SteemChurch: What does it mean to "have freedom" in Christ?

in steemchurchsc-v •  7 years ago 

Luke 4:18:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
Because he has anointed me to give good news to the poor;
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted;
To proclaim freedom to the captives,
And sight to the blind;
To release the oppressed

One of the signs of being a true Christian, besides believing in the true gospel, is to experience, only in Christ, freedom.

We understand that we do not have to keep the law to please God. We understand that God's favor on us does not depend on our obedience or on keeping the law. God's favor upon us is due to what Jesus did on the cross. Therefore, WE ARE FREE!


We are free to drink coffee, tea, watch a movie, laugh, drink and enjoy life. We are free to do it ... But without sinning

However, our freedom means that we should not make anyone stumble. We should not abuse our freedom. We should not be careless with that. On the contrary, we are free to live and not worry about how our behavior affects God's attitude towards us, because His attitude is one of love and acceptance, which is guaranteed by the sacrifice of Jesus. But this does not mean that He will not discipline us if we deviate and do what is not to His liking.

After all He disciplines those he loves

Hebrews 12: 6 : Because the Lord whom he loves, discipline,
And he scourges everyone he receives as a son

We must be careful and not use our freedom to make someone stumble


Galatians 5:13

*God has given us a very great freedom

His love made him die on the cross for us and give us that freedom to love him and thank him for what he does for us every morning

*in Christ everything happens for something .. the glory is for God and will live forever


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Amen. Glory to God in the highest. HE is a God of peace, unconditional love and miracle. Let us pray everyday and night.

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Amen like this will be friend @mjprestoza

I'am a church leader and mover here at our Province, hope the days of the Lord will attach each other.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very nice mission here
Keep up

thank you very much brother .. this is how we keep this dynamic a hug .... and concerning that school of eteem you have my support .. @ftysky