Friday Night Reflections: LIVE! With SirKnight.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)

Ladies and gentlemen of the SteemChurch,

'Peace be with you.'

Jack and SirKnight ponder - what does 'FREEDOM' mean - to you?

As SirKnight sits back and enjoys a responsible Tennessee Whiskey of the Jack Daniel's variety, he finds himself thinking...

'What is this 'FREEDOM', which the SteemChurch, the conservative YouTube activists and the crypto-market in general is fighting for?

For SirKnight, FREEDOM is seems a simple, family-based concept...

'Freedom' is a child having more opportunities than what their father and mother had.

Simple, worthwhile and a foundation for happiness.

At present these opportunities are being stolen from a whole new general of children. Stolen by government regulators, by Marxists, by elites. All of which seek to retain their own power through socialist policies designed to enslave the world's workers and enrich themselves.

SirKnight could ramble on about this all night and would love to read your thoughts on the matter. Therefore SirKnight it taking this 'Friday Night Reflections' LIVE!

LIVE... right here in the comments, let's discuss 'FREEDOM' and what it means to you.

And just to get us in the mood for freedom... STARSHIP.

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For me, freedom is something that goes beyond the political, social, and economic systems. It is the freedom of ourselves, each one of them being at heart and living in peace with one another. Whom the son of man frees will be truly free. I think Steemchurch is promoting this kind of freedom that comes from the soul and then translates into physical, social, and economic freedom. In these days I have thought so much about the freedom that God has spoken to my heart, if you want to give freedom begins by removing people from captivity of their thoughts. freedom is love without limits.

Beautiful Darlenys. Sometimes I believe that SteemChurch is riding on the winds of change.

A beautiful song about the fall of Berlin Wall and communism in East Germany. A shame the German's have forgotten how bad communism truly was.

Beautiful song @Sirknight thanks for sharing.

Freedom is just as simple and free as the word is

It is simply an avenue to be on the air like a bird

Ready to go wherever it pleases

Freedom is worth everything for what it is

Thanks for your thoughtful idea of freedom

Have a great weekend

......"Freedom Regime".......

I tend to see the struggles in Steemit as a digital world analogy to Dune universe.

I would like to add two quotes from Frank Hebert:

“Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.”

Chapterhouse: Dune

This is an important thing to consider as we need to difference the individual freedom from the group freedom, if the actions are directed to a greater good freedom goal, with discipline; individual freedom is achieved as a consequence.

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.

This other quote from Hebert makes me think on how the ones stealing freedom tend to see it...

And that view is the one that needs to be changed!

We can all work together towards the greater good, and build the future shaping the world to a more just and fair environment for.

It all starts with Family!

I love this response - partly as I am a fan of Hebert and Dune.

I agree 100% - freedom for me has nothing to do with frivolous desires - it is about allowing everyone the opportunity to succeed in life as they choose, but this success will ultimately been driven by the dicipline and determination of the individual.

And of course.... 'The spice must flow.'

Exactly, I like to see it that way because it leads us to explore the concept of Selflessness and to the understanding that freedom is a balance of our rights and duties as a collective.

That way all together we can bring water to Arrakis, one bucket at a time.

The steem block chain is a tool to reach those who understand how we can positively impact the world and the need for freedom that has been stolen from us.

We don't need revolutions, we need to work together.

Freedom, justice and life have their foundation in God, and the glory of God appears as the ultimate meaning and the supreme goal of it. Therefore, it is a question of consolidating collective freedom in such a way that, without allowing itself to be led to the extremes of libertinism and totalitarianism, there is the greatest possible freedom of natural right. The human being is not free by nature, but above all is liberated: the salvific action of God (in Christ) frees him from sin and makes him free for justice, frees him from immorality to serve justice, from death (the wages of sin) for eternal life (gift of God). The freedom promised and granted by the word and action of God must be visible and realized now and as far as possible by Christians.


Not all that familiar with the affronts to freedom that you face in Australia. We're halfway around the world and all we see of Australia is the Masterchef series, no news, not even fake ones. I do know that you've got socialism reigning there with mandatory vax and no homeschooling and all this other dog shit that comes from having scum in power.

Freedom is being able to do, think, say or communicate whatever you want within the basic tenets of decency. We don't have any of that here in Canada because of the libertards and similar filth. We're at about the same spot as the Soviet Union during Stalin where everything you say will be reported to a whole bunch of people who somehow got roped into dealing with it. It's popular because in the end, most people are too damn stupid to want freedom. They want someone to tell them what to do, to absolve them of any personal responsibility.

Sorry about the shitty vote, my VP got wiped out and recharging.

