How To Hear The Voice of God Almighty?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post/article is on how you as a Christian can hear the voice of almighty God and I personally hope that it will touch your heart. 

You cannot know God's voice unless you know his son Jesus Christ. In John 10:27 through twenty eight we read

“my sheep will know my voice and I know them, and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand”.  

Hearing God's voice is personal it involves a direct intimate person-to-person relationship with God, Every voice is individual and unique, No, two voices are exactly alike, Voices are one of the most individual features of human personality That's why [Jesus] said about his sheep, they won't follow a stranger because a stranger's voice is different, our protection is hearing the Lord's voice relating to him individually. Personally not just relating to a historical figure not just relating to some movement or some doctrine, but relating to the Lord himself through his voice.  

Open your heart to the voice of God, when you open up to the Lord you will never be harmed? You will never be deceived you will never be disappointed,  If you respond to the wrong voice many harmful troubles and problems can result That's the shepherd sheep relationship David says in Psalms 23:1, 

“The Lord is my shepherd I shall lack nothing” 

Out of that personal relationship every need of David was assured that it will be supplied but Jesus says, my sheep hear my voice.  

How can the Lord be our Shepherd? If we hear his voice, then he is our shepherd and all our needs are supplied and that is beautiful, hearing God's voice is intangible, it can't be touched. Hearing God's voice is never in the past and never in the future. It's always now, Only now we can hear voice, It's present, a voice is only now, a voice has no past, a voice has no future, it shuts us up to the present.  We got to relate to God through hearing his voice, then that forces us to a present relationship, a present experience.  

Moses said to God, who should I tell the Israelites that sent me to you? God said tell them “I am who I am” has sent you. ‘I am’ is present, it's not past, it's not future, God's name is Present, God's living now. Our relationship with God's needs to be now and as we learn to hear God's voice, we have that present personal relationship with the Lord.  

Hearing God's voice Produces Faith, the secret of Faith comes by hearing God's word, this is stated in Romans chapter 10:17 

“Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ all from the word of Christ”. 

Faith comes by hearing this personal word of God spoken by the Holy Spirit, it's as we hear this spoken word that faith comes in. Exodus chapter 15:26 the Lord said, 

“If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the lord thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the lord that healeth thee if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God”.  

The Guarantee is complete continuing health, the Lord becomes your personal physician and then the words that the lord spoke to Israel from Mount Sinai when he brought them there to make a covenant with them, Exodus Chapter 19:5-6

“Now therefore if ye obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine, and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation”.

God wanted to make a covenant with Israel to bring them into a special relationship, to make them a special kind of people, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation. But the condition was if you have would obey my voice. Then just before they entered the promised land in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, Moses reminded them of God's requirements and of the results that will follow if they kept God's requirements also of the results that will follow if they did not hearken to the voice of the Lord, He made them understand that if they hearken to the voice of the Lord, it will bring blessing, but if they do not listen to the voice of the Lord, it will bring curses.  

The Distinctive Lifestyle that results from hearing God's voice 

People that learn to hear God's voice live a life that's different from other people; they just can't be the same. Matthew Chapter 4:4 says,

“It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. 

To keep our bodies alive, we need natural bread, but to keep our spirits alive and healthy we need the spiritual bread which is the voice of the lord coming to us, this comes only through the Holy Spirit. We are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit, it's the Holy Spirit who brings to us in any given situation the word of God that we need. That makes it a living voice so through hearing that word of God, we are related to God the Holy Spirit. It's God the Holy Spirit who is guiding us and directing us all everyday by the word that he gives us.  Paul says in Romans 8:14, 

“For all who are being led by the Holy Spirit of God these are sons of God”.  

What makes us sons of God being led by the spirit of God?

There are many different ways in which the Holy Spirit works in our lives. First of all we are born in the Holy Spirit, and that makes each of us a newborn child a baby, Peter says as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the world, But that does not make us mature grown-up sons of God. How can we become mature grown-up sons? Only by being led by the Holy Spirit, all who are being led by the spirit of God, they are sons of God, not children, not babies but mature sons, and that is a continuing ongoing present, all who are being continuing led by the spirit of God, It's our daily bread, It's hearing the voice of the Lord through [the] holy spirit, as we hear the voice of the lord we are directed, we have to be led continually by the holy spirit.  

Hearing God's word as daily bread of having the Holy Spirit speak to us daily and personally was the life style of Jesus himself, He just didn't preach it, He practiced it. Isaiah Chapter 50:4-7 is a beautiful prophetic picture of the earthly life of our Lord Jesus of his ministry and in particular of his ongoing daily [relationship] with God the [father], This is what the verse says “The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue” This is Jesus speaking to know the word that sustains the weary he wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught, that was the secret of Jesus, that God woke his ear every morning. He heard his father's voice speaking, guiding him and giving direction, instruction strength of the day he goes on, “the sovereign Lord has opened my ears and I have not been rebellious, I have not drawn back” and here is a clear prophetic picture of Jesus,   

  “I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard, I hid not my face from mocking and spitting” 

Why was Jesus willing to go through with all that he went through, How was he able? How did he receive the strength, the answer was by hearing the Father's voice every morning. He heard from his father before he communicated with human beings Then he goes on to say because the sovereign Lord helps me. I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame, Jesus Began each day listening to the father.  

Here are some of the results of listening to the father each day  

First of all he had words of encouragement for others. 

Secondly, he received personal direction for each day himself. 

Thirdly he received obedience, hearing God's voice produces obedience. 

Fourthly, he received strength to go through all that he had to go through, He needed more than human strength. He needed Supernatural strength, and he received that through hearing the Father's voice.  

Fifthly he received determination, He said I set my face like a flint, I'm not turning back, all that came to Jesus because he heared the Father's voice and Hearing God's voice will do the same for us as it did for Jesus. 

We need to cultivate that habit of letting the lord waken our ear each morning, God is concerned that we hear his voice.  

I hope you have been blessed by this write-up, kindly share your thoughts in the comment section below and probably upvote this post. God bless you!!!

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Hmmmmm.. This is very nice.

I learnt one or two things from this article. Thanks for sharing