First Weekly Promo "contest" - Read post for details - First come first served

in steemegg •  3 years ago 

Contest Week 1

This contest will be over once this post reaches 6 days ... This gives us one day to kind of make sure all the votes go out before we start a new one.



All you have to do is create a post about steemegg and how to use it. I know you guys know what a real post is and a crap post... I am leaving it up to my own personal judgement for what each post will end up being. Its hard to give a specific outline of what to give because then it just becomes 17 posts copy and psted from eachother, I want these to be individual experiences with steemegg... Think of this post... the more effort you put into this in the scope of a promotional tool, the more likely you are to get the top end of the prizes.



Your post will receive a vote between 10% - 50% within 4 days of being posted. I will leave this open ended but creativity and organization / post layout will all be minor factors. Also I will be Taking into account the audience that the post is targeted to.. Im not saying mass spam it in 100 communities but a good post in a well targeted community will surely receive 0.5 and quite possibly more... =)

Example of the pictures i want to see...

  • A picture of a filled out transfer to us with a post in the memo field and the steem fields all filled out... You can even use the one below if you want.
  • ![image.png]()
  • You must also include screenshots from of a time you used steemegg this needs both The transfer to us... and the vote that we gave you.
  • I think thats about it Please post your posts link in the comments in order to consider it an entry.

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    @meins0815 due to the low number of entrys. and the fact that I cant let the que get empty or the bot breaks and the list is getting close ... I have decided to give you another vote =) thanks again.

    gracias sir :))


    @meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
    @meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

    voted thanks this is a beautiful entry!

    gracias !!


    @umuk denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
    @umuk thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

    @meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
    @meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !