Is there anything more contentious than price?

in steememe •  8 years ago  (edited)

Steemit is the flagship application for the Steem blockchain, crypto unit, and wider Steem economy. It is still in beta and it's configuration is being continually adjusted. What's more, there was recently a huge overshoot in speculative value, based in part on fake account growth and bot related activity.

The price of Steem today may still be higher than sustainable in the short term. It may fall further.

Whales selling & buying Steem

Whale's selling pressure should be analysed carefully and individually if at all. Some whales;

  • have bills to pay
  • are attempting to distribute Steem more widely
  • are deleveraging risk
  • are selling high and buying low
  • are providing liquidity to the infant market
  • are building out the Steem economy (apps and companies)
  • are banking profits
  • may be using Steem to invest in other projects
  • may be doing a mixture of these things

Is any of it worth worrying about? That is very difficult to assess. Steemit will either continue to grow or it will wither and fail. Is the price of Steem today accurately forecasting which? Absolutely not.

Please consider

Everyone invested in Steemit with Steem Power is continually being awarded with more Steem Power. Can you imagine how many new whales and dolphins will be created by another greater-than-inflation, growth spurt in the value of Steem? These will be accounts who have worked to make Steem and Steemit a success.

There are several good reasons not to worry about the drop in Steem price;

  • it is less costly for people to get hold of Steem, existing or new Steemers
  • new developers & businesses can more easily build a stake
  • the distribution of Steem becomes less centralized
  • content & curation becomes more diverse
  • the Steemit community becomes more distributed, with greater depth

I think there are other benefits and as long as the balance is maintained within the Steem economy at a lower price for a period of time, the consequences will be overwhelmingly beneficial.

These are just my opinions. I love Steemit for what it's already achieved, let alone it's potential. I think it is more likely we will succeed as a community than fail. Therefore, the short term price becomes less relevant in the face of;

  • ongoing development and platform building
  • clear commitment from key stakeholders
  • improving content quality
  • reduction in spam & low quality posts
  • increase in community driven initiatives
  • sustainable growth in accounts & activity (once noise removed)
  • impressive launch & market cap in beta

Happy Steeming!

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very good idea ! I agree with you :D

something wrongs are happening in steem community, so, price is significantly decreased :(

I respect your opinion and I am not suggesting there are no problems. There are problems but I don't think they are the greatest reasons for the current price of Steem.

The problems are no surprise, this is an experiment. However, I think all the perceived problems can be solved or turned to positives. :))

whales has to vote only great articles, not to vote huge steem power holders :)

the Steem Power of whales is becoming more distributed and decentralized. I agree that only great articles should be upvoted, but whales are people or teams of people. They have the right to subjectivity too :)) Also, some whales are trying to help authors and may be upvoting with more power than they might otherwise.

excellent ideas man ......... excellent :D

Ah ! atleast I got an article which focuses some improvement suggestions of steemit. Thank you @benjojo :D

People are complaining that the price is going down because whales are powering down, but the point is they invested more money on this platform! If they think this is the way, that means they know something that​ we don't know! Great article man!

Price is such an interesting factor to consider based on the impact and function of SBD, which doesn't seem to have any parallels in other crypto afaik.

After this message, I became less worried)) thank you for that :)

I love Steemit for what it's already achieved, let alone it's potential. I think it is more likely we will succeed as a community than fail.

I agree with your words @benjojo

wow! what a good ideas ..... i really appreciate it :D

For me Sreem is a great adventure, detailed model of new economy (I'm a big fan of aquariums). I see positive things. It's amazing new exerience. But I don't like this new trend to count money in whales pockets. They just do what system allows.

What an interesting analogy....I love aquariums too! They are a disaster if the equilibrium within the system is lost!

in small systems it's much harder to keep equilibrium because of low inertion. A tiny PH change can kill everything in aquarium in a day, while sea have time to adapt. So Steemit economy has to be much more precise than state's economy.

Absolutely true. Hopefully the efforts we make today will produce enduring stability as our Steem-tank grows.