This Knight absolutely loves this reply Guilty Parties - truly from the heart.

Fortunately for Australia - we are about 10 years behind you guys, US and Europe. We had a Golden Era of conservative prosperity under Prime Minister John Howard in the decade prior to 2007 - which put us a long way ahead.

We then suffered socialist rule for about the next 6 years. Then Aussies were smart enough to put another conservative Government in place.

How you Canadians managed to elect this Trudeau boy as Prime Minister is beyond this Knight. If he were Australian, he would simply be a Left Wing Television News Anchor - which would barely get 50,000 viewers a night. Sure he would still be able to virtue signal for the feminists - but the damage would be kept to a minimum.


I don't know how we elected that filthbag. Leave it to Canadians to replace a great government with total garbage and then wonder why our neighbors hate us.

Freedom allows us to decide to be responsible for our behavior, it also enables us to choose between good and evil. There are many types of freedom in different areas, in finances, in the spiritual, in the soul, body and spirit we can feel freedom in different ways, all living beings are free in some areas but we are also slaves in other areas, I think that in Christ we can have a true freedom in fullness, although we end up being slaves of Christ, tied in his love.

An example I can give, is that in Venezuela it is difficult to be free in terms of choosing a special brand of food or medicine, we are also limited in terms of the type of daily food to eat. Although we are not yet free from this kind of selfish system of government, on the other hand we have experienced a certain kind of freedom that you @sirknight has given us, and not only economic aid, but in each of your publications you leave traces in the hearts of his followers and I am one of those who love his reflections, makes us reflect on life on freedom, be free to liberate others.

Thank you for your thoughts on freedom Michelle. Perhaps we are all destined to be slaves in one way or another. And perhaps with more opportunities - through the blockchain and benevolent people - more opportunities will be available to all.

Freedom is a state of being free to do whatever you love doing. When you have to decide for yourself without constraints or any influence.

The true freedom we desire is here with blockchain technology most especially STEEM blockchain. Where we have a decentralized world and no central governments and Central Banks to control, victimise or manipulate anybody.

We are not there yet but we are on the verge of getting there. We now have @steemchurch (church on blockchain), @steemcourt (court on blockchain) and @farms (to feed the world with STEEM), all on Steem blockchain. Thanks to one of the greatest freedom fighter @sirknight

I understand what you are saying Father, however, have a looks at the post above please - you may find it enlightening. Let me know.

Freedom is the power to be who you want and do what you want based on merit, freedom should be about you and not who you know.
The world we know revolves around an unending cycle of Connections, we are no longer defined by who we are but rather who we know in the upper tier of society .
Growing up, i was told by my family and friends ; go to school, read your books, graduate with a good result and get a good job,you will be freefrom poverty and successful.

The Blockchain is true freedom, you are defined by your work and development to the community.

Glad i found the crusade for freedom when i did.

This Knight is glad you found the crusade too Druids. Thanks for dropping in. There was a time when the advice you received was right - but no more. Yes the blockchain is freedom. And as far as education goes - the half life for a degree is getting shorter and shorter - successful people need to be reskilling continually now. What should we listen to next Druids?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Next, how can we make everyone free and sustain that freedom?

I believe freedom should be an infectious chain reaction in which We;parishioners and members of the blockchain strive to set others on the path of freedom and revolutionize the idea of freedom in our respective communities.
We are free and it's time to set others free, i no longer depend on my government.
With the blockchain,i am free to be who i am if am willing to work the work and achieve my dreams.

Thank You Sk for the steemchurch.

Nice to hear from you today @sirknight, for me freedom just as the name implies means being free, look at the birds of the air, they have nothing to worry about, i would say that freedom is having outmost peace of mind!!

With nothing to panic for or doing things just to please someone or get noticed!

Thanks for the interactions, today is my birthday, i would say am grateful to have found you and steemchurch!

You have been a blessing, God bless you!


braveheart 😊

How's going Sir Knight. This Steem Church project of yours grows rapidly and becoming one monster project, I see. I often bump on accounts posting under steemchurch tag, pretty cool 👍

Good luck to you and Jack in uniting the Christian of te blockchain

TKF - feels like it has been forever since we last spoke. Thanks for the feedback on SC - that's what me William Wallace and like to hear. (hehehe) What are you up to tonight?

Its been months for sure, SirKnight! I think back in December 2017?😁 I was taking a little break from upgrading my witness-server and saw your posting, I just had to say hello 😊

Be well SirKnight!

for my freedom is when you can sleep and awakening without the nightmare see so many needs especially in the face of children .. the worst here in Venezuela there are a lot of philosophy Marxist in leaders.

