SteemChurch.......The Apostolic Walk

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

The Apostolic Era is a restful era for the church. It is the age of signs. Apostle paul once said in the book of Acts 20 vs 24 that;

24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

That the devil is doing anything around me now sounds very strange to me. I left where he dwells a long time ago! By reason of light, darkness is permanently kep under check. Darkness cannot manage to hide in. It is impossible. The book of John 11 vs 35 says that;

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Knowledge of the word is what makes you anither man. You can't contact light and not appear rude to those in darkness. It is not possible. John 10 vs 29-33 says that;

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and my Father are one.
31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

Everytime God's word gains full access into you on any subject, you begin to operate in the real of divinity on that subject. John 1:1-2 says;

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.

When God's word eats you up, it transforms you, taking you from the human to the divine real of manisfestation. How can you explain the fact that Paul thr apostle slept in the sea for one night and was not carried to the hospital? Stones were cast at him at another time, and he was taken for dead. But after enemies left, he got up and went his way!

All these examples are recorded in scriptures. God is saying to you that you and your father will become one, when you get connected to Him through His Word. This is the truth. Whatever cannot hold Jesus hsotage, from this hour (as you embrace His word) shall not be able to hold you hostage!. You are a child of destiny. You are to be envied, not to be an object of sympathy and pity. So arise and shine! The hour of light is here!.

This is the era of Knowledge for apostolic exploits!. Sop complaining away your failures! You are not destined for failure. Stop sympathizing with your short-commings! You are not programmed for defeat. Arise and figt them or they will cotinue to prevail against you. The book of acts 2 vs 42-43 says;

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.

Steadfasteness opened the way for many signs and wonders to take place in the lives of the people. These people where continously in fellowship. Proverbes 13 vs 23 says;

23 Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.

The apostolic move anchors on an insatiable appetite for the word. Acts 5 vs 42 says;

42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

This si the power behind the apostolic era- daily looking into the word and eating it. "They Ceased Not.." Acts 6 vs 2 says;

2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.

The devil saw that as long as they kept to the word, that moved the apostolic era forward, they couldn't be stopped. So, he brought murmuring among the Grecians against the Hebrews, s as to stall the move. But the apostles got the message on time and came to the conclusion that is it not reasonable for them to leave the word of God for other things. Friends, the key to your entrance into the apostolic era is the "Word Of God". The understanding of the people was increasing om a daily basis so the finger of God was becoming more and more visible among men.

For you to be part of this mighty move, the most enviable move since creation, you must come to a point where eating God's word becomes your daily desire. This is very crucial!. Your placement in this move will be determined by your depth of insight in God's word and this will be determined by the quality of attention you give to it. Proverbs 4 vs 20-22 says;

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

God's word is the thing to go after. It doesn't just drop on people. If you must have a part in this apostolic era, it is important for you to settle down at the feet of Jesus, and recieve from Him, so the world can receive from you. In the past, the Pope was the king of the religious world, until knowledge came through a man called Martin Luther. This was the kingdom channel through which the reformation came. Many books were published by the Lutheran movement and this dealt a deadly blow on the papacy!.

Remember the catholic mission rose agaisnt the spread of this knowledge and went around confiscating all his published materials and burnt them. The Roman catholics were scared of this knowledge spreading. Friends, it's time to appreciate the generation we are in now where there is absolute liberty to make any discovery you long for. The Lutheran movement broke the demonic hold of the papacy!. This is where the reformation began.

Now we are set for a revolution! A revolution is stromger in content and concept than a reformation. Knowledge is what gives birth to every move on this earth. Every invention is a function of new knowledge. There is nothing your life demands today that is not available. But it takes the knowldege of God to take delivery of it. We will have unquestionable triumphs in any conflict and arrive at success as if by magic, all through knowledge!. The apostolic era has its foundation in Knowledge and your crave for it will determine your placement in this move. Remember paul said in 2 Corinthians 11 vs 6 that;

6 But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.

Knowledge sets up a fire of revolution. It makes it possible for you to think straight and triumph in spite of all odds. The "pray for me" syndrome we find all over the place in the present day chuech was not in exixtence in the days of the apostles. This is because they continously reveived the light of God. So darkness gave them way. Brethrens, I believe strongly in what "Smith Wiggleworth once said that

I would rather believe God for a minute than cry a useless cry all night

If you are lightless, you are utterly helpless. The entrance ofHis word Giveth Light. There is no amount of crying that can make you see in darkness, if you don't have light!. If you have lsot anything at all, you need light to find it, because darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people. You have been struggling with darkness in your own energy!. I have not seen anywhere where head nodding is used to gain favour with God.

