The sincerity of our words

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Psalm: 51: 6,10

behold, you love the truth in the intimate,
and secretly you have made me understand wisdom
Believe in me, O God, a clean heart,
and renew a right spirit of my


Our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save what was lost and He identified Himself as "the way, the truth and the life"

Jesus Christ is the "truth" and as truth He expects his people to speak truthfully
When we speak of truth we are honoring Jesus, we are honoring his word and we are sowing life
The truth gives birth to the word "sincerity"

Sincerity is the truth, lack of pretense or lie in what someone does or says, is the virtue of telling the truth in everything that relates to life
Sincerity has to do with the heart, it has to do with what your heart feeds, it has to do with the seed that is brewing daily in your heart to produce fruit.

Sincerity is also a value that brings reward, those who practice sincerity are people who live a life in quiet with themselves and with God


Jesus loves the truth and hates the lie because satan is the father of the lie and everyone who speaks lies has the father as the author of the lie, but the one who speaks truth has as his father Jesus Christ the only truth

Sincerity is a fundamental principle in the Christian because it is about the truth and God is true

¡Jesus Christ is the absolute truth of the entire universe!


The lie today has become the daily bread of human beings
I firmly believe that the one who speaks lies does not know who God is the one who slanders a person to obtain "things" does not know God
He who speaks lies is in darkness and the light of the gospel has not shone on them

¿ How can anyone say that Jesus lives in his heart and blasphemes his neighbor?

that is impossible God is true and loves the truth

The word of God tells us in Matthew 6: 16-17
"Six things the Lord hates,
and even seven abominate his soul:
The haughty eyes, the lying tongue "

God abhors lying and expects each one of us to speak truthfully with our neighbor, because his eyes are on you

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The sincerity of our words is very important for God because He abhors lying because satan is the father of the lie practice the truth is a Christian principle and an important value in the kingdom
Excellent @xioran.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well said @xioran very edificativo message I believe that a principle of Christian life is to fear God and keep his principles although we are imperfect but with the help of the Holy Spirit we will advance and as you say- how can someone say that he has Christ in his heart and practice the lie as a lifestyle

Thank you very much for comment @ricci01