What's On Your Mind?

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

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What's On Your Mind

There are two kinds of people in this world; those who have drive and those who don't. The question is why do some people have drive and others do not?. Why do some people wake up in the morning and make great things happen in their lives, community and nation, while others go through the whole day in slow motion, like a poorly directed movie?.

The fundamental difference between these two classes of people is their thoughts; what they think. If our thoughts determine our drive and our drive determines the quality of life we live, then we are solely responsible for the kind of life we live.

One of the masters keys to success in life is taking personal responsibility for your life. Those who take responsibility for their lives enjoy their lives more and achieve a higher degree than those who abdicate their responsibility through excuses. If you want to achieve your goal, you must take complete responsibility for your life. Where you are in life is your doing. Where you will eventually end up will also be your doing. So, success or failure, it is all your doing. You created it, you made it happen. You are responsible for your life, period.

Research has revealed that what goes on in our inner world determines what goes on in our outer world. The law of correspondence says, "as within, so without". What goes on in our inner life will eventually appear in our inner life will eventually appear in our outer life.

You cannot be one thing within you and believe that your life will be something different from who you are within. You cannot think failure in your mind but expect to experience success in your life. You cannot be fearful but expect to attract wealth. The law of success is be, do, have. what you think is about what you will act on and this will either produce success or failure in your life. Some people have not made a correlation between their thoughts and the events going on in their lives. They believe that you can think whatever negative thoughts you like and still experience success in your life. The truth is that we cannot ignore the impact of our thoughts on our daily activities.

We cannot be negative minded and foolishly believe that great things will happen to us in spite of the low quality of our thoughts. Our thoughts rule our world.

That's the much I can muster on the topic "What's On Your Mind?".

Thanks For Coming Around


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Our thoughts determine our actions. No one can grow above the level of his mind. The mind must e constantly renewed by God's word so it can think purposefully. Great post @owoblow-steemit

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

What is in the mind that comes out, we need to have a good mind-set as Christians for the word and for his work.

Your thoughts are your weapon, it's what can break you through.