The great tribulation

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

What will happen in the last days or end time.

What is the great tribulation?

answer that the Bible gives

The great tribulation will be the most anguishing period that humanity has ever lived. According to the prophecies of the Bible, it will take place during "the last days" or "the time of the end" (2 Timothy 3: 1; Daniel 12: 4). Mark 13:19 says, "Those days shall be days of a tribulation such as has not happened from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time, and it will not happen again" (Daniel 12: 1; Matthew 24:21, 22).

What will happen during the great tribulation?

  1. It will end the false religion. False religion will be eliminated with surprising speed (Revelation 17: 1, 5; 18: 9, 10, 21). When governments -represented by the United Nations- do this, they will be carrying out God's will (Revelation 17: 3, 15-18).

  2. The true religion will be attacked. A coalition (or group) of nations, which in a vision of Ezekiel is called "Gog of the land of Magog," will attempt to eliminate those who practice true religion. However, God will not allow him to end his people (Ezekiel 38: 1, 2, 9-12, 18-23). The true religion will be attacked. A coalition (or group) of nations, which in a vision of Ezekiel is called "Gog of the land of Magog," will attempt to eliminate those who practice true religion. However, God will not allow him to end his people (Ezekiel 38: 1, 2, 9-12, 18-23).

  3. Those who live on Earth will be judged. Jesus will judge humanity "and separate people from one another, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats" (Matthew 25: 31-33). He will issue his sentence based on whether or not the person has supported the "brothers" of Christ, that is, those who will rule with him in heaven (Matthew 25: 34-46).

  4. He will meet those who will rule with Jesus in the Kingdom. All faithful servants of God who have been chosen to rule with Christ will end their life on earth and will be resurrected to live in heaven (Matthew 24:31, 1 Corinthians 15: 50-53, 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17).

  5. Armageddon will come. In the Bible, Armageddon is also called "the great day of God the Almighty" and the "day of the Lord" (Revelation 16:14, 16, Isaiah 13: 9, 2 Peter 3:12). Those who have been condemned by Christ will be eliminated in this war (Zephaniah 1:18, 2 Thessalonians 1: 6-10). In addition, the world political system, represented in the Bible by a wild beast with seven heads (Revelation 19: 19-21), will be destroyed.

What will happen after the great tribulation?

  1. Satan and the demons will be shut up. A powerful angel will cast Satan and the demons into an "abyss" (Revelation 20: 1-3). There they will remain in a state of inactivity similar to death. Being in that abyss can be compared to being in a prison, so Satan can no longer leave to exert his influence (Revelation 20: 7).

  2. The Millennium will begin. At that moment, the thousand years of the Kingdom of God will begin, which will bring great blessings to mankind (Revelation 5: 9, 10; 20: 4,6). On Earth, an innumerable "great crowd" will have survived the great tribulation and will witness the beginning of the Millennium (Revelation 7: 9, 14, Psalm 37: 9-11).

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