Imagine you were dying and you asked God to extend your life. How will you convince Him?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

'I wish I could get a new lease of life and be out of this bed as soon as I can.' Exact words of Bokoyo when he realized that he was dying. I'm like so even people that are not christains talk about God the moment they realize that they are dying. If Bokoyo had been asked how long he would like to live if he had the choice, he would have answered 'forever'. Everyone wishes for many more years.


There is more to life than just breathing, eating, talking and walking. There is obviously more than that. In reality, breathing is not life; it’s just one element that could be rendered useless anytime dependent on other elements.

Imagine you were dying and you asked God to extend your life, upon this request God also requested you to convince Him of the need to grant your request, what would you give as your justification? What would be your response?

Many people have received extra lease of life from God. Some people rise from their deathbeds to testify that God has given them a new lease of life. Unfortunately, some of them still go back and squander the life on useless and careless living!

If you are lucky to get an opportunity, you have to make the maximum use of it; so says the word of God. "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." That’s the point. What you do with the opportunities granted you in this life matters a lot.

Some people have lived very short lives but have died better people than some of those who lived for a century. Just stop to consider this: you want more years going forward, but what have you done with the years that you've already spent? Looking back, would you conclude that you've used your time optimally, or there was a lot of waste involved? Do you want more distance so that you could do more of the same thing?

Get the point here, death will come, but what makes a good life worth celebrating is a life that imparts a positive influence on the lives of others. It is a life that is completely devoted to service, serving others with a sincere heart. Exactly! I am quite convinced of this!

All have sinned and The wages of sin is death, this is spiritual death, before it happens in the physical realm make sure to touch a life. Be of service to people and you shall be celebrated.

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την ανάγνωση

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Sure bro, I life worth living is the life of impact, for without which life is just a fairy tale.
Nice @tomilolafadipe

Congratulations, you had grasp one of the most meaningful life purpose. Christ is coming again shortly, be prepare, look foward it.

We should all live life in a way that when we are gone, people would miss us. Our life should be measured by the amount of positive impact we made on others