STEEMCHURCH| Presenting ecclesiastical services in the Blockchain and promoting the gifts and talents of the parishioners!!

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)

A special greeting from SteemChurch for all the communities that are part of this wonderful Church, @sc-n @sc-v @sc-g @farms @reliquary... also for all parishioners and friends who virtually visit this sacred trend.

We have meditated and prayed demanding wisdom to implement the works of God for the benefit of the consciential, spiritual and economic liberation of the World, through SteemChurch.

SteemChurch has overcome many obstacles that give us a positive sign: Church that has kept growing and persevering... and now has a group of people committed to the crusade for freedom, initiated by @sirknight.

We have something good in mind and we are praying that it will soon come true: SteemChurch Physicist.


However, this thought has made us reflect:

If Steemchurch is a virtual Church with impact on the physical world, we can already give it the corresponding liturgical character inside and outside the Blockchain, that is, services and special services programmed, with the participation of the brothers in Christ of all the communities of SteemChurch, and with special guests each week.

All this is possible, if we join together to proclaim with love throughout the Blockchain, the solid and hopeful message of the Gospel.

We wish that the people who visit steemchurch feel the warmth of a spiritual house or the embrace of God in their lives, feel a true community that loves their neighbor and also know that we dream of their spiritual, emotional and financial freedom.

Because where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin to establish a virtual table with all the Leaders of SteemChurch and parishes, to work and honor the Church of Steem. With the Apostle Marcelo, the sisters @lorennys and @milagros, we have already made some important agreements about the programs of cults and biblical themes indicated for each week.

Your attention please!

In memory of the great gifts and talents possessed by members of steemchurch and its parishes, we want to involve everyone to participate in the activities programmed by our community.

Based on Paul's letter to the Church of Corinth:

Now, there is a diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same. And there are different ministries, but the Lord is the same. And there are different operations, but God, who does all things in all, is the same. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit.
1 Corinthians 12: 4-7

This means that each person has something for the building of the Church.

The Apostle Paul continues in the letter to the Romans saying something similar:

Because in the way that in a body we have many members, but not all the members have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and all members of one another. So that, having different gifts, according to the grace that is given to us, if that of prophecy, use according to the measure of faith; or if of service, in serving; or the one who teaches, in the teaching; he who exhorts, in the exhortation; the one who distributes, with liberality; the one who presides, with request; he who shows mercy, with joy.
Romans 12: 4-8

Definitely we can not doubt for a second that each of us has talents given by God. All but absolutely all of us have been endowed with special talents by the grace of God.

Now I ask you:

What is the Gift or Talent that God gave you and which burns the most in your heart?

You like to sing?
Do you like to play a musical instrument?
Do you like to preach?
Do you like to evangelize?
Do you like to shepherd?
Do you like to pray for the sick?
Do you like working with children?
Do you like to serve God?
Do you like to dance and do choreography?
Do you like to disciple?
Do you like to intercede?


Let us know in the comments your talents and if you want to be part of this great Christian movement, in the Blockchain! No matter your language, race or nationality, just let yourself be guided by God and serve him with love.

We will contact and support all those who want to participate!

I was glad with those who told me: We will go to the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122: 1

Look how good and how delicious it is to have the brothers together in harmony!
Psalm 133: 1

Everyone has a call to fulfill and steemchurch is here to help you grow and strengthen God's purpose in your life.

We are a True Church that will open the way of love and freedom of Christ to many people!


Tomorrow an important announcement!

Much peace and prosperity for all of you!

CEO/ emiliocabrera

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greetings to the whole church of @steemchurch, you can start to make and publish your preaching videos, praise ministry, worship, ministry of ministers, ladies ministry, gentleman ministry, youth ministry, ministry of evangelism, ministry of intersection. prayer ministry.

Excellent initiative your grace. This Knight for one is eager to see our talented parishioners in action.


