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hahaGreat meme but let's wait if facebook developers do something , otherwise steemit will rock for a while.

Thank you. They certainly have the capital to try, but it's not as easy as it might appear... It's not easy to re-invent a company, its ethos and its business model from the ground up. The technology itself is no breeze. Well here's hoping everyone just moves across, including the Facebook shareholders and employees. There's room enough for everyone on Steemit.

agreed. On facebook, this meme woulda made zuckerburg about $700 and then stocckholders about $200 - with the true value creator getting NOTHING.

So what? Zuckerburg created facebook. Why should he get all the fruit? GOD created earth and then made trees to bear OVER abundant fruit to ALL humans, taking NONE for himself.

Who wants to be on facebook anyway ? They are passing all your private data to intelligence services. No respect for privacy at all. I am baffled facebook has any members at all.

How do u post a picture like this man ? Mind to teach me ?
Im very noob in this wholes posting thingy
Thanks in advance !

just link in the picture and you're good....use a meme generator online and copy that link to here

Ahh i see thanks sir for ur help . :)

Eventually steemit has to use its own way of authentication. I love the concept but sucks tgat you have to go the facebook/reddit way to even register. Funny meme though.

Not a meme.. but this is what I left at Zuckerberg's playground...

I wonder when steem will replace 4chan and other imageboards ;)

lets just hope 4chan's personality doesn't come with it!

they cannot. stupid trolls will be down voted!

There are no downvotes dipshit, otherwise I'd downvote you right now.


@kingtylervvs Troll :P


Some time next month? ;)

time for the steem revolution.

This will be a revolution indeed.

first post, just joined the revelucione!

Viva La Revolución
Here's an upvote!

It's hard not to think there's something wrong with Steem It, when someone posts a meme and makes $723. Let's see how much will this last, seems unsustainable. The earnings don't represent the value of the content, and all this is doing is just bringing more people to see what this is, can't wait for Bitcoin Uncensored to do an episode and tell us if this is yet another alt-coin ponzi.

I agree that this reflects badly on the steem system as rewards should be dispersed more thoughtfully.

The payouts are ultimately decided by investors. If they think rewarding memes will increase growth, that's up to them.

I caution these investors who vote up memes to consider what will attract long term loyal users.

I hope steemit doesn't try to emulate the success of Facebook and Reddit, but instead becomes a place of thoughtful discussion and education.

an economy of discussion

thank you for not trolling me. Question, so how do these investors get any returns by upvoting a post like this one?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I guess investors upvoting this post expect similar content to spawn, which they might do because they think this kind of content is easily digested by more people.

It may be sound logic, I don't know, maybe an investor who upvoted this can explain their motivations.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

I have a fair idea of how steem works. I see your account is just 2 hours old.

If your idea of thoughtful discussion is attacking people's intellect and being a sockpuppet, then I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. You didn't add anything particularly insightful to this discussion so have a flag!

As I said in a comment below:

There is very clear favoritism among accounts with high Steem Power. Certain accounts routinely get massive rewards for content that isn't noticeably better than the rest. Some of it surely comes from high SP accounts running autovote bots to vote up the content of specific users.

unfortunately, I have already sensed this intuitively. My cash cow will be my website, and nothing else.

for a healthy system, there must be built in to the action of the system a way to prevent disapropriate distribution of wealth.

why? there is a reason facebook worth so much money they make the same if not more for the same memes
the difference is they didn't create the content but all the revenue goes to them because they own the site.
i think steemit is brilliant and an evolution of the internet time to get rid of the middle man corporate giants
that control our data our thoughts opinions and make all the profit for that!
time will tell but i think we are witnessing something amazing :)

Fucking idiots all over this shit heap.

355 likes = $1000

Yeah no.

I like how Steem It actually incentives people to most and comment. Most social media channels don't even do that...

but it isn't really working, there's way better content than this earning $0.

I don't see steem and facebook as competing products. Facebook is real people with real identities with a focus on sharing/socializing. The focus of steem is original content. They can coexist in my opinion.

This meme reminds about TSU... let's not go too fast!!

I Gues everybody is invited to facebook's funeral?

Because they could not find anyone willing to attend it :D

LOL thats a good one :)
Also that--


I did not make that meme :)

Don't think FB will be doing anytime soon cause they are in a very comfortable position. Until steemit carves into their revenue only we will be able to see some action.

Is anyone seeing the image load, then crash? It shows up for about a second and then I get the icon for an image file:

Yep i dont know yet if it is for the network


Love this meme. All the other social media sites, watch out! Steemit is coming for you and you and you!

haha that's what i'm doing and that's like what i'm saying on

using facebook is useless

Dude. How do your meme's get so much money? I can write 10 pages with cute pictures AND a funny meme... and get $0.02 lol

There is very clear favoritism among accounts with high Steem Power. Certain accounts routinely get massive rewards for content that isn't noticeably better than the rest. Some of it surely comes from high SP accounts running autovote bots to vote up the content of specific users.

unfortunately, I have already sensed this intuitively. My cash cow will be my website, and nothing else.

He He. Jokes apart, hopefully steemit can streamline better content and mature , facebook kind off popularity is not impossible. Hope to see steemit succeed and provide better social awareness as well.

This is brilliant!

steemitttt on facebook I'm not even entering

haha, for sure. Hence the "login with facebook" #trueirony

The next Facebook is here gentlemen :D

Jaajajajajjaajajajajajajaj great

wen ur making some income y will leave steem it

Shouldn't the focus of STEEM be about bridging the gap between social media and the crypto world and not about bashing them? A meme getting over $1k doesn't set the right standard for new people coming in. I would hate to see the place turn into the cesspool that reddit is.

Faceebok eliminated by steemit
happy steeming