I Am Not Him
1 John 2:22-28, Ps. 98:1,2-3,3-4, John 1:19-28.
The first reading exposes the deception and the lying nature of man of man, it warns us to watch out and keep our guard against all those through social values, unjust politicizing and through other spheres of influence that man may occupy to perpetuate evil. Simply put: it states that anyone who denies Jesus Christ is a liar, he who denies both the Father and the Son is an Antichrist.
In light of this, the book of Psalm urges us in spite of the darkness of this age: we must together open ourselves and appreciate the salvation of our God; for all the ends of the earth have seen it. Do not focus on the darkness,but on the light.
The gospel speaks about the confession of John de Baptist as he explained to the Jews through the priests and Levites sent to question him if he is the Christ or any of the prophets, He said No to clarify their curiosity and their confusion.
Pointing Towards the Light
Who are you? Is the question posed to John the Baptist. The questioners might have thought that he would answer them by saying the he is the Christ or at least a Prophet. But to their dismay he told them that he is neither the Christ nor a prophet.
Relying on God Unconditionally
The resoluteness and the character with a deep sense of mission observed in John perturbed the then religious and political authorities of his time. And so they wanted to get an answer from John that would helped them to brag and fix him. John clearly knew that any self-conceit was an obstacle to the realization of his mission. He would never act based on any masks, hodden resentments or prejudices but he will be sincere to the core and will proclaim and confess that he is only a Voice that cries out in the wilderness. His mission os to turn the people away from him and direct them to the Lamb who alone can take away the sins and baptise with the Holy Spirit.
Lastly, In the words of Epistle of John he says:
*You received from him an anointing,
And It remains in you, so you do not
need Someone to teach you.
His anointing teaches you all things, it
speaks the truth and does not lie to you;
so remain in him, and keep what he has
taught you.*
Open up yourself to Him and he will lead you all through the storms of life. Guard your heart, your eyes and your mind for through them it contains matters of life. Do have a blissful and fruitful day.
Love you all Steemchurch Parishioners!!!