SteemCleaning the world...eventually

in steemclean •  8 years ago 

pre-altered source image - Bluesnap-43950

Kicking off SteemClean

Yesterday, my family and I decided to do a litter patrol at one of the local playgrounds where we often take our daughter. This was inspired by my SteemClean initiative post here. Not the most ambitious of cleanup efforts for SteemClean's first, but a solid place for us to start as a family. Besides, great things sometimes develop from humble beginnings.

First, the obligatory Steemit sign. For the experimentation and design phase I naturally recruited my daughter. Her unfettered imagination and creativity was bound to come in handy.

Quite quickly, I realized i'd made a mistake. Her designs lacked coherence and i felt she wasn't giving them her full attention. I asked my fiance to step in as I was struggling almost as much as my daughter. Our design ended up following a fairly well trodden path as you will see.

Here is the sign in all it's cardboard paper and chalk glory.

Right, we had the sign, our phone's for photos, rubber gloves, a new roll of black plastic rubbish bags and a destination.

So this afternoon we drove to the playground. When we got all went wrong. There was virtually no rubbish, a large party of people were sat around a nearby picnic table and started staring at us in a weird way, my daughter started playing up (because she wanted a go on the slide, not to scrabble around in the bushes wearing blue rubber gloves,) and the sign kept blowing away. The whole thing started to feel like some kind of completely wrong photo shoot and no SteemCleaning was getting done. Needless to say, I got the hump.

That was nearly that. Thankfully, we're a resilient bunch and we decided to try another playground and park instead. This turned out to be a great move as we saw plenty of rubbish in the car park and we began the litter patrol with gusto. I'll take this opportunity to apologize for the number of photos featuring somebody's bottom.

The people there were more inquisitive than dumbstruck so they didn't stare at us like we were imbeciles. One chap was so interested, he tried to walk off with the sign!

It turns out that my daughter is a liability when it comes to litter patrols. She contributed very little and required constant supervision, which mean't that only one of us could do any actual work at a time!

Things only deteriorated when we left the car park and entered the playground.

So I just got on with it whilst everyone else was having fun!

Andy the fruits of our labour?

Now it doesn't look like much for a couple of hours of effort.......well it isn't. Ninety percent of it was small bits of plastic wrapper and cigarette buts that no-body would really have noticed unless they were looking. However, a bag's worth of rubbish is no longer spread all over that park and it is of less potential harm to both the wildlife and the children.

The cost for this SteemClean was so low, given we would probably have gone to the park anyway, it might as well have been zero. A couple of hours we'll never miss to make a small difference in an ocean of environmental calamities. But it's a start and it certainly gives you a taste that make you want more.

In accordance with the SteemClean proposal, any SD rewards that this post receives, will be used for one or more of these three options;

  1. To fund my next SteemClean effort
  2. To fund another Steemer's SteemClean effort
  3. To fund a SteemClean account for larger SteemClean projects
  4. A combination

I will notify Steemers on any distribution of funds in a new post assuming there are any ;)

I hope Steemers with integrity and talents for mobilization, organisation and motivation are inspired to get involved and take this initiative further than I ever could.

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Looks like you might clean up in more ways than one with this post!

Lol, let's hope so!

nice post @benjojo
done vote

Nothing cleans better than steem

Steem force, cleaning up these streets

Lol, if only ;))

#SteamClean Is very positive, it seems you are very in love with cleanliness, because the net was certainly lovely :)

hope to spread a positive aura to everyone... i like your idea @benjojo


I'm glad to see creative and moving steemit to the mainstream. Thanks for effort. Very inspiring thanks!

I like your idea of SteemClean. That definitely promote cleanness around our neighborhoods.

Very nice initiative @benjojo and family, i am going to try to organize something similar in my country

Amazing! Let me know your idea and I will send you some funds if you need them.

Go green save world ,
Nice effort .i suppprt you .

Nice post. Thank you for helping make the world a better place!

So far it's just a park ;) But then it could be all the parks.....!

I participated in a similar action a couple years ago. We were cleaning banks of the river in our city.

That's fantastic.....and a very good idea. There's both a river and a canal near where i live....

Definitely have my vote:) Such a great gesture for you and your family to do, big props!

Thank you. It's a small thing really....but if we all did it. Imagine that! ;))

Indeed! what a better world this would be.

Man, who did something absolutely REAL in this place

I like this initiative ... maybe you could expand it, I would join me. I'm really conservationist

Wonderful! I really hope you do join.

ok iam in ... this project isgreat, i have a idea in my country to start

Absolutely fantastic. If you let me know your idea, I'll send you some/all of the SD from this post! Let me know how much you think you'll need.

Love your creativity and willingness to take responsibility for making the world more beautiful. Well done!

Thank you. Hopefully it's a small step in the right direction.

I'm really glad to see steemians getting out there and helping others! Let's see more of this in the future.

Hopefully you'll see a lot more!

You're fine fellows! Well done!

you're doing the right thing.

Wow and couple min's ago i read about guy who give joint's to world cleaners :D

But your idea is much better.

Interesting reward/incentive scheme. Thank you.

whale votes could make this a better world on the right hands.. good work there!

They could certainly help. But the reward is a small part of the beginning. It's learning what to do and how, developing our Steemit culture, establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of accountability and many other things. Added to which, there is so much we can do with just our time. Virtually no money required!

We need just have a wish to help our envirinment. We live here and it is more pleasant to live in clean world. And reward is like a little pretty bonus)

good, like

Great initiative!

Excellent, nice idea!

good one, support

Thanks @benjojo
Upvote Away

Every little helps! Any action is better than inaction. And like you said, humble beginnings can often lead to grander endeavours. Keep up the good work @benjojo!