The Faithful Direction of Ramadan
Muslim Claims and Prayers Prerequisite for Fasting Existence of Faith Free from Absolute Absence and Abolition of Kufr-Oppression-Mulukiyat-Deen-Millat-Humanity
Humanity in the caliphate
(representative authority of life & humanity beyond any discrimination, flow of truth & wealth, structure of right & freedom, state and world of peace-safety & universal humanity under light of divine values; given by beloved holy Rasul)
Humanity in Khilafah is the pledge of the holy call - the stream of consciousness based on the Tawheed message of the holy call - the life structure of the call - the deposit of Karbala in the great martyrdom, without which there is no life of faith and no human life.
The security of life, dignity, rights, freedom and self-ownership of life and the combined ownership of wealth and the world given by the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) for the entire human race in the caliphate, without which truth and life are denied.
In the caliphate, humanity is free from all unjust tyrannical evil-domination-injustice-dictatorship, the state of universal humanity and free life on the basis of human equality and the whole world of humanity, without which falsehood and oppression prevail over life and the world.
In the caliphate, human life and the light of the Creator in the name of the Merciful Creator of the world is the introduction of life in the light of the Holy Prophet, without which the human soul loses the bond of the Creator and becomes part of the lie.
In Khilafah, humanity is the world of truth, justice, knowledge, dignity, rights, freedom and the welfare of all people, without which human life becomes a victim of oppression, exploitation, oppression, state terrorism and dictatorship.
In Khilafah, humanity is truth - knowledge - justice - free flow of wealth and free flow of life and freedom of life, without which truth and life are dependent and the domination of false evil forces is established.
In the caliphate, apart from humanity, Wabi-Salafi-Shia-Khareji, etc., sectarianism, materialism and nationalism, iniquity in the name of different religions and the violence of these three falsehoods - restraint - freedom of religion from the grip of oppression There is no way.
It is not only the prayers that will not be fasted if one abstains from eating and drinking by associating with materialism and mulukiyat and without rejecting all invalids; Imani life will not be, Muslim claim will be false.
Faith-Deen-Millat-Life-Caravan of Liberation from Indifference in the Crisis of Humanity in the Face of Abolitionism and War in the Face of Abolition
A life of betrayal is not a life of faith and not a way of salvation.Prayers and fasting will not be done by fighting against Islam like the party of Batil and being an ally of oppression and politics of Batil. Iman is associated with voting, prayers will not be fasted by voting for cancellation. Worship of the void and the oppressor is not accepted.
If you do not believe in the divine light as the divine light in the message, if you do not sacrifice your heart for the beloved Ahl al-Bayt, if you do not consider the enemy of the holy Ahl al-Bayt as null and void, if you do not believe in the perfection of religion. Of the caliphate
If it is not for and against Mulukiyat, then there will be no life of faith and prayers and fasting will not be an act.
Mubarakism on the occasion of Ramadan, the month of improving the heart of the believer and the month of Badr and Qadr. It is in the interest of life and fasting to dedicate oneself to the revolutionary life of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) devoted to the love and glory of the Most Merciful God and to establish humanity in the world against truth and humanity.
Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Allama Syed Saifur Rahman Nizami Shah and
Allama Syed Imam Hayat Alaihi Rahma