a stress/problem free life....but in all we pass his there to lift us up...
He promise He will deliver us from all afflictions...
Be of good cheer

This is wow... nice write up

This is wonderful said @owoblow-steemit. Being steadfast in the lord is the best place to ever be. Thanks so much for this.

nices posts thanks for sharing this posts
Loving this post
Thanks for high quality contest
Warm regard

My brother......stop this thing....

this is my ability
and @sirknight was leader of all #steemchurch a lort of heart

@owoblow-steemit, really in the middle of the difficulties is where our faith in God is really tested, we show if we really believe; in my country Venezuela, terrible things are being lived worse than many poor countries even though our nation has been blessed by God, in its natural riches but its population suffers and dies of hunger and diseases, in this panorama of darkness, many who have said be faithful Christians and believers of the promises have fled in terror because of the situation ... I respect their decisions but I wonder, where is the faith they preached? If the church goes where the people of God are in charge of interceding so that the Father may have mercy, forgive the offenses and heal our earth, perhaps God is not the same as in antiquity? , therefore not all will be approved ... God has blessed me in the midst of all this crisis, because we have been faithful to his word and we have believed in his promises, to Him be the glory for eternity !, blessings.