The eivel king 2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemexclasive •  2 years ago 

Our island was the westernmost station of the incomparable Freehold of Valyria. It was the Valyrians who raised this fortress, and they had approaches to forming stone since lost to us. A palace should have towers any place two walls meet at a point, for guard. The Valyrians designed these pinnacles to look like mythical beasts to cause their post to appear to be more fearsome, similarly as they delegated their walls with 1,000 foreboding figures rather than basic crenellations. " He took her little pink hand in his own slight spotted one and gave it a delicatecrush. "In this way, nothing remains to be dreaded." Shireen was unconvinced. "And the thing overhead? Dalla and Mati were talking by the well, and Dalla said she heard the red ladylet know that it was dragonsbreath. Assuming the winged serpents are breathing, doesn't that mean they are showing signs of life? " The red lady, Maester Cressen thought acridly. sick enough that she's filled the top of the mother with her frenzy, must she poison the little girl's fantasies also? He would have a harsh word with Dalla, cautioning her not to spread such stories. "What overhead is a comet, sweet kid? A star with a tail, lost in the sky. It will be gone soon enough, never to be seen again in the course of our lives. Keep a lookout. " Shireen gave a daring little gesture. "Mother said the white raven would not joke about this not summer any longer." "That is in this way, my woman: "White ravens fly directly from the bastion." Cressen's fingers went to the chain around his neck, each connection manufactured from a different metal, each representing his authority over one more part of learning;the maester's collar, sign of his request. He had worn it with pride as a child, but it now felt heavy to him, the metal cold against his skin. "They are bigger than different ravens, and smarter, reproduced to just convey the main messages. This one came to inform us that the meeting had considered the reports and estimates made by maesters all over the domain, and that this incredible summer had finally come to an end. Furthermore, sixteen days it endured, the longest summer in living memory. " "Will it get cold now?" Shireen was a late spring kid, and had never known a genuine virus. "In time," Cressen answered. "On the off chance that the divine beings are great, they will give us a warm pre-winter and plentiful harvests, so we could plan for the colder time of year to

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