I hear you Emilio - what the Marxists never seem to understand is (and in the words of Margaret Thatcher) 'you soon run out of other people's money to spend'. And when you do - people starve and the population goes to war.

nothing truer than the truth! by the way Unfortunately my wife just informed me that she is traveling there is a strike and looting of food on the road

brother Emilio!! greeting, Where are there looting ?

Some trucks that bring food ... so that the state Sucre has not entered food for days, the guard custody of more than 300 carriers for threats of other possible looting. Greeting brother

Wow I'm reflecting this sultry Saturday, to me, freedom means the right to be. sometimes people do not have the liberty to be exactly the people they want to be, instead they're forced into accepting to be what the society wants them to be.
@sirknight that's why I think freedom entails being, the chance to choose your choices without fear of judgment from anyone.

Choices. Yes Josediccus - this Knight agrees - freedom is about choices. Do you feel our choices are being limited?

Yes I feel so, sometimes people allow the opinion of others to limit their choices

Freedom to me is the ability to express his/her thought and speech without being executed or jail for it. Relating it to our society, freedom to the people means to do the following

  1. Totally responsible for your life
  2. Freedom to worship in any part of the world.
  3. No discrimination between the status quo (Rich and Poor), everyone stands equally
  4. No taxes, no one should take money from you that he(government) didn't work for.
  5. No monitoring of your activities and threatening to jail you(tax default)
  6. Lands belongs to the owner not government
  7. Security is everyone's job not just the government agency.
  8. No government agency like child protection coming to take away your child with legal terms and stealing your child to a stranger(Adoption)
  9. No one above the law and everyone judged equally
  10. No social credit score carried on the citizens by the government to enslave the citizens and control them.

Freedom is the free will of the heart

Wow Yungchief - some terrific points there. And I agree with all. But to be honest - I don't mind some level of taxation - but a government should never, ever, be allowed to run a budget deficit. Run a deficit they should be sacked immediately. At present, ever nation on the planet seems to running massive deficits - I hear that Russia and Iceland might be a couple of exceptions.

Well, I feel jail term is way too severe punishment for tax defaulters depending on the circumstances.

When it comes to deficit, my country president has been running the country with no budget and the budget hasn't been signed by the parliament. And nobody to sack anybody

No-one being sacked for running deficits these days unfortunately - the Marxists expect them to be run.

Yes very true. They are referred to as CABALS. And this leads to where our freedom of speech has been taken, and no high profile individual or politician dare speak up out of the fear of risking jail term.

Freedom to me is... unobstructed opportunity.
Like you have mentioned above

'Freedom' is a child having more opportunities than what their father and mother had.
Simple, worthwhile and a foundation for happiness.

Freedom is not something that can be given/gifted to generations by those who preceded them.

Liberty & Freedom must be upheld by the current population so that it may exist for future generations, however, it is not something tangible that we can acquire and bestow upon our fellow man; each individual must possess the desire to be free and stand to the challenge of the hunt.

Being free, to me, is the ability to traverse the path of your choosing, unimpeded & so long as your path does not impede upon others - you are free.

Again, we cannot take from our fellow man to become more free ourselves, as freedom is not something we acquire - it is the faith that freedom exists and how we pursue it - is freedom.

Freedom is an unobstructed opportunity and we live in a world full of obstructions.

Freedom must be sustained by the actions of our civilization and each generation that stands for freedom is essentially paying it forward to the next - although they will need to do the same for the future generations to follow.

It is not a medal that we achieve in our lifetime, but we pursue freedom with the gratification that someday it will exist for many more than it does right now. That is faith that drives our persistent effort to seek unobstructed opportunity. Without faith that freedom can exist - it will not.

It is our duty to remove barriers that obstruct the opportunities for our children. I believe the blockchain is one mechanism that can generate many opportunities for future generations while eliminating some barriers in the process = a way forward via new wide-open doors. Unobstructed opportunity is freedom to me, @sirknight. Thanks to my gr8 m8 @jackmiller for the nudge to toss my thoughts out here.

Best Regards,
Brandon / @grow-pro

freedom? It is a good question, for me it is the greatest virtue, and it is very sought after by all those who are or consider themselves oppressed. But freedom in Christ is not the same as political or economic freedom. In fact, some of the people who have been most oppressed in history have had complete freedom in Christ. The bible tells us that, spiritually speaking, no one is free. In Romans 6, Paul explains that we are all slaves. Either we are slaves of sin or slaves of justice. Those who are slaves of sin can not free themselves from it, but once we are free from the punishment of the power of sin through the cross, we become a different kind of slave, and it is in that slavery that we can find peace and true freedom.