The man who cried the most in the Bible was Barthimaaeus. He cried and cried but Jesus said "Settle down. What do you want me to do for you? Listen, you use words not tears tpo reach God. The secret behind the triumph of the apostolic church was divine light which came by divine illumination, thriugh the revelation from the word of God. Friends, Kowledge makes the difference. Acts 8 vs 30 says;

30 And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

Remember the story of the Ethiopan Eunuch? The Holyspirit told Philip, "Go near and join theyself to this chariot', and he obeyed. There he met a religious man making religious efforts and he asked him, "understandeth thou what thou readest? Understanding what we read is a very crucial issue. The reading of thw word on its own is not what will produce results for us, but our understanding it. The Ethopian Eunuch humbly admitted that he didn't understand what he was reading. He replied "How can I, except somene guides me? and as philip opened his mouth, his eyes opened and he was saved.

Listen friends, no proud man has a future in the kingdom of God. Many christians explain away their failures as the will of God, because they won't let anybody else teach them. Remember psalm 25 vs 9 which says;

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

Whatever is not working the way they should in your life is so because you are not prepared to learn how to make them work. It is not that such things cannot work. it is that you have not made yourself available to learn how to make them work.

However, you can join the crusade for freedom today @Steemchurch and Experience total freedom

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Looks like a fantastic read OS - resteemed and I will get back and read it tomorrow.


It is really a post worth reading over and over again


Thanks so much @Sirknight and for the resteem I am equally grateful

Its been a while I read any ofyour posts apostle, thanks for this.
A very necessary morning inspiration

Thanks for stopping by @xinese

What gain a man received for leaving the work and word of God behind for his own is said in the Bible that God's work we should focused on and other things will be added for us. Thanks @owoblow-steemit for such and powerful words

Thanks @big sam for stopping by at my blog today

God business suppose to be part of our life, the Bible says " a man who is diligent in God work shall sit among kings".....great post the great Appostle of the steemchurch

Thanks for the understanding and addition @dwayne

D: @owoblow-steemit
Really you are giving a good post sharing with us,,i love your post,,, thanks for this post,,,
100% love and 100% vote

thanks for the resteem

I am first time visit your blog your work is well keet it up and carry on @owoblow-steemit



hi dear @owoblow-steemit
very well post dear I love @steemchurch
thank you for share this valuable post,,
,, It's really good the way you are giving a good message to the world,,,,

Thanks @rassel1234

Hello friend @owoblow-steemit blessings, good post thanks for sharing it and all that is God is good. regards

I Jast #Resteem Your Post and #upvoted

Thanks for that

Wow! @owoblow-steemit ,do not stop reading again and again, this message is a chair, congratulations , the traces of the reform must be present in the current Church, many syndromes must be uprooted, who does not know does not see, Jesus said and to see take the light of the word to walk day and night, but not to stumble;
This deserves a resteemed

Hi friend @owoblow-steemit, it's a pleasure to greet you every day. I'm learning new things in the publications of my esteemed steemit community and, as the apostle Paul says, his life is worth the task of the Heavenly Father. Blessings ahhh and I really liked the photos that you put as a kind of caricature, very good.

It is high time we get to know God's word,if you God's word it bring life to you,in other words,God's word make you aware for your power in Christ Jesus

Wow!!! What an articulate, edgy post, it is a call to make us all keep on guard, for us to be alive and take the bull by its horn, and walk the path of holistic living for salvation of souls without compromise nor rendering or embracing hypocritic living. In simplicity; it's a call to Genuineness of life. I salute God's supernatural wisdom in you @owoblow-steemit and I greet @sirknight sir, do have a fruitful Sunday and a lovely,productive week.

wonderful post dear @owoblow-steemit

Thanks @tanvir123