SteemChurch:The happy family

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Speaking about the family today is somewhat difficult, since the situation surrounding this institution is not very flattering, we realize with sadness that what was one day established by God and can be considered as one of the most precious gifts that God has given man today is so damaged, statistics do not lie, only in our state are carried out 700 divorces a month, imagine this figure at the country level, which increases.

A few weeks ago the well-known commentator Joaquín López Doriga reported in his television program that the stability of a marriage in Mexico is only 8 years, that is to say, after 8 years of a married couple's life, it is being threatened by possible divorce , and has been shaken by conjugal infidelity, in the great majority of cases mainly by the male, we all know that the family is the nucleus of society, therefore if the family is in decline, so is society, and if we get scared by the amount of divorces and cases of marital infidelity, the repercussions that these bring with them are even more shocking: Violence, Insecurity, corruption, drug addiction, alcoholism, delinquency, social instability, street children, etc ...


The reality is that God has created us with the ability to reason and decide to do good, unfortunately the human being has not known how to take advantage of that ability to do what God wants from him.

But how important that all is not lost, today each family can become the family that God wants, "the happy family."

This psalm tells us how we can achieve it:


Many times we mistake the way, we believe that we can guarantee the happiness of our children, giving them just a nice house, a lot of clothes and enough food, and we know that it is important to give them the best, but if we build a prosperous and happy home without allowing Christ help us, things do not go well.


If the house where we live does not have a good architect collapses, so our family can collapse if we do not allow Christ to build it. For this reason, the psalmist tells us: "... If Jehovah does not build the house ..." It is therefore the help of God indispensable in a good family design. He must be our architect. He longs to build happy homes, where his name is honored and obeyed. The temporal is vain, but what God does remains forever.


There are many things of value in this world but none like the family. God gives the children as a gift and then the family is conformed.

God wants us to love our children and value them. Let's worry about giving them not only secular education, but also Christian education; dare to correct them when necessary. We supply your needs: Affective-Psychological-Materials. Remember: "... Jehovah's inheritance is the children ..."

Many people do not understand this about the importance of children. The value of the children will depend on how important they are for us.


It is sad to realize that some homes are headed with a bottle in their hands, others with violent attitudes or blows devoid of the love of God. Many parents teach their children: Whistle the ladies who pass, or give them drinks of beer. Imagine what kind of direction you are giving to your child. What will become of these children when they shape their family?

God gives you the opportunity to train your children. Consider the one who makes bows and arrows. Let's make straight and polished arrows with our example of: abnegation, lives of prayer, firm and mature Christian lives, generosity, work etc ... It is true that to make straight and polished arrows requires patience, work, dedication and effort, also for the education of our children, but it is worth it.


You can make your family happy if you follow the biblical instructions, if you allow God to design your home, if you give the value to your children that corresponds to them and if you establish in them a correct direction.


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"The reality is that God has created us with the ability to reason and decide to do good, unfortunately the human being has not known how to take advantage of that ability to do what God wants from him"
We should do his will

Marriage was made by God .
God made the family and he has the purpose of making the family , the lord created the first man and the first woman and called them family.

the lord almighty created man and woman and gave them a resposibility to love each other and live foreever he made a man in hs own image , he created a woman out of mans rib and call her a woman.
What then is the respisibility of a man ? He is given that resposibility to always protect his family and provude the needs and want of his family and that is his work as a father in the house.
The woman as she was created was given that resposibility to be the helper in the house and assist the husband and also to take good care of the childreen .
God has design a family and give every one his or her resposibility.
A family should always have God before any other thing, so that God will always direct them.

GOD is at the CENTRE of a happy home.
Thanks for sharing

To have a happy family we must make God the centre of our family

God is joy.. Being with Him will make the happy family.

Nice post @taty17

The aspiration to happiness is inscribed in the depths of human history, both personal and community history. The human being seeks incessantly, by different means, to be happy. However, he has not been able to reach his happiness fully. On the contrary, he has enslaved himself in his own desires, trying to fill his life with what he believes contains happiness: power, fame, pleasure and money. But, by possessing these goods, he discovers that happiness is momentary, that it leaves him a deep emptiness and a feeling that he wants to achieve "something else". Therefore, this work tries to answer this deep question. In a society where having, power and pleasure prevails, why should Christianity continue to announce that the way to reach true happiness are the Beatitudes? We all want to be happy, since happiness is the deepest tendency of the human being. Jesus shows us the effective way to conquer that happiness. That way is the Beatitudes, which is nothing other than the joy of not having, of not being able to deny oneself, and of living intensely the free love of one's neighbor. This is what leads the human being to be happy, because true happiness is found in God.


To have a happy family life, we must recognize that Jehovah created the family. Jesus himself said that God is our "Father" (Matthew 6: 9). In fact, all the families of the Earth exist thanks to our heavenly Father, and that is why he knows what makes them happy (Ephesians 3:14, 15).

God is love, and he made man, then said it is not good that he be alone, I will make an help meet for him and Adam name her woman, meaning women were always part of the plan, the Bible says one will chase a thousand while two will chase ten thousand, if we realise the love of God and the design he has for our families in his word, it will make us what the word of God talks about.