Very deep Marcelo - but it is one to FREE in the spirit of Christ, it is another to be FREE from the greed and enslavement of man. And whilst this Knight agrees that 'suffering' is a part of life (when you love and people die suffering will always exist - and this is not a bad thing) he will not accept that we cannot free ourselves from man-made oppression.

the oprecion of man is very bad, is the cause of many evils.

freedom for me is that we have the power to choose what to eat, where to go, what school my daughter will have,

Yes - pretty simple isn't it Milagros. How is your day?

Well, at home trying to make lunch. :)

freedom is not defined by "choosing oneself", but by the wisdom that comes from God when we submit to his Word; for the abundant grace that subjugates us with its love and attracts us to good, enabling us to discern and overcome temptation; Lord Jesus said it in a very clear and forceful way; "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Knowing the truth is a sign of seeing the way, warning the false signs and knowing what direction to take to arrive at the true destination. (James 1:12) God does not allow us to sin, let alone tempt anyone.

Are these your words Taty? What I want to know is - what does FREEDOM mean to you? Not to John or James.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

True, freedom is Christ because sometimes we believe we are free but when we realize we are slaves of ourselves. Only God helps us to obtain that freedom.For me, everything is intrinsic in these two verses of the word of God.

Guao this gentleman always surprises us !! Certainly in the world that we live, freedom in every sense of the citizen is being lost every day more, and politicians have threshed this term of "freedom" so much that they have contributed to the human being not understanding it by submerging the families of the earth in chaos JESUS said about this: "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Each man is free to choose the power he wants to see dominate over him. True freedom gives you peace, well-being, hope, it has to do with the state of our souls. It is the one that proceeds when there is justice. Freedom makes you free from any form of slavery in which today the system of this world subjects us. Where there is social, political and cultural exclusion there can be no freedom.

Truth will set you free ricci - I agree - because I feel that many throughout history have not actually realised they were enslaved - until the truth about their leaders was revealed

Freedom begins with ourselves, in most of the cases within each being there is a bond, the important thing is to decite it to be free of them. The human spirit is regenerated when it accepts the grace of God, who is Jesus, the savior. Happily, Jesus, the way of truth, gives us true freedom, that of the spirit, and makes us despoiling us of sins through the forgiveness and giving us love, faith, forgiveness, hope, solidarity, understanding, humility, temperance, trust, among so many other gifts. To seek it, to assume it and to conserve it is one of the wisest acts that we could carry out.

Now Xiore - this is a really intellectual response. However, I am a simple working-class Knight, so I don't really get it. So tell me from your heart - what is FREEDOM to you Xiore?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ha.ha, ok beloved gentleman if I tell you in simple words for me the freedom is to get up every morning without burdens, knowing that everything we do is for the good of others and ours, and things we can not do we give it to God. The wisdom that the Father gives us is true freedom.

My own opinion about freedom is to free your inner man from all the worries the world has to offer. Embrace challenges and take the small opening in every situation. If one is able to achieve that, then freedom can be attained

Interesting Johnsonkoranteng - free from worry. A man free from worry? I think... a boy wants to be free from worry. It is a man's job to worry - free or not. Is worry not what separates the men from the boys. Just a thought.

Freedom is to have one's life and my own destiny and act according to my own judgment and discretion, is to have a quality of life where as a human being get things depending on our ability, without restriction of any Government or entity Government that play with the economy and society of his people. Freedom is where everyone can act as they want, as long as they do not impair or coerced by the freedom of others.

The greater freedom that can have a human being or the oppressed of soul and heart, is what gives us Jesus Christ, we are free in it already that the freedom of Christ is not the same as political or economic freedom, we are made free from the power of sin. In this way we must walk hand with our God that through him we can get pure and true freedom.

Let us walk with Jesus then Mildreduh.

Freedom is the right of every human being, their fundamental rights, as our @sirknight leader says freedom is to give and give our children from all those limitations that their parents had become free is to express what we feel, count with each of the basic needs that may require a human being, but the most beautiful liberty is what gives us Jesus Christ, jesus us has brought and shown the peace and freedom.

Freedom to me means, not to be enslaved, not to be Imprisoned... Thanks @sirknight

As much as i try to understand and explain freed, the big terms just makes it lool complex. Freedom is knowing what to do and doing it. The individual knowledge of good and evil determines the operation of freedom

Some interesting points here Deeam. Jack and I will need to ponder this further.

Owww, great.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

'Freedom' is a child having more opportunities than what their father and mother had.

Freedom means many things to many people. I love what you said here sir.

