STEEMCHURCH: Ten Arguments To Say No To Gay Marriage

in steemchursch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Based on an exquisite respect the homosexual person, there are many reasons why a responsible society can not match its relations to the marriage.


1) homosexuals, has already today can marry in any country.

Homosexuals can marry just like any other, with the same rights and obligations as heterosexuals. That is, only with another person and only the opposite sex and have certain age and consent. A homosexual complain of discrimination because they do not let him marry someone of the same sex is like a polygamist is complaining of discrimination because they do not let him marry several women, or a pedophile with a child, or a kidnapper with his kidnapped (in many countries the abduction of women is still practiced to get married). There is no discrimination with none: the law is equal for all and society has a model of marriage that has proven successful for centuries.

2) marry homosexuals is an unprecedented social experiment.

Same-sex marriage is a social experiment never before attempted. No civilization has ever practiced homosexual marriage. Even societies that permitted homosexuality and even encouraged it at certain ages and social classes, as the ancient Greeks, clearly understood marriage as the stable union between a man and a woman open to having children. One thing were the sexual practices of citizens and quite another family and the generation/education of children. Homosexuality has taken many forms in different societies, but never has been associated with marriage. Experiment with the society is irresponsible and dangerous. As it says the popular wisdom, experiments, better at home and with soda.

3) only a man with a woman to produce children and raise them properly.

Marriage is a special status that society recognizes the Union between a man and a woman committed for a reason: because your body is the only one capable of generating new members of the human species and its interpersonal relationship is the ideal pa RA raise them, protecting them and educate them. This service is so important and beneficial for society that deserves legal protection. Conversely, any body Act between homosexuals can generate new humans, and two people of the same sex are not suitable for breeding and education of the children, who lack of reference parental/masculine (if two lesbians) or maternal/feminine (if two homosexuals). Homosexuals are who must bear the burden of proof and demonstrate that they can meet the same functions as the marriage.

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4) in order to prevent abuses against/between homosexuals or legal helplessness no need to approve same-sex marriage.

Almost all the benefits of a marriage, inheritance, transmission of assets, shared properties, etc... they can regulate it two (or more) people with legal agreements before a notary public, whether you have sex. In fact, few homosexual couples really interested in these themes have already so established agreements before a notary. It is noteworthy that there are limitations in the marriage contract, for example, spouses undertake to be faithful to each other and to the mutual assistance; on the other hand, two (or more) homosexual or a group of friends who live together can, before a notary, regular many of the benefits of marriage without committing itself to fidelity or mutual aid.

5) to legalize same-sex marriage establishes a comparative tort with persons who live together without sex.

Two elderly living together, three brothers in a House, four friends who share apartment six years... They have a relationship with affection, commitment and coexistence, as that may have two homosexuals. However, deprived of legal gay marriage benefits are because they don't practice sex between them. Gay marriage actually rewards the practitioners of a certain type of sex, favoring them over other affective and stable coexistence. Obviously, the difference with the real marriage, which rewards the complementarity, specific stable and open to the generation and upbringing of children.

6) to legalize same-sex marriage establishes a comparative tort with the polygamous... and with any numerical combination.

Unlike same-sex marriage, which has never been accepted by any civilization, polygamy has a long tradition in many countries and societies, even in our days. If we got married two men, with arguments we will prevent our Islamic citizens or of sub-Saharan origin not married with two or more women? Can an emigrant request for family reunification to come and his three wives? However, traditional polygamous marriages have children and tend to be stable, which is a social good. With what argument proponents of gay marriage would prevent it? After all, "If you want to..." But the truth is that in gay environments I already asked is the approval of bisexual polygamy. A famous writer exemplified it in a number of homosexualista magazine Zero: a friend is married to a woman, mother of his children, and loves her; but he is gay, and has a relationship with a man. Why hide it? Why not to marry all of them? Thus, children would have two dads, it is always better than one. When the marriage ceases to be what naturally looks (a man and a woman United in an act of love that can generate new lives - natural intercourse is designed for one, no one, then can be redefined to be anything.) A word that fits everything already useless.