Posted using Partiko Android

We will see you in action SK, SteemChurch opens its doors to this opportunity to consolidate fraternal love among all the parishes and provide the warmth of the Church. We also want to hear the audible preaches of the Steem Knight. 😉

Indeed, this is a powerful innovation for the for me, one of the things I do for fun is dancing and choreographing dance to suit music and this has made me a dance instructor, instructing over 50 dancers from my dance academy. I will love to partake in this initiation of the church.

Wow! Thank you for putting your talent in the service of God and of SteemChurch brother @hboi .. we will have the honor to introduce you and introduce you to SteemChurch for all the followers. We are in touch. Blessings

Always ready to serve the church, it will be an honor to showcase what I love teaching and doing and moreover, if there be need for any segment talent committee, I 'll love to be among.

brother @hboi, I can not wait to see it in a choreography.

Brother @marcelo182, indeed it's an amazing initiative that the church has created, I also await and hope to see amazing varieties of talents.

Loving this initiative because many of our parishioners are waiting for this great opportunity to consolidate participation as a Church. My talent is to sing, in fact since I was a child I was always passionate about music because most of my family are talented in music.

Thank you for your support Sister L, yes, many brothers and guests can delight us with the gifts of God. I hope to see your participation 😉

Great initiative!
Our giftings were for the edification of the church, even @Steemchurch, we must share and be a blessing in whatever way God has graced us.

I am a music minister and I also work with the follow-up department.

It is a privilege to serve God in these areas and I derive great joy in doing them.
1 am @Evegrace

I am glad to know that @evegrace, everyone will have the opportunity to participate as many times as they wish and I am sure that our dear mice @snnifscurry will support the parishioners who give love to the steemchurch with their talents.

what good initiative, the ministerial gifts, the spiritual gifts (granted as he wants) and the talents that God gives to each one, mine is, for the mercy of the Creator and consummate of all things is that of a teacher and I execute in my congregation.

We are ready to contribute to the first blockchain church.


Thanks Brother Theonlyway! You are very talented and we will love introducing you to SteemChurch, providing a good message. @ammarn and I think you will be the first guests haha. Tomorrow we will place a contact number and email.

Very good Brother @Theonlyway

Wow! It is a great initiative Brothers, it is an honor for us that through steemchurch we serve God with our talents in the block chain. Music is what I love the most and I surrender my talents at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ.

images (4).jpeg

Yes Ammarn, thank you! What do you have a good talent to sing and play instruments and be a pleasure that all parishioners listen to you.

I would like to preach the gospel. But sometimes some people have multiple talents that God has given to them. For instance a person may be preacher and at the same time an evangelist. Thank you for this great work, indeed that is our core mandates of being here as Parishioners.

If Brother Oppongk, people can participate with their multiple talents. It will be great to see you preach, prepare your video and soon we will request it.

This is going to be super awesome. I've heen away for awhile but now I'm back. And i hope that i will be able to serve the church better with my talent . God bless @steemchurch

You are welcome @ladywayne1, we look forward to your participation

Great steemchurch! I find this idea very interesting, a church where its members contribute what God gave them:

Every good gift and every perfect gift descends from above, the Father of lights, in whom there is no change, nor shadow of variation.
Santiago 1:17

I like to work with young people, organize events and evangelize, I can not deny that music attracts my attention!


We hope to see you in action, Brother Jose, you can talk to your friends from Steemchurch, everyone is welcome to the Church. Thanks

Wonderful this initiative EC brother, I always believed that steemchurch is more than publications thrown on the air, it will be a pleasure to see our Christian brothers with their talents honoring God in Blockchain.

My talent is to dance, it's something that I love and I like to preach.

Grettings to all

Thanks Kristal, what do you expect to participate? This is your chance 😉

Excellent initiative to start the year 2019, is a great movement and shows love for God, to fulfill his word, is to leave a mark and show that you can sing, play a musical instrument, preach, evangelize, shepherd, pray for the sick , to work with children, to dance and choreograph, to disciple, to intercede and to serve God to fulfill the will of God, also means to personalize the church, the word of God through different gifts. Congratulations to the Apostle Marcelo, and the sisters @lorennys and @milagros for their great idea.

