Joy Comes In The Morning | Jesus and Job Case Study

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Hello steemchurch brethrens and welcome to today's topic I have titled "Joy Comes In The Morning". In other words, you may see this as endurance. One of my best Bible passage is the part that says "weeping may endure for the night but Happiness and abundant joy comes in the morning". What does this tell us???. It does tell us that there is always something at the other end if and only if we can endure for a moment.

A lot of people expect to go through life without passing through any form of issue or jumping any type of hurdle. Well for those that it has worked for, ThankGod for you but I do know that if you have been called into a life of purpose, the evil ones and Satan will want to do everything in their power that it doesn't work. But it will no matter how they try because you have been called by a greater power. Yea, a greater power.

Look at the life of Job. He was a man so meek, doesn't cover his neighbours property, doesn't cover his neighbours wife, loved his family and his children, severe God with all His heart, was wealthy and had possibly anything you can think of. He was so upright in his dealings but do you know what Satan was planning, he thought Job was doing all those things especially the praising God part because he had everything.

Therefore, he sought to make life miserable for him. Of course he went to God and told Him that there was no upright person in the world(He wanted to be cunning)...God told Him to check out Job and he immediately replied that he was so upright because God gave Him everything. He quickly said, take everything away from him and see if he will still serve you.

This is the point where I quickly correct the notion that God brings suffering on people. God doesn't. God's greatest desire for us (His children) is that of peace and to bring to us an expected end. God only allows those temptations to come because He trusts you. It's that simple .

God told the Satan to try and see but he should not take his life. The 😈 devil did all that was in his power to finish job up to the point of inflicting him with diseases. The wife even at a point adviced him to curse God and die instead of the sufferings he was passing through. But job will never blink. Yea he won't.

Then finally Job kept faith with God and the promises of God and the devil was ashamed. God restored everything to job in several folds. That's the joy we experience after coming out from trials . God amazes us with His blessings. He mesmerizes us with His undying love because we believe in Him . Joy surely comes in the morning.

Look at the case of Jesus Christ. God sent His only begotten son to come die. He didn't just come and they killed Him, He lived a normal life like everyone .He Faced denials , He Faced all what we face in smaller magnitudes right now and more but He still held on till the end to fulfil God's plan. That's the drill. Now if I may ask you, where is he right now??. Christ is sitted at the right hand side of God. What could be better than that??. Trust me nothing .

Nevertheless I have said all that to tell you this. There is no situation you are passing through right now that someone else hasn't passed through in even greater magnitude. But just hold on and don't let go. Its going to be ok. Joy will definitely come in the morning.

That's the much I can take on the topic "Joy Comes In The Morning | Jesus and Job Case Study".

Thanks for staying put till the end

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No matter what we are passing true right now, we should always never compromise our faith because joy will always come in the morning

Thanks for sharing



  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Joy will definitely come in the morning, despite the darkness there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep your faith in Christ despite the trials you may be going through and you will not be disappointed.

Only the living God can give us salvation and joy in all we do he is the master of all the masters and God of all gods.
He has given salvation and glory through his son and his power has always be with us in all we do.
His coming to the world was to quench the darkness and bring us entetnal light and salvation.
His blessings are OK for us and those who trust in him the Lord has provided for us all we need to survive through his abundant grace and supernatural joy.
Love is the only thing that can save us from all our evil ways and all the bad things we do in life .
We should always give thanks to those who have done well for us and also make God our major focus in our life and what we do because he Is the only who was able to give us his only begotten son to die for us in the times of our need and when everything seems so bad and hard for us.
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A lot of people expect to go through life without passing through any form of issue or jumping any type of hurdle. Well for those that it has worked for, ThankGod for you but I do know that if you have been called into a life of purpose, the evil ones and Satan will want to do everything in their power that it doesn't work. But it will no matter how they try because you have been called by a greater power. Look at the life of Job. He was a man so meek, doesn't cover his neighbours property, doesn't cover his neighbours wife, loved his family and his children, severe God with all His heart, was wealthy and had possibly anything you can think of. He was so upright in his dealings but do you know what Satan was planning, he thought Job was doing all those things especially the praising God part because he had everything. This is the point where I quickly correct the notion that God brings suffering on people. God doesn't. God's greatest desire for us (His children) is that of peace and to bring to us an expected end. God only allows those temptations to come because He trusts you. It's that simple. Nevertheless I have said all that to tell you this. There is no situation you are passing through right now that someone else hasn't passed through in even greater magnitude. But just hold on and don't let go. Its going to be ok. Thanks for this message

Regardless of what we are passing evident right now, we ought to dependably never trade off our confidence since bliss will dependably come toward the beginning of the day

That is the reason the life of Job stays excellent, he experienced the hardest of test and circumstances, yet he never traded off his confidence in God, as Christians we should dependably remain resolute in God and in confidence, for wherever we go through is just for some time.

Much obliged for sharing

Warm respects


God's greatest desire for us (His children) is that of peace and to bring to us an expected end. God only allows those temptations to come because He trusts you. It's that simple .
Good post my brother, as the psalm says: O LORD, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I'll present myself in front of you and I'll wait. God bless you!!

That's why the life of Job remains exemplary, he went through the toughest of test and situations, yet he never compromised his faith in God, as Christians we must always stay steadfast in God and in faith, for wherever we pass through is only for a while.

wooow thanks you apostol,

This is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. It encourages us to have faith and believe that God is able and willing to do anything for us even when it seems like it is impossible.

Thanks bro for this timely verse.

Philippians 4
[4]Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!

I trust that similarly as exam is fundamental for advancement to the following class so likewise hardship and challenges fill in as venturing Stones to the following level. That is whether you persist and overcome

How good my brother, as the psalm says: O LORD, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I'll present myself in front of you and I'll wait. God bless you!!

These words are refreshing for my life, you just reminded me that God is with me!

Also the joy that comes in the morning is internal, it is glamorous,it is everlasting,it is peaceful.Without nemesis.
There is always a night at the end of the tunnel.
It may take time but when it does.Its glorious.
Thanks to @owoblow-steemit for this post..
Your words are encouraging.
I pray my country expirence this joy soon.

I believe that just as exam is necessary for promotion to the next class so also hardship and difficulties serve as stepping Stones to the next level. That is if you endure and overcome. More grace apostle.

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Thanks @owoblow-steemit for this wonderful word of encouragement.
God promise to be with us in storm of life.....
Indeed weeping only but last for the night....but joy.....unlimited joy comes in the morning....only if you have faith and believe in your Maker because His words never lie.

God sent His only begotten son to come die. He didn't just come and they killed Him, He lived a normal life like everyone .He Faced denials , He Faced all what we face in smaller magnitudes right now and more but He still held on till the end to fulfil God's plan. That's the drill.

Thank you for this inspiring post @owoblow-steemit
