in steemchurch •  6 years ago 
  • When we look at the sea, the mountains, the jungles, when we see the stars of the sky, the sun, the moon, what do you think? Where do you think these wonders come from?

When in the books we study that planets and satellites work by exact laws, so much so that scientists can predict exactly when an eclipse of the moon or the sun will happen.

we also know that they have been able to send space vehicles and men to the moon and even a special vehicle to explore the planet Mars. And they can do these things, because they can follow those laws of exact order that govern the planets.

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Who put this exact order in the universe? Do you believe that this order in the Universe could happen by chance? Or will there have been Someone who did all these things?

Do you think that if we toss the parts of a car engine or a computer into the air, can they by themselves accidentally order themselves to make an engine or a computer?

These questions that may seem a bit silly, are not really. For us they seem very evident now. But those questions were asked by the wise men of antiquity to see how the world was formed, where everything that they saw came from, including how the human being emerged.

So the sages of before concluded - and we have to conclude today - that there is a very, very powerful Being - an Almighty Being - who is capable of doing all things -great and small- and doing them in such a perfect and orderly manner.


?Who is that Almighty Being?

God is that Almighty Being.

And how do we know about God?

?We know about God in several ways:

  • The first is using the intelligence that God has given us, answering those previous questions. When we answer them, we know that the Universe has not been able to do it alone, nor can it be ordered alone. It is necessary that God created and ordered it.

  • In addition, God himself made himself known to the first human beings, then to Abraham, to Moses, to the Prophets. And their testimonies are written in the Bible.

  • But, more importantly, God has spoken to us through his Son, Jesus Christ.

?Do you know some things that Jesus Christ of God told us¿

That God is Father of Him and Our Father (Lk.11, 2) (also of us). It means, then, that Jesus is his Son, but that we are also children of God and can call him Father. (Jn 1, 12 and Eph 1, 4b)

  • Who is Almighty: can do everything you want. (Ap 4, 8b)

  • Who knows everything and who watches everything, even our most hidden thoughts. (Mt 6, 4)

  • That is Eternal: it has always existed: it had no beginning or end. (Jn 8, 58 and Rev 1, 8)

  • That God is a Good Father, who loves us and cares for us. (Refer to the parables of the Father of the Prodigal Son, of the Good Shepherd, of the flowers of the field and the birds of the sky, to show the love and care of God the Father). He not only loves us, but God is Love itself. (1 Jn.4, 16)

  • And it is so good, that it is Merciful, since it even forgives our sins, if we repent. (Lk 6, 35-36)

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"Create" means to take something out of nothing, that is, before the created thing there is nothing. Creating from nothing means that to create, God does not need anything.

When we talk about creating something, like a work of art, an elegant suit, a recipe for cooking, are we really creating ... creating from nothing like God?

God is the only Being that can create from nothing. Therefore, creation can only come from God.

According to the Theory of Creation, God directly created the universe and everything it contains, including human beings, as we will see in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.

But ... have you heard about the Theory of Evolution? What is that?

It is a scientific "theory". Nothing more than a "theory", because it is not yet fully demonstrated, although all TV programs and the Internet make it seem that this theory is already proven.

The Theory of Evolution holds that first came the mineral forms, that is, the inorganic matter. Then came the organic matter, the living forms. And this process was for very, very long periods of time. And he also argues that human life comes from animal life, specifically that the human being comes from the monkey.

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God is the absolute creative owner of the heavens and the earth, because everything is made to perfection, no human being, could never have ordered everything to perfection, our God is powerful, omniscient, omnipresent ... to Him belongs the earth and its fullness.
Good post @ ricardo12...

The most convincing fact supporting intelligent design is the astronomical odds of successful evolution from a one cell worm to a homo sapien life form. The odds that every change could happen the way the evolutionists say it did are beyond comprehension. The Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe certainly fits with the Bible version. Heaven and earth were created on the first day. If that isn't a "Big Bang" I don't know what is!

That which you say friend, it is about studies that have been done and that even with studies do not have exact details of how the whole creation happened, what if it is united to say it in some way in the creation of the first day. !! It is written in the bible, it is very good to know that there are people like you that we like this type of topics to discuss the word of God and share a little more about the Word of God. God bless you @chuck2u32

Science and faith are not in conflict with each other. I believe in the six day Bible creation, but it is also possible that because of the incalculable odds of evolutionary occurrences that God had a hand in that possible course of events as well. It is possible that science and faith are really two sides of the same coin.