Optimism is good. Without optimists platform will not live long. I support you

I hope you can find a touch of realism and objectivity in there too! ;))

That is a realistic perspective about the whales and possibilities of why they are powering down. Sometimes I forget that the more money you have the more problems/bills:) Nice share, cheers!

Don't forget taxes.

Outside looking in it's easy to forget many overheads. Taxes are major overheads, cheers!

This is an interesting analysis. I try to keep Steem/SBD/and steempower where they belong, as back burner considerations when thinking about the long-term success of Steemit. The long-term success of Steemit depends on humans, their interests, and their desire for community and the values that this platform represent. The currency will rise and fall, but if we're focused on building this new community, there's no way this doesn't eventually moon. The content here is top notch across the internet... usually.

I agree that the foundation for our success will be found in the community that forms around this new platform and how accurately it can reflect our values in the way we want to associate and communicate.

Thank you sharing your positive posting and awareness.

Agree. I hope the whole is change to better. The movement will take everyone to do the something. Thanks.

so nice meme & so nice idea ........

Great article :D
My opinion "Whales selling & buying Steem should be controlled then it protects to fall the price significantly"

It is tempting to feel that way and I can understand why you feel that. But these are free accounts. They must do what they think is right for them. If Steemit has utility, every whale today could sell everything they have (assuming in a way that did not break the economics of Steem) and not long after, the price would recover with the Steem in the hands of others. We must all be vigilant, yet accept we are innovating and that time is a factor in evaluating true success or failure. I want us all to succeed. In the absence of complete knowledge....we'll have to put a little faith in each other.

And right now we're willing to put faith in so many things that we know are wrong. We hope for the best, and stand by watching horrified when it all falls apart and bombs get dropped for lies and profit.

I'd rather reserve a little faith for the revolutionary nature of what's being done here and in each other. But just a little, I've been hurt before ;)

Right with you there bud.

great points ........ thank you :)

The plans that were laid out for the broader Steem economy are pretty exciting. I believe every time another of these links in the chain comes online I think we will see another surge in the price. Which will lead to some whale selling, which will lead to more investment in building out the Steem economy.

It's already happened twice. Steem price surged when Steemit came online, then dropped back. It surged again when the market came online (also happened to be after the first Steemit payout which helped, alot) and has since dropped back. Each piece make the chain stronger and increases the overall value.

Me? I'm just powering up and enjoying the ride. Come, join me.

I like your take on it. We're forging the Steemchain and each significant milestone has so far been accompanied by a surge in Steem price. Long may that pattern continue!

great thinking. Here are some of my suggestions ---

  1. Steemit must has a feature which will measure the traffic of an article. And will be moved those articles which has significant traffics/visits to a new area "Mostly Viewed Stories".
  2. Steemit must integrate ad publishing programs like as Google Adsense. And all earnings from showing ads will be used for developing and maintaining this platform.

Those are my personal thinking :)

I like your idea about the traffic views but moving them to a Mostly Viewed area needs to factor in some sort of views to votes ratio that would help to reflect a level of quality. If a post is getting a lot off traffic but relatively low number of votes, that could indicate a poor quality post.

I have mixed feelings about the ads on the platform. They are likely going to come, but I think part of the attraction at this stage is the relief from ads.

I think these are excellent suggestions jerremie. There are other measures of quality that are presently being overlooked within Steemit which is highly frustrating for everyone. We must ensure that any innovation is highly resistant to being gamed as any weakness will be ruthlessly exploited.

I would have no problem with advertising so long as it was forever based on user choice and that data privacy was respected.

Your all suggestions are great. We really need it :D

what a nice meme and what a nice suggestions :)

Great thinking !!
And I'm not thinking about recent drops of price ...... really :D

I think any project, especially one like this, will attract a range of people. There are those who will try to game the system for their own gain. There are those who will see the potential and jump in to do all they can and will stick with it even through the tough times and those who will dabble a bit and then pronounce the project dead and leave. I'd suggest that my first and last users will provide the greatest value when they move on to some other project.

Monero is my new investment....

Your proposal is good

I don't believe whales are the problem because are powering down, these pussies who are selling everything they make and don't understand the real power of steemit. I hope it won't be too late for them ​when they will realise that, the long term is the key to success​ in everything.