A blind man finds the way

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

TEXT: MARCH 10: 46-52

In the texts we have read we find a man named Bartimaeus "The Blind" surely to be known socially as "The blind" was because he was blind from birth.


History tells us that Bartimaeus the blind man was sitting by the road begging, but in his city, in Jericho, Jesus had come, The Way (John 14: 6).

Bartimaeus the blind man could meet the Path that would lead him to his healing and salvation and that way is Jesus Christ.

Let's see in the text that we have read that we find in that path that Bartimaeus found, like that path that leads us to the restoration of our life, our health, our family.

I. IT IS A PATH OF MERCY (verse 47)

The original word that appears in this text for mercy is the Greek word "eleeos" which means active compassion, specifically divine compassion.

The way of the Lord is a path where we can find the compassion of God on our behalf, his love in action, not simply hurt as human beings often have for the needy, the mercy of God is his love, his power, acting in favor of us and our needs.

Let's stop walking the path of life looking to make people feel sorry, often pitifully instead of help we will receive indifference, criticism, ridicule and contempt, but in the Lord's way we will experience his mercy manifested in our lives.


How sad the verse tells us: Many scolded him to be quiet, many tried to discourage Bartimaeus, but those many who were? Unfortunately many followers of Jesus.

This is still exactly the same today, many satan people will use them to discourage us, to try to turn us back, to steal our faith.

But Bartimaeus instead of discouraging the text tells us that he cried much more, so we like Bartimaeus when satan wants to discourage us, we have to cry much more for the favor and mercy of our Lord.


What wonderful words Bartimeo heard "Trust me, get up, call you" the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, stopped and sent for Bartimaeus, and he did not have to come with fear, he did not have to come With doubts, he had to approach with confidence.

But what is confidence? According to the dictionary, trust is the firm hope or assurance that a person will act as desired.

That is to say that Bartimaeus and each of us have to walk in the way of the Lord with the assurance that God will work with his power on our behalf, to heal us, to restore us, to bless us.

As a child of God we can enter confidently, without fear, before the throne of the grace of our Heavenly Father (Hebrews 4:16).


The text tells us that Bartimaeus threw his cloak to go where Jesus was calling him, but we have to understand that the coat or the dress for a poor person was all he had, it was his most valuable possession, it was his bed, it was his protection when he slept (Exodus 22: 25-27).

The coat or the dress was so valuable to a poor person that, if he borrowed money, he could leave it as collateral, but they had to return it at night because it was all he had to sleep and cover himself.

Bartimaeus knew that he had found the true way, he had found his savior, for which he was willing to leave as much as he had to receive his healing.

Each one of us should ask ourselves: What is our layer? What is that in our life that does not allow us to walk in the way of the Lord, which is what we are not willing to leave to follow our Lord?

Let us remember something very important that our Lord Jesus Christ himself taught (Mark 10: 28-30)


Blind Bartimaeus could see the glory of God in his life, and we will also see it if we walk in the path that Bartimaeus found the "ex-blind".

The way to the cross of Calvary led Jesus and his disciples through Jericho. Knowing the mission of their journey, it is very likely that they spoke about the importance that city had for the people of God. It was in Jericho where, as we are told in the book of Joshua, the walls of the city collapsed thanks to the power of God. Through what Jesus was about to accomplish on the cross of Calvary, walls were going to fall much larger than those of Jericho.

Undoubtedly recovering the sight was very significant for Bartimaeus of Jericho, who was surrounded by the walls. He had lived between walls for a long time.
Bartimaeus, like all those who had marched around Jericho many years before, trusted God. That's why I trusted that Jesus could tear down his walls. And when Jesus healed him, he joined the many others who knew that Jesus was going to tear down walls far more significant than those surrounding a city or those of the city.

Jesus was going to tear down the walls raised by sin. He was going to tear down the walls of death. I was going to tear them down on the cross of Calvary.


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In this story I find two brave witnesses of the power of God Peter and John, the same disciples who at some point and in some way left Jesus alone at the time he needed them most, now had the opportunity to show that they were followers of Jesus. Jesus and they were not ashamed to announce it publicly.

They did not care if people mocked them, now they were determined to live to tell others about Jesus and show that he was powerful to continue to do extraordinary miracles through those who dared to believe in him and not be ashamed of his faith. .

