The mysteries of the kingdom are given to Christians so we can live a life of dominion. The mysteries, as earlier stated in my previous writing are keys . Understanding these mysteries and applying them confers dominion and victory to believers world wide!
Today we shall be looking briefly at another mystery which is THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING. The Blood of Sprinkling is the speaking blood after the order of the the blood of Abel which was crying for vengeance to God on Abel. (Gen. 4:9-13, Exo. 4:1-9)
Today, Christ is our passover Lamb; He is the lamb of God without blemish. (1cor.5:7)(Ex12:3-5)(John 8:46)(2cor5:21). The Blood of sprinkling is a forever ordinance(Ex21:14, 24-25). The Blood of Christ is the Blood of the everlasting covenant therefore, it's potency is eternal. (Heb 13:20-21).jpg)
The Blood of Sprinkling is a speaking Blood. The Blood speaks on the behave of believers. But what is the the Blood speaking?
1}Passover(Exo. 12:13) Passover to all forms of bondages, passover to all sicknesses and diseases.
2}Instant deliverance(Exo 12:29-33)
3}Exemption from all woes of this world (Exo. 11:4-88)
4}Vengeance on all enemies of our liberty and destiny(Exo. 14:8-31)
5}Favours from all quarters(Exo. 3:21)
6}Double restoration (Zech 9:9-12)(Exo.12:35-36)
How do we apply the Blood?
The Blood was applied on the door post of the Isrealites of old. Now that the Holy Spirit dwells in us we are the temple of the most high God, therefore we are sprinkable entities!
We can sprinkle the Blood on ourselves or on our properties by faith and watch the power of God works miracles! These things works! if they dont then God wouldnt have given them to us. As you apply the mystery i see God performing great signs and wonders in your life and around you today and beyond! God bless.