Hello everyone, calvary greetings to you all. You are welcome to my blog. Be careful about the kind of offer you dive into as some might tends to be dangerous. This topic will enlighten you the more. Stay blessed even as you read along.
An advert for a house in indonesia went viral online sometimes ago when a the woman who offered the house for sale added an extra unsual feature. In addition to the house, she offered her hand in marriage free of charge to whoever would buy the house. The internet advert read for the most part like a regular house listing saying that the single-storey property had 2-bedrooms, two bathrooms, a parking space and a fish pond. But it is also proposed to buyers a "free offer" which was, "when you buy this house, you can ask the owner to marry you."
Alongside the advert was the picture of the owner, a 40 years old widow and a beauty salon owner, leaning against a car in front of the house. The advert said "terms and condition applied", and noted that the offer was "for serious buyers and non-negotiable." The house was put up for a market value of 999 million rupa(about $75,000). The lady in today's story may not really have meant any harm. She may have genuiely wanted to re-marry and settle down again to a family life. The challenge here was that the terms of sale were suspect because whoever would buy the house must marry the woman, and that condition was "non-negotiable". Commentators felt that the woman was not actually selliing the house. Since the woman would become the legal wife of the buyer, the house will automatically revert back to her as the owner. This was considered the dangerous part of the offer.
In the basic scripture, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of this world if He(Jesus) would worship him. Our lord was quick to refuse the offer; instead He asked satan to get behind Him. You must discern dangerous offers and quickly reject them. If someone asks you to come to bed before he/she can offer you employment or a favour you are seeking, that is a dangerous offer.
If a man wants to sleep with you before marriage or says you cannot have his hand in marriage until you become pregnant, that is a dangerous offer.
If someone offers to take you where you can make money through rituals, that is another dangerous offer.
The list of dangerous offers is endless. Anything that will make you sell your birthright is a dangerous offer. Learn from ESAU who sold his birthright and wept bitterly without result.
Run away the way Joseph ran from potiphar's wife before it is too late.
Don't judge the book by it's cover.
Don't be a fool any further.
All that glitters is not Gold.
His grace is sufficient for you.
Say this prayer with me: Dear lord! Give me the grace to stand my ground even in the midst of trials and temptations in Jesus name. Amen!
My appreciation goes to the following people.
@sirknight. He is a source of inspiration to me.
Not to forget his leading apostles;
@dwayne16. A friend turn brother. (God bless the day i met you bro)
@steemchurch Thanks for giving me this platform to propagate the gospel.