The power to give thanks to God for each and every one of his blessings.

in steemchurch •  5 years ago  (edited)

Community of @Steemchurch What is giving thanks?
Giving thanks is turning with expressions or actions towards who has done us a favor, or has given us help or done us good; When someone gives us something, we turn to him with a smile or a hug or words of thanks and the more valuable is the gift, the favor or the help we receive, the greater is our gratitude to those who give it to us.
Giving thanks to God is the response of a humble heart, a heart that does not forget and that recognizes the wonderful blessings that God gives. Being grateful is not enough simply or only with words, but also with facts.

Why should we give thanks to God?
"But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" 1 Co 15:57.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ Jesus, and through us manifests in every place the odor of his knowledge" 2 Co 2:14
"Always giving thanks for everything to God and Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 5:20
Why many times do we not give thanks to God? Why are we not grateful?
1 For the lack of knowledge of all the things that God does for us
2 We are forgetful, that is, we forget what God does. "Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget any of his benefits" Ps.103: 2
3 We forget and far from grateful, what we do is to murmur "Be careful not to forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Deut 6:12
4 We do not believe him, we believe the enemy more than God himself.
How can we be grateful and thank God?
So let us always offer to God, through Him, a sacrifice of lips that confess His name "Hebrews 13:15 1. With expressions, thanksgiving is to do, is to act. It is to stop doing the bad thing, to give God all the areas of our life completely, to give God all the glory, all the control of our whole being, spirit, soul and body. Thanksgiving is doing the will of God and not ours
"So brothers @Steemit I pray for the mercy of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship" Dedicating a specific time without interruptions, without distraction, for God, thanksgiving is a delivery, it is a commitment, both the monetary offering and the offering of our life is a thanksgiving. Rom 12: 1
It does not move me, my God, to love you the sky that you have promised me, nor does the hell move me so feared to stop for that reason of offending you.
You move me, Lord, move me to see you nailed to a cross and mocked, move me to see your body so wounded, move me your affronts and your death.
Move me, in short, your love, and in such a way, that even if there was no heaven, I would love you, and even if there were no hell, I would fear you.
You do not have to give me because I love you, because although what I hope will not wait, just as I love you, I would love you.

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Hi @reyigg!

The secret lies in being able to give thanks without extraordinary events occurring.
This way you can be happier, whatever the circumstances of our lives.