To me freedom is a special privilege giving to someone. Like the one you are giving to us all here in steemchurch

Thank you dwayne. If SteemChurch is a platform for freedom - I am a happy Knight.

A person's freedom ends where starts the other's. Freedom is that every person has the right to profess the religion they want, to have and to disseminate ideas that their choice, provided they do so within the framework of law and the respect for others. Freedom is what our @sirknight this gentleman carrying the world, love for others, respect, the big-hearted and vocation of help to the needy, those who do not have that freedom financial, that we are bound by many factors of the society whether political or otherwise, that is called freedom you are doing SirKnight, fighting so that everyone in this world would be free. Through our Lord God that has a pure heart fulfilling the call of Jesus Christ in giving freedom to all the oppressed of the world.

I appreciate these comments elgringo - thank you.

Freedom is to be able to do what you want without restrictions, is to be able to go where you want and say what you think without being repressed. You are free when you do what you really like without having conditions ...

Good question sirknight, I agree with your concept, there will be something more Pleasant to do the children with best possibilities that we had parents.

freedom for a better future, because I must be a slave of politicians who only want more power and money, freedom for me is to be able to share with my family in the afternoons with my children to enjoy a good meal a good dessert, now my country passed by a situation that the leaders want to steal our freedom, but there is a just God in whom I believe, and it is certain that the time of God is perfect.

Freedom is nothing but the pleasure of God, by granting human beings to live in such a way that promotes and contributes life on the planet without suffering ... Adam sold us but Jesus bought us and makes us free.

I am excited about this topic because it goes a long way to really bring out our innermost thoughts. All the explanations about freedom said so far are correct in their own respect. Thank you @sirknight, tonight we discuss.

To me' freedom' is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. You become at liberty to do as you please.

I like this response Vik - right to act, speak and think as one wants. Very important.

Thank you

Dear gentleman @sirknigth; Freedom begins within the soul of man and woman, it is the potential of the life of God and that he expected, therefore it was agreed by life to have the opportunity to move forward, to go towards the ardent center to manifest an identity and an individuality. Freedom comes with the gift of free will. It is there, where the flame of freedom has its beginning. It could not exist, except as a gift from the Creator to creation. But in this world that freedom is overshadowed and repressed, but with the will of God we must fight it to give the children a future free of ties where they can exercise their will on the path of good, but without repression.

Freedom is to express what is in our hearts, without harming anyone, is to demonstrate who we are in reality without falsehood, we all deserve to be free

Freedom is to express what is in our hearts, without harming anyone, is to demonstrate who we are in reality without falsehood, we all deserve to be free

Freedom is the condition that allows a person or living being to live independently, without being dominated or subjugated by another living being. It allows the individual to make their own decisions, make choices and, in one way or another, build their life and life experience. Carry out your life, how to transform it or how to maintain it according to what you need or want. Therefore, the importance of freedom lies in the fact that it is a fundamental element that contributes directly to the generation of a full, satisfied person, full of pleasure, joy and much more strengthened both socially and individually. Remember that a person whose freedom is taken away often becomes a weak, insecure and fearful person simply because they consider it unfit to act according to their own interests.

Freedom is a right, and we are all born with it, and that leads us to be masters of our own lives.

Freedom is a very broad subject and that in summary is the ability to do or express or act our desires according to our will, respecting the law and the rights of others. There are many types of freedoms; individulaes and colectivas. The fundamental individual liberties are freedom of opinion, expression, circulation, thought, conscience, religion and the right to privacy. Collective freedoms: Collective freedoms are those that correspond to a group of people. It is particularly about freedom of association, peaceful assembly, freedom of association and the right to demonstrate.

In the same way as adults, children have rights and freedoms. However, children are growing beings and, therefore, are more fragile and vulnerable than adults. In addition, in order to ensure their protection and well-being, children have more restricted freedoms than adults. And if their freedom is respected, it is in the hands of adults, they are responsible for being defenseless. adults, the right to have an opinion, express it and come together to share their point of view.

Freedom allows a person to live fully in peace and love, always if rulers but many of them do not.

Freedom mean to me as having Jesus christ as your personal savior and for matter you a trust that you will receive salvation

Amazing! I can't wait!

We must pray to God so that our children can lead on the right path and that they can know the Lord's designs, overcoming the temptations that come their way in their lives. Excellent picture of the fruit tray and of course thank you for your invitation to the on the rock. Blessings

the concept of freedom is an abstraction but the truth is that we are not free since there are many rules that regulate our behavior, as people, as citizens, children and parents

I like your Reflection about freedom , Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it.