The Force Of Commitment | Creativity Is Not About The Schools You Have Attended

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

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The Force Of Commitment

Commitment is the fountain for creativity. It can be simply described as giving full attention to your duty or assignment, spirit, soul and body until the best approach comes out of you towards achieving your goals. Best results come only in response to best input. It is as you give life all it takes that you get all it contains. To the committed, there is no end to creativity. The more committed you are, the more creative you become.

You do not need to do anything to fail. In case you care for the formula of failure, it is simply to be uncommitted to life. I have never seen an uncommitted man succeed. If you want to be a failure, just be uncommitted, be lousy, be care free, be cold, be unmoved by your situations. The principal factor responsible for every man's failure is lack of commitment.

I want to point out that the spirit of God is not magic. The Spirit of God imparts fervency. The truth is that the mediocrity and failure of many Christians are rooted in their coldness. Power without commitment makes you a derelict. In fact, little strength with massive commitment will birth a genius. I have come to discover that a true genius is not made of volumes of books, but by quality commitment.

Oral Robert never had first degree before he started a private university. Today, candidates from across the world scramble to gain admission there. Commitment got him there. Your certificate or lack of it is no excuse for failure. Your capital for a successful life is commitment, which simply means giving life all it takes; submitting to the demand of life, refusing to look for convenience. Convenience is the birthplace of mediocrity. If you want to be mediocre in your life, always seek for convenience. Inconvenience is the crucible where giants are made.

A committed man sits with his work or business giving it his very best until objectives are realized. A non-committed man frowns at the dawning of the day. If your work is a burden and you begin looking forward to Friday on Monday afternoon, then you are not committed to that job. A committed man is sold out to his duty. It is through commitment that the brain is instigated to climb to the reality of creation.

The committment of Jacob is evident in his supplication to Laban....."he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee..." Genesis 30 vs 29. That is a covenant man. He served with all his heart. His committed labour opened him up for heavens favor that resulted in the creative insight the spirit of God gave to him to convert the wealth of Laban to him. The pattern gets clearer in Joseph in Genesis 39 vs 2-6.

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While in prison, the witness to his approach to duty was also a confirmation of his commitment. See Genesis 39 vs 22-23. The move of the spirit is not for the sleepy, draging, unexcited and lazy worker. They did not secure the results by empty religious practices; rather they were acclaimed through commitment to their tasks. It is as your mind gets committed to your task that God commits His creative resources to your brain.

That's why John Said, "I was in the spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice..." Reelation 1 vs 10. A committed man will enjoy open heaves and ministry of the Holy Spirit, which results in creative and productive insights. It should be clear to you at this point that creativity is not about the schools you have attended. Commitment is the foundation for real education. A committed man will learn much more than a schooled man. A commitment man will begin his search for solution where the schooled man has closed the last page of his books. A committed man will always find a way where there seems to be no way, because his commitment draws the spirit of creativity to breath upon him. Evidently, the commitment is more valuable than education.

My prayers may not be grammatical, but there is a commitment to duty that lends potency to my words and scares satan out of situations I confront. You know, committed prayers do not have to be long and wordy. They come straight from the heaert and touches heaven directly. You will find out that a committed man does not need encouragement in pursuit of his task. A committed man is a self starter, innovative and full of productive ideas.

The Holy Spirit did not just pick up Daniel to shoot him above all the three presidents in Babylon. His committment positioned him for the intervention of the spirit of God in his affairs. The Bible records that after the kings decree to destroy all the wise men if they could not interpret his dream, Daniel called his three friends and stood up all-night in committed prayers until the heavens responded with light and understanding. You should come to a point in yourlife where no one will pretend not to know that you are around due to your impact and relevance through committment.

Do not be scared by any mountain. When you meet with any Golaith, move towards it, the HolySpirit will give you creative ideas on how to tackle it. Moses was marching towards the Red sea before God gave him a divine idea to stretch forth his rod over the waters and divide it. It was a creative miracle born out of His committment. Jesus Christ was not just anointed. He was committed doing good. We have so amny testimonies of brethren who began business with as little as two thousand naira only who ended up with great businesss because they were committed to their venture. The Holy Spirit will always respond to commitment by bringing creatuve and resourceful ideas that will spur up exploits.

You cannot be indolent and innovative at the same time. Stir up yourself in the energy of the Holy Spirit. Put more zest and enrfy into what you are doing. Fire up your commitment and watch yourself enjoy streams of inspiartion and ideas that will shoot you to the next level of breathrough.

Thanks for Reading


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Do not be scared by any mountain.

When you meet with any Golaith, move towards it, the HolySpirit will give you creative ideas on how to tackle it

Just stay commited



problems facing religious minded people today is that while lip service is given to God, many are not TRULY committed to Him. This lack of commitment is seen in a variety of ways:· No growth in Bible knowledge.· Not attending worship services on a regular basis.· No giving of their means back to God.· Easily discouraged spiritually.· More important things than GodWe, if we truly want to go to heaven, MUST make a true commitment to God. Failure to do so jeopardizes our soul The Purpose of this message is to determine what the BIBLE says about what it means to be COMMITTED TO GOD.· To many young people commitment is getting "Turned on to Jesus", "Getting high on Jesus", going to some religious rally, some baptism of the Holy Spirit, or something of a spiritual flavor that is exciting.· Commitment in the denominational world means getting involved in social action, marching for some cause, writing letters to a Senator on some social or moral issue.· The word COMMITMENT has a much deeper meaning in the New Testament

This is powerfully written OS, God has gifted us with the holy spirit to be there for us through thick and thin in other words, we do not really need to be too endowed to do exploit, not being able to have a lantern doesn't mean we cannot light up the firmament, the truth is we have no excuse for not moving forward, God has provided us with his holy spirit to go with us, not even not having a degree should deter us.

Yes oooo. You are completely correct. Creativity is all abouyt your mind set. Being commited with the things you do matters alots. As a christain. You need to be determined.

Thanks for sharing this OS

There is something I always believe, "If someone can achieve a thing, Ican also achieve it". God is happy with someone that is diligence and committed to whatsoever he/she is doing.

God has made Holy Spirit available for us to be helping us and stir up the gifts and talent in us,we just have to follow God's pattern.

Comforting words motivating OS, well guessed these in that if there is no commitment in some work that we are doing it will not be good, but if on the contrary we commit ourselves and we look for strength in the spirit we will be victorious to any task or project.

Well written brother.

With the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, we conquer and overcome.

May the spirit of commitment continue to strengthen us.

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We must be committed to God "Joshua 24:14
"Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD." thanks for sharing

Great work

Without commitment it impossible to excel, because it's the extra effort that makes a man extraordinary. Thanks for this reminder as we begin a new day let's see that whatever we do we put our best to it

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

nice post bro....Can you tell how to join steemchurch community?@owoblow-steemit

This part is a fact!!!

You do not need to do anything to fail. In case you care for the formula of failure, it is simply to be uncommitted to life. I have never seen an uncommitted man succeed. If you want to be a failure, just be uncommitted, be lousy, be care free, be cold, be unmoved by your situations. The principal factor responsible for every man's failure is lack of commitment

You cannot be indolent and innovative at the same time. Stir up yourself in the energy of the Holy Spirit. Put more zest and enrfy into what you are doing. Fire up your commitment and watch yourself enjoy streams of inspiartion and ideas that will shoot you to the next level of breathrough.
This is superlatively informative. Thanks.

Thanks for this great post. According, your words are really striking and worth pondering for sometime. Thanks for this once more "A committed man sits with his work or business giving it his very best until objectives are realized"