in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good morning to every steemian, hope we are maximizing the day already to its fullest in God's word. For sometime now we have talking about the ways or processes involved in being a full fledged Christian, starting with our personal Salvation to Water Baptism and then sanctification. let me quickly apologise for not being able to share His word for sometime now,this was as aresult of temporarily losing my account. All the same i must say am glad being back here to share God's word. I quickly want to bring to your notice today that the Word of God is also paramount and a major key in all of these processes as mentioned above
Do you know that the bible is not an ordinary book?


It is the Revelation of God's mind to us. The word of God is the power of creation. It is also the weapon of our warfare. God and His Word are one,and the scriptures reveal that Jesus is the Word of God made in flesh.
John 1:

  1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God himself.14 And the Word(Christ) became flesh and terbanacled among us,and we saw His glory as an only begotten Son receives dron His Father,full of Grace and truth.


The bible is the word of God,It was delivered to us through men who wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
2Timothy 3:16

Every scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience for training in righteousness.

As such, the bible is of divine origin. The word of God is inherent and infallible.

The bible is divided into the Old and New Testaments. It contains 66 books, with the old Testament containing 39 books and the New Testament containing 27 books. There are two Greek Words translated as Word in our English Bibles.

a.) Logos: This is the written or enscripted word.

b.)Rhema: This is a communication or message from God designed and empowered to apply to a specific situation. No Rhema will ever be contrary to Logos (the scripture,God's eternal word).
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The word of God can be likened to various forms. Each of these forms show us a part of what God's word is. They include:

a.) Food: The word of God is food, a source of nourishment for our spiritual growth
1Peter 2:2

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
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b.) Foundation: The word of God is a sure foundation on which to build our lives.
Matthew 7:24,27

c.) Lamp: As a lamp, God's word direct our steps.
Psalm 119:105

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

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d.) Mirror: God's word reveals our true nature and the intents of our heart.
2Corithians 3:18

e.) Sword: The word of God is a double edged sword. It pierces, penetrates and separate. It is both offensive and defensive.

f.) Seed: God's word is a seed, when planted in our hearts and nurtured, it produces an harvest of Godliness in us
.1Peter 1:23

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g.) Hammer: The word of God breaks
Jeremiah 23:29

h.) Fire: As fire, God's word purifies and consumes

i.) Water: As water, the Word of God cleanses, renews,washes and sanctifies.


1.) It gives growth. Psalm 1:13

2.) It gives understanding. Psalm 119:98-100

3.) It gives good success. Joshua 1:8

4.) It keeps you from going into sin psalm 119.

5.) For cleansing. Psalm 119:9

6.) Its for guidance. Psalm 119:9,105,130.

The Word of God is needed day in day out, just as joshua says we should meditate on it day and night..
To be continued...


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The word of God is the power of creation and the Revelation of God's mind to us. Thanks for sharing VIKE. PEACE!



In order for us to understand the word of God we must Be willing to admit when you are wrong and change, even if it means letting go of a long-held belief or tradition. If you can successfully apply this one principle, you will be far ahead in the search for spiritual truth! thanks for sharing!

Tor everything we do or hear should be reflected by Gods word, our life should be of God.
The purpose of Christ coming was fulfilled and was noticed by people who took all they have and all their time to work with the Lord .
Paul through his ministry was able to accomplish various task and he made himself a good example if a right fellow .
Do not allow your heart to control how you reason about God and do not allow the work of the devil to manipulate the plans God have for you.
The evidence as establish by the lord passed to his evangelist and his desciples was whatvwe have been believing .
The word of God may likely not be so easy to keep to but yoyr life should at least reflect little of that word if God as much as your life is inclined with the truth and dedication

I used to "read" the Bible and with loads of confusion, I had plenty of mystical questions. But when I started "studying" the Bible, through the help of the Holy Spirit, I find hidden treasures, all for me and you. May God give us deeper understanding to His word.

This is an interesting and lesson piece which we all Christians ought to live by the word of God in the Greek it is called 'Logos'. We all know this bringing it as a kind of reminder that God honors his word than his name in the book of John we all know the Saint John's gospel of the New Testament it talks about how the word of God was in the beginning,how it was with God,and how it was God that same word of God,O think verses 4 or 5 or thereabout talks about how the word became flesh and lived amongst the midst of men. If you follow carefully I would like to provide you this that Jesus is God's word so from all what I have been quoting you can substitute Jesus for God's word.Know this the whole of the Bible which is God's word carries the entirety of the Revelation of Jesus written or authored by the Holy Spirit.We can see the display of the Trinity God in three persons.

All what we needed to succeed and live a fulfilled and righteous life is embedded in the word of God.
The word of God is the light that guide us through the darkness of this world.

We need God's word to rule our world

The word is the light upon a christians life, we must learn how to abide, read the word of God.

"This is a communication or message from God designed and empowered to apply to a specific situation. No Rhema will ever be contrary to Logos (the scripture,God's eternal word)"
Not a word is compared to his word.

"This is a communication or message from God designed and empowered to apply to a specific situation. No Rhema will ever be contrary to Logos (the scripture,God's eternal word)"
He's the best.

"The Word of God is needed day in day out, just as joshua says we should meditate on it day and night.."
It is very mandatory

The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And for you to understand it, you have to seek the understanding through the Holy Spirit, else it'll just be a mere story book for you. God bless you @vikebun

the bible is definitely my favorite book, it is special for the people of God and the means of knowing what the Father tells us! The bible is a form of means of communication, it is a manual.

Gods word is food to our soul,When we medidate on Gods word daily,we will get an insight deep understanding from the holy ghost.The word of God is light to our path of life and success.
Remember joshua 1:8b;we shall have good success anf be prosperous when we medidate on Gods word.When we have the gift of undersanding Gods word ,we willl walk in the supernatural.Hallllellujahhhh!!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The word of God is very powerful.
So we should always live by it.

God's word is a light unto our path....

Besides, this is what I love most about the word:

.) It keeps you from going into sin psalm 119

It keeps us from sin