"Conform Wholly To My(JESUS) Example."

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

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This is the practical step in following
Jesus: the matter of “conformity”. “Conform" gives me an understanding of thing that is being converted from the original Shape and size to be formed into another shape entirely. I t requires hammering, chiselling and, may be, fireheating, to bend what was already formed to be converted in order to be re-formed into another shape entirely.

Following Jesus is not what we inherited from Our parents. Several of us grew many years, schooled in the precepts and principles of the flesh and the world system, before we encountered Christ. To follow this new creation man, we must unlearn all we have learned in the flesh. We must empty our Wardrobes of all that we were for, and on, the flesh; re-orient our minds to discard what we regarded and esteemed very highly before and then embrace the mind, the precept of Christ.

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To conform wholly to His example, you need to first put aside every other example you have seen in men around you in the world system. Examples you have read in books and have seen in films must all be laid aside, while you now diligently look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

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This requires examining Christ closely in scriptures as to discover how He handled different situations. How did, He practice prayer? How did He practice ministry and ministering: What were His own emphasis? Since we know that whatever He taught His disciples, He first began to do it; we can take His teachings as practical-explanations of His action in living and if need be, in dying also. Christ makes it clear unto us, how to conform Wholly to His example in living. It implies that We shall henceforth, begin to live day by day as He lived. This will raise a daily question in our hearts: How did Jesus live through this kind of situation? If Jesus were here What would He do? And actually, He is here within us! The life I now live in the flesh, it is Not I that liveth, but Christ who liveth in me!

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Christ has set a methodology for us to follow

If we truly follow Him to the latter , we won't have any difficulty


Glad u got the message

Exactly brother, the Christian must have as main goal to follow the steps of Christ, to be like him, to look like him ... To leave the old man and his customs on one side and walk according to the guidelines of Christ by means of the Word of God, there we have the great manual of life and example that the Lord left us.

Followers follow, and those who don't follow aren't followers. To follow Jesus means to follow Jesus into a society where justice rules, where love shapes everything. To follow Jesus means to take up his dream and work for it. It is only because he became like us that we can become like him.

Thank you so much for the inspiring words. God bless you