7) legalize gay marriage undermines the strength of marriage natural, like the counterfeit currency weakens the real currency.

Many people think that it does not affect them for homosexuals to marry. It is the same as thinking: "I does not affect anything that has people who circulate fake 100 euro notes, I am honoured and would not use them, in fact I almost never see 100 euro banknotes". However, it is evident that the circulation of false currency affects everyone, because you lose confidence in that currency, people uses it with reluctance, prefer to use other currencies ($, for example) or not to trade or not to accept certain bills and the economy end of everyone suffers because everything is more expensive. The same goes when it circulates a marriage fake as if it were a real marriage. In the Nordic countries, where gay marriage years ago there, half of children are born out of wedlock. To approve same-sex marriage message is given to the society that actually get married doesn't mean anything (message reinforced in any country where there is the divorce). As a result, people did not get married and their commitment (couple and often social) is weak. Just as counterfeit currency creates mistrust in the economic system, the fake marriage creates mistrust in interpersonal and social commitment. A society based on mistrust, disengagement and lack of commitment will never work as well as a strong, committed families based in for life for the well-being of the spouses, children and relatives.

8) in fact, few homosexuals get married; the goal of the gay movement is to destroy the heterosexual marriage.

Homosexual leaders in Spain and in the rest of the world have recognized it many times. In fact very few of them want to "marry". But the political homosexual movement is dumped into the marriage requirement to change society and eliminate an institution (the monogamous marriage and life) in which do not believe. "Fight for the marriage of the same sex and its benefits and then, once guaranteed, redefine the institution of marriage completely, ask for the right to marry and not as a way to adhere to the moral codes of the society but to unseat a myth and the" terar radically an archaic institution. [...] The most subversive action that can take gays and lesbians [...] is to transform completely the notion of family"[Michael Signorile, gay activist and writer, cited in Crisis Magazine, January 8, 2004] Homosexual activism does not want to form "families like the others". Rather, wants to reach that all families are like yours, for which the key is dismantling concept archaic and outdated as fidelity, monogamy, commitment, fertility, parenthood, etc...

9) to legalize same-sex marriage means to legalize the delivery of children to homosexuals.

There are people who say "I see well that gays get married but not to adopt children". It is wrong to think that it will legalize the marriage without the adopion: if it legalizes the marriage will always include the adoption. Who support one thing will be supporting, want or not, the other. Although some lesbians have children from previous relationships or have sought them (through artificial insemination or with the cooperation of a man) adoption arises so that homosexuals who, obviously, have no children, have access to the education of children, Obviously, they were heterosexual couples. Homosexuals adopting has several disadvantages for society to allow it, starting with making the shortage of children that they will bring China, Russia and other countries... will not give countries where homosexuals adopt children. Thus, the desire of a tiny minority will make it difficult for thousands of couples who want to adopt. But the key point is that a child has the right to a father and a mother, right violated if delivery to two men or two women.

10) to legalize same-sex marriage means putting all the educational machinery and media of the State at the service of the political homosexual behavior.

If gay marriage is legal, he will teach in the schools. Textbooks for the children explain the doctrine that homosexualistas associations have indicated: that homosexuality is normal, which is good to have two dads and two moms, children should experiment with their sexuality to discover what sex drawn more and those who oppose homosexuality (as Christian children's parents) are intolerant. Of course, every television series have their gay or lesbian couple with children, living happy for example and construction of so many marriages with problems. In fact, there are Scouts and children's leisure Espanacentros actively broadcasting already this ideology.
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God stipulated that marriage was an intimate union of permanent character between man and woman. Both beings are designed to complement each other in order to have children and mutually satisfy their needs and desires of spiritual, emotional and sexual order.
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I love your boldness... a lot of people shy away from this topic and are too afraid to state their values. At the same time, we must love all sinners irrespective of the sin committed while hating the sin