At present it seems that there are not many men willing to be witnesses of the power of God ... rather, they prefer to be Christians of the secret, today we have many who are ashamed if they have to tell others that they are followers of Christ

God is looking for some who are not ashamed of the gospel. To some brave men, who want to wear the Kingdom of God T-shirt, as Pedro and Juan did and go out on the streets ready to tell others.

What we discussed was the great difference between Bartimaeus and the rich young man: both had to reject their attachment to possessions because of attachment to Jesus, but only one of them was willing to do so. Here we have the key to understanding what was the "thing that was lacking" to the rich young man: he lacked Jesus, he lacked to truly love him, as much as to wish to be with him more than anything else. He had to stop treasuring money to treasure him. He did not understand that Christ's greatest treasure is Christ, so if what he really wanted was eternal life, what he needed was to have Christ. That was what he lacked.
But Bartimaeus was different. When he heard that Jesus was calling him, he decidedly threw off his cloak to go to Jesus without thinking twice. He did appreciate Jesus.


The story of blind bartimaeus is one worthy of note. Even in the face of great opposition and despite being blind, he knew what he wanted, and subsequently called out to Jesus. Yes, he was able to find his way to Jesus without his sight, and he was rewarded with divine sight.

The greatest form of blindness is spiritual blindness, there are several people that see physically but are blind spiritually. They thought they are seeing whereas they are blind.
The only person that can heal both physical and spiritual blindness is Jesus Christ.
What we discussed was the great difference between Bartimaeus and the rich young man: both had to reject their attachment to possessions because of attachment to Jesus, but only one of them was willing to do so.

There is one thing l always ask myself ,the blind man was able to locate and open eye man still can't locate him at our generation Oh God have mercy and help us see

Without demonstrating faith and trust in God, we have no place with Him. We believe in God’s existence by faith. Most people have a vague, disjointed notion of who God is but lack the reverence necessary for His exalted position in their lives. These people lack the true faith needed to have an eternal relationship with the God who loves them. Our faith can falter at times, but because it is the gift of God, given to His children, He provides times of trial and testing in order to prove that our faith is real and to sharpen and strengthen it. This is why James tells us to consider it “pure joy” when we fall into trials, because the testing of our faith produces perseverance and matures us, providing the evidence that our faith is real (James 1:2-4).

To be I believe when God is with you anything can happen because the Bible made us to understand that he works on mysterious ways.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He saw the way when he met Jesus.

There is one thing l dependably ask myself ,the visually impaired man could find and open eye man still can't find him at our age Oh God show kindness and enable us to see

What's the spiritual meaning of this.
When you are in sin God never beg you or force you to him self to you to accept him.
But it is left for you.
This is only for those who trust him and they have faith in him.
God gave you his word in the bible , he gave you everything you need as christain to be protected and guilded do not be desieved by anybody.
The church we attend sometimes we always be a part of distruction to all of those who practice the culture of a particular church which is sometimes away from what thebible teaches.
The devil has no power over your life always proclaim the gospel and the devil will always depart from you
Do not take decisions into your hand and do what your mind tells you and not definiatelly what the spirit directs you to do.
Let your life be a represention of a humble lamb and the true son.

JESUS is a healer!

Jesus was move by compassion to heal. He didn't heal to prove a point to people of his time neither does he now. He simply is moved by compassion to do good to people.
Jesus indeed by, his death, burial and resurrection has shun us the deepest of Kindness ever even the sure mercies of David i.e the resurrection from the dead.


The blind man encountered Jesus Christ and his story change for good.

The greatest form of blindness is spiritual blindness, there are several people that see physically but are blind spiritually. They thought they are seeing whereas they are blind.
The only person that can heal both physical and spiritual blindness is Jesus Christ.

He's always ready to heal if only we can cry out to him for help just like the blind man(bartimaeus)

Once lost, but now i can find my way.
Thank you Jesus.

The way to the cross of Calvary led Jesus and his disciples through Jericho. Knowing the mission of their journey, it is very likely that they spoke about the importance that city had for the people of God. It was in Jericho where, as we are told in the book of Joshua, the walls of the city collapsed thanks to the power of God. Through what Jesus was about to accomplish on the cross of Calvary, walls were going to fall much larger than those of Jericho.....


This story have a lot of spiritual implications, how can a blind man knows Christ, it tells us that for those who accepts even his name if they are blind but still they may know him.