Yes @Nashilda17, is a great opportunity to personalize the Church with the talents of you parishioners.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Can't wait , this is going to be enjoying . Steemchurch is growing bigger, better and stronger.

My talent is singing and preaching

Your participation will be pleasant brother Bigssam, we will be requesting it soon. Thanks

excellent brother makes me happy, I like to evangelize.

Very good sister, you can participate by sending pictures of evangelistic activities and we present by steemchurch.

[email protected]

Greetings brother emilio, Blessings if very good this news will be a success, I like to preach and pray for the sick.

Greetings oswaldo, we will do the work of God. you are welcome

My passion and gift is teaching young children. It is a privilege that I work in a Christian school where I am free to teach and share with these young people who Jesus is, that they are special in His eyes, and how much Jesus loves all of us that He gave His life for us.

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 :"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

I also hold fast to this Scipture:

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." ~ Proverbs 22:6

Hi @evlachsblog! It is wonderful what you are doing, you can send your work to our mail or whatsapp and we will show the world your fight in the crusade for Freedom!

Welcome to SteemChurch

[email protected]

Whatsapp +584123382627


I don't understand what kind of work you are after though. Please clarify. Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

This will be an interesting one, a great opportunity for members to showcase their God given Talents.
As for this Apostle, I basically know a thing or two about everything but I can say I'm quite Talented in Drumming and visual Art😊😊

This will be an interesting, a great opportunity for members to show their God given talents.
As for this apostle, basically I know a thing or two about everything, but I can say that I'm quite talented in percussion and visual art.

[email protected] whatsapp +58 4123382627


Would like to pray for the sicks.

I like that ministry ... very well ... you can make a post about prayer and restoration and ask for the names of the sick people ... so you can pray for them

A few days ago I heard the prophecy of a man of God where he said about the rising and the call that God is making to his faithful and also about the importance of the Apostolate ministry as a fundamental pillar over all this revival, but he also said that every act and action is to honor the father and the one who interceded for us before him and not to make man known but the glory is of God, not exalted, as we once speak brothers; That is why we must be careful with these talents and we will see that we will focus on the service of God and not for the exaltation of ourselves.

Yes brother Ruben, the gifts are for edification of the Church and so that through them we can exalt the name of God. Each person is responsible for how he administers what God gave him, also if he does it from the heart or not, but your advice is very important. With what gift will you give glory at SteemChurch?

Where the Lord wants me to serve there I will do it with sincerity just looking for the glory of the father and not the man ... such as you, @Darlenys01, @Sirknight and @Sniffnscurry. Where you need me @Steemchurch and in whatever field I will be there brother.

I love to sing since God freely gave to me the gift of singing. I love music generally and I am also learning to play the piano.


Great Liltom, that image describes your passion. you are welcome!

I think it is undoubtedly the best initiative that Brother EC can give, so each person makes known the gift that God gave him, I looked forward to this great idea. Blessings

Thank you brother Winder, these images are wonderful, I believe that God has deposited this in my heart so that we all grow in the grace of God. Soon we will request your participation. Hugs


Excellent empowerment of the Church of Steem, successes for all the parishioners who are talented...

Amen brother! Thanks

Great and godly opportunity. Building the body and reaching the unreached. Thats the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ came. We cannot do less. Though multiple grace, I'd like to share in the WORD.

We would like to see you preaching brother, you are welcome. Thanks

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

God is very good, always wait for this moment. The Lord enables us during the journey by going through many ministries. I have had to evangelize, Sunday school for children, work with young people, choreography, dances and currently directing the theater ministry. Greetings and good initiative.


Excellent @Irsm13

Welcome to SteemChurch

[email protected]

Whatsapp +584123382627

How interesting all this, Brother Emilio! I really congratulate and count on me to join this wonderful work through the gifts and talents that God has given me, such as: teaching, evangelizing, moving, making poetic compositions and preaching the word of the kingdom. Great blessings for your life. Advance that the victory is yours and the blockchain team.

Thanks you Brother!
Communicate with me Pastor!
Welcome to SteemChurch

[email protected]

Whatsapp +584123382627