RE: Is There a Super Nerd That Can Tell Me What I'm Doing Wrong Here? [SOLVED]

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Is There a Super Nerd That Can Tell Me What I'm Doing Wrong Here? [SOLVED]

in steemdev •  7 years ago  (edited)

Can you switch the steem with sbd?

I'll keep playing around with the json but I don't think that's what it is unfortunately ... I tried switching the two but to no avail ... :(

I believe the culprit is how the assets are serialized ...

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I have no idea what I am doing but I noticed the diffrence between yours and his is that you have a single space after the : where he has a double space. not sure if that could throw everything into a tissy because I have now idea how to code unfortunatly.

Edit: the more examples I look up the more they all have the double space after the : . Hope it is that simple. In my line of work it is always the simple stuff that bites you and hurts the worst. We go by KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid. Works most of the time.